The 10 Coolest Robot Heroes In the DC Universe (Ranked)

The 10 Coolest Robot Heroes In the DC Universe (Ranked)

There are plenty of heroes in the DC Universe, but only a few are held together with bolts and wires rather than flesh and blood. In a world filled with aliens, gods, and superhumans, robots are some of the coolest, if not most underappreciated heroes around.

Sure it’s hard to compare against cool heroes like Flash or Green Lantern, but some heroes are just as amazing, if not just as powerful. They may not be the biggest stars in the DCU, but many mechanized heroes are more than worthy of fans’ attention. Read on to discover the 10 coolest robot heroes in the DC Universe.

L-Ron is a Devoted and Loving Assistant

First appearance: Justice League International #14 (1988)

The 10 Coolest Robot Heroes In the DC Universe (Ranked)

This diminutive robot once served as the sidekick to the interstellar villain Lord Manga Khan. But L-Ron was traded to the Justice League International in exchange for Despero, putting the little robot on a more heroic path. L-Ron has mostly served in a support capacity, assisting characters like Maxwell Lord. L-Ron isn’t the most powerful robot in the DC Universe, but he’s got a plucky attitude and is always willing to lend a hand. L-Ron recently returned to the DCU working for Fire and Ice in their new lives in Smallville.

Kelex Keeps Superman’s Fortress of Solitude in Order

First appearance: The Man of Steel #1 (1986)

Kelex Guards Amanda Waller DC

Superman’s Fortress of Solitude is never empty or unprotected as long as his robotic pal Kelex is around. Kelex was once the House of El’s robot servant on Krypton and while the original one was destroyed, Kelex was recreated by the Eradicator in his attempt to re-create Krypton. Kelex is a highly advanced AI and keeps the Fortress of Solitude running smoothly. He’s also got a few powers to his name, such as flight and enhanced vision. While he’s not much for fighting, Kelex is a beloved Superman ally who offers sage advice to the Super-Family.

G.I. Robot is a Huge Asset on the Battlefield

First appearance: Star Spangled War Stories #101 (1962)

GI Robot in Combat DC

G.I. Robot isn’t simply one robot, but an entire line of automaton heroes that possess numerous advanced powers and participate in various rescue missions. The first G.I. Robot served in World War II and protected soldiers in the field. But as the years and new models came around, the G.I Robots found themselves becoming mainstay members of the Creature Commandos. While G.I. Robot’s powers depend on the model, they generally have enhanced strength and speed and contain rockets and guns in their mechanical limbs.

Eradicator Has Helped Take Down Superman’s Biggest Enemies

First appearance: Action Comics Annual #2 (1989)

Eradicator DC Comics

The Eradicator is a highly advanced artificial intelligence that has generally only one goal in mind: Preserving the sanctity of Kryptonian culture. But while the Eradicator has had his run-ins with the Super-Family, Eradicator has actually helped them take down villains such as Doomsday and Cyborg Superman. Eradicator can create a physical form modeled after Superman’s body, giving him near Superman-level power. But Eradicator also has strong technopathic abilities and can remotely take control of machinery. He can even transfer his consciousness to other forms, making him nearly indestructible.

Skeets is the Sidekick Booster Gold Needs

First Appearance: Booster Gold #1 (1986)

Skeets in Disrepair DC

When it comes to robotic sidekicks, few are as famous in the DC Universe as Booster Gold’s mechanical confidante Skeets. Skeets was once a security bot for the museum Booster used to work at in the future. Booster managed to convince the droid to follow him to the past and the two became inseparable. Skeets’ expert knowledge of history often keeps Booster grounded through the hero’s more dangerous adventures. The little robot has a lot of impressive abilities that help Booster Gold out in a pinch such as lasers, technopathy, and computer hacking skills.

The Toy Wonder Redefined the Robin Legacy

First Appearance: Young Justice #1000000 (1998)

Robin Toy Wonder DC Comics

Forget about the Boys Wonder of today. Several hundred centuries from now, the DC Universe will have one of its coolest sidekicks in the form of Robin the Toy Wonder. This version of Batman’s infamous partner is a robot whose personality is based on his Batman’s personality as a boy. Despite his small stature, this Robin is incredibly powerful and able to take on swarms of oversized aliens at once. Not only is this Robin just as acrobatic as every other one, but his body has extendable limbs preventing few from escaping his clutches.

Robotman is Far More Than a Machine

First appearance: My Greatest Adventure #80 (1963)

Maybe it’s unfair to lump Cliff Steele in this list, but as someone who calls himself ‘Robotman’, it’s hard not to include him. Robotman was born a human, after a horrible car accident, Cliff’s brain was placed in a robot to give him another chance at life. Cliff is the Doom Patrol’s super-strong, tough-as-nails mainstay and he’s always willing to face danger head-on. Cliff is almost completely indestructible, and not because of his advanced body, either. Robotman is speculated to have a ‘super-quantum consciousness’ that allows his mind to live on no matter what happens to his physical form.

Red Tornado is a Literal Force of Nature

First appearance: Justice League of America #64 (1968)

This powerful android is the result of merging technological achievement with the Earth’s greatest wind elements. The machine man was originally by T.O. Morrow to act as a spy, but the android’s body was inhabited by a tornado entity known as the Tornado Champion, creating a powerful new being, Red Tornado. In addition to being able to create powerful gusts of wind, Red Tornado has a bevy of powers such as enhanced strength, high intellect, and shape-shifting, allowing him to appear more human-like.

Hourman is a True Time Master

First appearance: JLA #12 (1997)

Hourman Being Assembled DC

Similar to Robin the Toy Wonder, the 853rd century has a robotic hero based on one from modern times. The DC One Million event introduced an android version of Hourman, aka Matthew Tyler. This version of Hourman was created to act as a replacement for the New God Metron and as such, was one of the most powerful incarnations of the Golden Age hero there’s ever been. Though limited to an hour of power, this Hourman had a complete mastery of time, allowing him to travel through time, see the future or even change history.

The Metal Men Are the DCU’s Best Odd Squad of Robots

First appearance: Showcase #37 (1962)

When it comes to robots in the DC Universe, there are no cooler ones than Dr. Will Magnus’ best achievement, the Metal Men. Magnus’ androids are bursting with personality thanks to Magnus’ responsometers that give Gold, Iron, Lead, Mercury, Platinum, and Tin their unique traits and foibles. The greatest aspect of the Metal Men is their fluid nature, which allows them to take on any form they desire, enabling them to become tools or weapons. The Metal Men might not be called on for every adventure, but they’re some of the coolest and most useful robots in the DCU.

There are dozens of mechanized heroes in the DC Universe, but these 10 stand out as the most impressive.