The 10 Worst Movies Of The Decade That Aren’t From A Major Franchise (According To IMDb)

The 10 Worst Movies Of The Decade That Aren’t From A Major Franchise (According To IMDb)

With the year 2020 quickly approaching, the current decade that we live in will come to an end. Known as the 2010s, it has been a time when major franchise movies such as ones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have really taken off. However, not every 2010s movie was successful.

RELATED: The 10 Worst Marvel Movies Of The Decade (According To IMDb) 

In fact, some movies were downright awful because of their offensive content or the lackluster execution of their ideas. But they weren’t always from major franchises, even when they tried to start a franchise themselves. Nevertheless, these are the ones we’re here to highlight, based on their low IMDb scores.

Sucker Punch (6.0)

The 10 Worst Movies Of The Decade That Aren’t From A Major Franchise (According To IMDb)

Between the male testosterone flick 300 and the polarizing superhero reboot Man of Steel, Zack Snyder directed a strange little film known as Sucker Punch. Said to be based on an original idea, it tells the story of a young woman committed to a mental hospital against her will.

Then before she’s scheduled for a lobotomy, she has several fantasies where her and several other female patients fight off hordes of various enemies while wearing skimpy clothes. On the surface, this movie claims to be empowering for women, but in reality, it’s not. In addition, the stylized visuals and repetitive action scenes made some critics compare Sucker Punch to a bad video game.

R.I.P.D. (5.6)

Prior to Ryan Reynolds’ recent popularity with Detective Pikachu and the Deadpool movies, he starred in some really bad flicks and R.I.P.D. was one of the worst. In it, he plays a cop who dies and gets put into the Rest In Peace Department (or RIPD) who hunt souls that refuse to pass onto the afterlife.

Due to its combination of comedy and action alongside having an array of different CGI monsters, various critics have claimed this movie to be a Men in Black clone. It also doesn’t help that R.I.P.D. was a major box office bomb upon release.

Jupiter Ascending (5.3)

Jupiter Ascending Movie Worst Movies IMDb

Around the early 2000s, the Wachowskis hit their stride as directors with the Matrix trilogy of films followed by V for Vendetta. Yet they also managed to create several box office failures with their latest one being ironically named Jupiter Ascending.

Released in 2015, it starred Mila Kunis as a seemingly ordinary woman who discovers she’s the reincarnation of an extraterrestrial queen and gets caught up in a political conspiracy. While it does have stunning visuals, the story and characters have been heavily criticized. Yet in recent years, Jupiter Ascending has gained a cult following among female science-fiction fans.

Movie 43 (4.3)

Since its debut, Movie 43 has gained a notorious reputation as being one of the worst films ever made. One of the contributing factors for this is many famous people were involved both in front of and behind the camera.

The story goes that the movie was intended to be an anthology comedy similar to The Kentucky Fried Movie with Hugh Jackman and Kate Winslet agreeing to be in it early on. From there, more actors signed on though some tried to back out without much success. Now, this wouldn’t be so bad if the movie’s standalone sketches were actually funny, but most of them are not.

The Devil Inside (4.2)

While a film may have mediocre or even repulsive content, nothing’s arguably worse than having a bad ending. In fact, some film endings even caused audiences to outright boo at the screen as was reported during showings of The Devil Inside.

A found footage exorcist flick, it shows the ‘documentary’ of a woman’s trip to Rome to visit her mother who’s suffering from possible demonic possession. Now this doesn’t sound like the most original concept, yet The Devil Inside managed to do financially well because of its low budget. But the audience’s negative reaction to the ending makes a sequel less likely, even though the film’s director and co-writer tried to defend it.

Smiley (3.4)

Being a relatively recent sub-genre, Internet horror movies have gotten a mixed reception. While some like Unfriended managed to do well, others like Smiley did not. Starring famous YouTubers like Shane Dawson, it focuses on a mysterious killer that appears on Chatroulette-type websites.

Informally known as Smiley, he appears whenever someone types “I did it for the lulz” in the chat three times. Now this may sound like a self-aware horror parody akin to Scream, but the film sadly plays it straight. On top of that, the movie’s director received death threats from sites like 4chan and Anonymous due to their negative portrayal in Smiley.

Jack and Jill (3.3)

Adam Sandler as both Jack and Jill

For many years, Adam Sandler comedies have been the bane of many a critic due to their low-brow humor and shameless product placement. Yet until Pixels came along, these movies did inexplicably well from a financial standpoint.

One such example was Jack and Jill, even though like Movie43,it’s considered to be infamously bad and even won every single category in the Razzies. Story-wise, the movie is about the comedic antics of its titular twin siblings who are both played by Sandler. Unfortunately, neither character is funny and the numerous celebrity cameos don’t help in the slightest.

Standing Ovation (3.2)

As far as preteen musicals go, Standing Ovation is nothing new. But it has earned the distinction of being one of the most critically disliked and least financially successful in this genre.

Starring a cast of mostly unknown actors, the movie is about preteen girls participating in a dance competition. With drama and sabotages thrown into the mix, it’s “Little more than a series of cliches” as described by The Boston Globe. Though after the film’s release in 2010, the cast members did some charity work in the form of a concert at an orphanage in the Bahamas.

The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure (2.0)

Often shortened to The Oogieloves, this is one of those children’s movies that offers very little value nor does it think highly of its audience. Though unsurprisingly, it was made by the same people who created The Teletubbies show. 

So, we get a movie that has a simple yet bloated story about three strange humanoid beings going on a bizarre quest for some magic balloons. In addition, the movie gives prompts to encourage audience participation which includes things like dancing and repeating certain phrases. Because it was a critical and commercial failure, The Oogieloves was nominated for the 2013 Razzies.

Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas (1.4)

Kirk Cameron jumping in a poster for Saving Christmas

When it comes to self-indulgent films like The Room or Moonwalker, Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas is definitely up there as being one of the worst. Also known as Saving Christmas, it won four Razzies in 2015 after being nominated for six categories.

Kirk Cameron plays a fictional version of himself as he tries to convince his brother-in-law that current Christmas traditions are connected to Christianity. Now, regardless of one’s personal thoughts about this, it should be noted this is one of the lowest rated films on IMDb. For this reason, Cameron didn’t react well to the film’s poor reception.