The 10 Most Rewatchable Old Hollywood Movies, According To Reddit

The 10 Most Rewatchable Old Hollywood Movies, According To Reddit

Movies like Jurassic Park and Top Gun are referenced quite often in popular culture because they’ve made such a big impact, and they, along with films throughout history, get so much attention because of how rewatchable they are. Most cinephiles watch the classics multiple times.

But when it comes to old Hollywood – the pre-1960s establishment when the studio system and black-and-white filmmaking were dominant – there are plenty of movies that get nothing but better after rewatch. Film fans on Reddit have taken to the platform to discuss the movies from this era that are most worthy of being viewed multiple times.

12 Angry Men (1957)

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The 10 Most Rewatchable Old Hollywood Movies, According To Reddit

Based on a one-time TV production, 12 Angry Men is a courtroom drama where the 12 jurors must determine whether an 18-year-old is guilty or innocent of the murder of his father. In the beginning, there is only one “not guilty” holdout, leading to the drama for the rest of the film.

BanjoPanda called the film “timeless” and that they couldn’t “think of a movie that aged better than this.” Its themes are universal, with the themes of guilt/innocence and how society affects its own justice system being central to the story. They are issues society is still grappling with, making BanjoPanda’s assessment spot on.

Casablanca (1942)

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Rick and Ilsa part ways on the runway

There are few movies as timeless as Casablanca for Reddit, and Typical_Humanoid is just one of many users on the site who finds it to be absolutely incredible on rewatch. “It gets better each time and there are always tidbits I missed on previous viewings,” they say. A movie or show that rewards rewatching like that is always unforgettable.

Casablanca follows a bar owner in fascist-controlled Morocco who has to choose between love and helping those fighting against fascism. Released during World War II, it was a powerful stance against the Axis Powers, and other than that it isn’t really tied to its era at all; modern viewers can enjoy it just as much as 1940s viewers could.

North by Northwest (1959)

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Roger running from the plane in North by Northwest.

A classic-movie list wouldn’t be complete without an Alfred Hitchcock entry, and North by Northwest is Dayman_ah-uh-ahhh’s recommendation when it comes to a rewatchable old film. Posting in 2017, they said, “I watched [the film] with a younger theater crowd recently and they absolutely ate it up.”

North by Northwest came when Hitchcock was at the height of his power and tells the thrilling tale of mistaken identity and government secrets. Its action scenes, especially the one involving the plane, still look great, and with the James Bond films debuting only three years later, it’s not too much of a stretch to see the influence between them; as Bond still appeals, North by Northwest unsurprisingly does, too.

The Third Man (1949)

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The Third Man

Although it wasn’t directed by the master of Citizen Kane, The Third Man is one of the best Orson Welles movies on IMDb; the famed auteur stars in a supporting role as Harry Lime, a man who has brought Holly Martins to Vienna only for it to be revealed that Lime has died, putting it on Martins to solve the case.

Redditor dontyieldbackshield says the cinematography “is hauntingly beautiful, the score is eerie … and the mystery is one of the most fascinating I’ve seen.” It’s an especially great pick for fans of film noir for those very reasons, even if it’s a later entry in that genre. Its post-war setting also looks toward the cinema of the Cold War, making it a unique middle-ground in film history.

To Have and Have Not (1944)

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Lauren Baccall and Humphrey Bogart in To Have and Have Not

For a man who starred in so many classic films, including Casablanca, one film of Humphrey Bogart’s career that’s often overlooked except by the most ardent movie-lovers is To Have and Have Not. For Artegall365, however, it’s been unjustly forgotten.

“You can really feel the chemistry between [Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall],” they assert; the two would go on to be a noteworthy Hollywood couple and star in a few other movies together, with this one being their first. Also like Casablanca, it’s a romance that takes place under the threat of fascism, so fans of that film will certainly love to watch and rewatch this one.

Singin’ in the Rain (1952)

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Debbie Reynolds in Singin' in the Rain

One of the best 1950s Hollywood movies, Singin’ in the Rain is one of the most classic Hollywood musicals ever made, as well as a great comedic take on the history of cinema, with the movie’s events taking place just as the talkie-era was beginning.

SquidgyGoat calls it “the most wonderfully ineffectious[sic] ‘old’ … movie imaginable.” It seems SquidgyGoat meant “infectious,” in the sense that its songs stick in your head and it’s a charming movie, which it certainly is. It’s also great for fans of movies about movie-making, a subgenre in which this movie stands out because of its musical nature. Regardless, it’s a definite classic.

The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)

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Robin Hood pointing his bow and arrow in The Adventures of Robin Hood

The Robin Hood story has been a staple of Hollywood for decades, from the animated Disney classic to the two ’90s movies, Men in Tights and Prince of Thieves, to the 2018 Taron Egerton adaptation. For audrey-three, The Adventures of Robin Hood, starring Errol Flynn, is “a gorgeous Technicolor swashbuckler with gorgeous art design, great action, and plenty of romance.”

Flynn was a Hollywood superstar of the era whose iteration of thieves and pirates was the Hollywood take until Pirates of the Caribbean came along, as he played the character and genre as more strait-laced. The movie may not be the most narratively interesting, but like The Wizard of Oz, it’s the movie’s place in cinema history that makes it so fun to rewatch, as audrey-three says.

The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

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Main cast of the Bridge Over The River Kwai looking into the distance.

The Bridge on the River Kwai features the original Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alec Guinness, in the role of a British commander who, along with a number of subordinates, is placed in a Japanese POW camp during the Second World War. Redditor funkaphant says “What struck me most was the editing,” seeing it as”a precursor to films like Pulp Fiction and Snatch.”

While Bridge is definitely a film of its time and follows the subject of war with seriousness, its nonlinearity in storytelling does feel distinctly modern. For fans of films like that, including but not limited to those funkaphant listed, can find something to love in the movie even if old-Hollywood films aren’t normally to their liking.

The Great Dictator (1941)

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Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator

A very accessible Charlie Chaplin comedy, The Great Dictator is a fictional exploration of a fascist dictator in the early 1940s, although it’s always been obvious to viewers that the central character is based on Adolf Hitler. Redditor wake-and-bake cites it as an “Absolutely timeless movie with [a] more-relevant-than-ever soliloquy,” referring to the final scene in the movie. No spoilers, though.

The idea of a comedy around a fascist leader may be understandably off-putting to some, although it’s obvious that The Great Dictator influenced Taika Waititi’s Oscar-winning Jojo Rabbit, down to the director starring as Hitler. For a movie so old, Great Dictator threads the needle well.

Some Like It Hot (1959)

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Some Like It Hot

Reddit user valkyrie_1290 places Some Like It Hot as “Freaking hilarious” when disagreeing with a fellow user about old movies being bad, qualifying it by saying “I’m not an old person either.” So, those from generations well beyond the initial release can enjoy the movie, but they might be curious as to what the film is actually about.

The film follows two male musicians who must disguise themselves as women in order to escape pursuing mobsters, who committed a crime the two witnessed. If including drag as a main plot point wasn’t ahead of its time, the romantic comedy’s ending has a final line/moment that would make anyone laugh, but which also feels right at home during Pride Month. Quite a feat for a film that’s 63 years old.