The 10 Most Likable Animal Characters in Pixar Movies

The 10 Most Likable Animal Characters in Pixar Movies

Some of Pixar’s most sympathetic and likable characters don’t come in the form of human characters, but rather the animals. Where plenty of films would opt to use these animal sidekicks merely as comic relief and cute companions, Pixar always ensures to make their animals interesting and unique.

Particularly in their films that take place outside the human world, their detailed characterization of animals is extremely important in getting the audience to actually care about the story. And with their unlimited freedom and eccentric abilities, animals can often be much more interesting than humans.


The 10 Most Likable Animal Characters in Pixar Movies

Although he may not be Pixar’s most compelling or memorable protagonist, there are plenty of moments in A Bug’s Life that prove Flik to be an extremely likable character. For example, his enthusiasm to escape from the everyday routine imposed upon him is a feeling that plenty of younger audiences will surely relate to.

Flik is also a very skilled character, showcasing advanced engineering and inventive abilities that set him apart from the rest of the bugs in the film. It’s part of the reason that audiences root for him to succeed, and makes him unique.


Arlo and Spot in The Good Dinosaur

Although The Good Dinosaur is one of Pixar’s less critically acclaimed films, the character of Arlo is surely one of the story’s highlights. His motivation throughout the film (returning safely to his parents and siblings) is extremely compelling, and his attitude during his journey is admirable.

Like some of the other low entries on this list, the only thing that prevents Arlo from rising any higher is the lack of development and personality given to his character. Despite being the film’s protagonist, he’s not particularly memorable when it comes to the wider scope of Pixar’s movies.



Although plenty of the main characters in Finding Nemo are bursting with likability, it’s the titular clownfish that audiences are most invested in as the film progresses. The entire film is about the search for Nemo, and it’s Nemo’s life that’s in danger.

That being said, Nemo’s small amount of screentime does certainly prevent audiences from connecting with the character on the same level as some of the film’s more prominent characters. Although this never prevents us from rooting for the character, it does stop us from relating to him on some level.


Another entry from Pixar’s fan-favorite Finding Nemo, Bruce is a character that audiences come to love over time, despite having natural hesitations to begin with. His physical appearance obviously gives the central characters pause, but as the story progresses, it becomes clear that his intentions are entirely good.

Bruce is the leader of the Fish-Friendly Sharks support group, which advocates for a more harmonious and peaceful relationship between fish and sharks. It’s a wholesome message about unity that the film continuously endorses through its unique and accepting characters.


Dory and her parents in Finding Dory

Although Dory might not be Pixar’s smartest or most reliable character, it’s clear that she always holds her friends’ wellbeings as her highest priority. She’s unrelentingly loyal to Marlin throughout the course of their journey, and she never hesitates to offer her help when necessary.

With plenty of fans claiming that Finding Dory is one of Pixar’s best sequels, it’s no surprise that audiences have connected so strongly with this character over time. She’s always funny and entertaining, whilst also offering a comforting source of friendship and loyalty throughout.


Remy in Ratatouille

As one of director Brad Bird’s best and most critically acclaimed films, Ratatouille holds a special place within the Pixar canon that makes it one of the most commonly cited “best films” in the genre. One of the reasons fans love the movie so much is because of Remy, the endlessly quotable and hilariously entertaining protagonist.

Ratatouille contains an extremely important and entirely relatable message within its accessible story about the power of food, and how it can transport us back to different times and places. Remy’s relationship with food, and the reasons he cooks in the first place, are really wholesome and relatable, making him one of Pixar’s most likable characters.


Russell, Carl, Kevin, and Dug in Up

Although Up is primarily the story of protagonist Carl and his late wife Ellie, the animals in the film play a hugely important role in the development and journey of Carl’s character. One of these animals is Kevin, an undiscovered exotic bird who joins Carl and Russell on their journey to Echo Falls.

What makes Kevin so compelling and likable is her willingness to help her friends at every step of the journey, and the way that she subverts Carl’s initial interpretations of her species. Instead of being the dangerous and hungry predator they expect, Kevin proves herself to be much more gentle and tender than that.


Coral and Marlin swimming in Finding Nemo

It’s hard not to feel sorry for Marlin throughout the course of Finding Nemo. First, his wife is murdered in a barracuda attack (along with almost all their unborn children), and then his only remaining child goes missing, leaving him totally alone and afraid.

The journey that Marlin takes throughout this film – learning to trust Dory, to be vulnerable, and never to stop searching for his son, is extremely touching and proves just how good of a father he really is. He’s a hugely likable character, and it’s no surprise that Nemo trusted his father to save him.


Rex in Toy Story

Rex might not strictly be an animal, but his resemblance to the T-Rex certainly justifies his inclusion on this list. And within the large ensemble cast of the Toy Story films, he’s undoubtedly one of the funniest and most watchable characters.

Throughout the course of the four Toy Story films to date, Rex has always been a reliable source of help and companionship to Buzz and Woody, constantly sticking by their side through all their adventures and offering a helping hand at every step. It makes him one of the best and most admirable characters Pixar has ever created.


Dug, Carl, and Russell in Pixar's Up.

When it comes to animated movies that deal with serious issues, Up has to be one of the most notorious and effective examples out there. Carl Fredricksen is one of the studio’s most interesting and well-developed characters to date, and his relationship with his companion Russell is one of the highlights of the film. However, the unrelenting loyalty of canine sidekick Dug is one of the most memorable and heartwarming features of any film.

Not only is Dug crucial in aiding Carl and Russell on their journey to Echo Falls, but he also teaches Carl a lot about himself in this vital time of self-discovery for the character. Dug teaches him that you can’t live your life alone, and that everything is made easier by having a few friends at your side to keep you company, and for that, he’s certainly Pixar’s most likable and influential furry friend.