The 10 Biggest Ways Bucky Barnes Changed Throughout The MCU

The 10 Biggest Ways Bucky Barnes Changed Throughout The MCU

James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes is a character who has undergone many transformations in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. First introduced in Captain America: The First Avenger, Bucky was a close friend of Steve Rogers. He and Steve grew up together in Brooklyn, before Steve became Captain America. In those days, Bucky was a confident, charming individual constantly looking out for Steve and protecting him from trouble.

Everything changed when Bucky enlisted in the United States military and Steve became Captain America. From that point onward and over the course of the MCU, Bucky is one of the characters who has changed the most. These are the 10 biggest ways Bucky has changed throughout the MCU.

Relying On Steve And Taking His Lead

The 10 Biggest Ways Bucky Barnes Changed Throughout The MCU

Bucky was used to taking the lead and saving Steve from tricky situations. This changed when Steve successfully liberated Bucky and his fellow soldiers from the clutches of HYDRA. Bucky had to rely on Steve to escape and survive.

When Steve formed a group known as the Howling Commandos, Bucky once again followed his friend’s lead. He relied on Steve’s judgment and followed him on many missions, which allowed them to weaken HYDRA.

Becoming The Winter Soldier

After losing an arm and nearly dying, HYDRA transformed Bucky into the first Winter Soldier. They experimented on him and brainwashed him until he became a ruthless and formidable assassin. His memories were repressed and he became a loyal killing machine for HYDRA.

For many decades, HYDRA used him to create chaos and eliminate their enemies, including the assassination of Howard and Maria Stark. In between jobs, they’d place him in cryogenic stasis, only taking him out when they needed to use his deadly nature.

Resisting His Winter Soldier Programming

Bucky walks away after pulling Steve from the water in Captain America: The Winter Soldier

As he regained his memories, Bucky began resisting his Winter Soldier programming. Instead of completing his mission at the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, he pulled Steve out of the water and saved his life.

He was no longer a slave to his conditioning and no longer the fist of HYDRA. Bucky began making decisions for himself and slowly but surely became his own person again.

Regaining His Memories

Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes in Captain America Civil War

Bucky began regaining memories of his past, memories that had been previously repressed by his Winter Soldier programming. These memories allowed him to remember his close friendship with Steve and everything they’d been through together.

He went to the Captain America exhibit at the Smithsonian Museum in order to try to better piece together the memories. By Captain America: Civil War, Bucky even remembered specific details like that Steve’s mother was named Sarah, and Steve used to wear newspaper in his shoes. HYDRA robbed Bucky of his memories, but regaining them was essential to having autonomy and eventually regaining full control.

Becoming Friends And Allies With Former Enemies

With his memories restored and the HYDRA programming largely under control, Bucky was able to be himself again. His friendship with Steve was rekindled as the two did everything in their power to protect each other.

Bucky also made new allies, even with former enemies like Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff. He had violent encounters with these individuals in the past, but now they were able to work together and find a way forward.

Self-Isolating In Order To Be Cured Of HYDRA Programming

Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier in Wakanda at the end of Captain America Civil War

Instead of running from his past, Bucky chose to tackle it head-on. He went to Wakanda and chose to self-isolate himself in cryo-sleep stasis so Shuri and the other scientists could completely remove his Winter Soldier programming.

Bucky was finally willing to trust others and their help in curing him, even if it meant undergoing extreme conditions. He wasn’t just trusting an old friend like Steve, but the people of Wakanda who he barely knew at the time. This was a major step in becoming more trusting and finding a new way to move forward.

Becoming The White Wolf

Bucky in Wakanda

Shuri and the other scientists in Wakanda successfully removed all the Winter Soldier programming from Bucky. Cured and fully in control for the first time in many years, Bucky began a peaceful, quiet life in Wakanda.

He became known as the White Wolf and spent his time farming, entertaining children, and learning about the marvels of Wakanda. It was an incredible transformation from the sinister assassin he’d been not so long ago.

Fighting As The White Wolf

Bucky’s tranquil existence could only go on for so long. With Thanos’s army on its way, King T’Challa needed every soldier available to defend Wakanda and give time to free Vision from the Mind Stone. For the first time, Bucky would have to fight as the White Wolf.

As much as Bucky didn’t want to return to violence, the difference this time is he was fighting to protect the people who saved his life and refused to give up on him. Unlike when he was the Winter Soldier or on the run as a fugitive, this time Bucky was in control of his actions and fighting for something much more important than self-preservation. He fought alongside Captain America and the people of Wakanda in both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame.

Closure With Steve

bucky Steve avengers endgame

Bucky’s identity in the MCU was always heavily intertwined with Steve. First, he was Steve’s best friend and they ended up fighting side by side during World War II. When Bucky resurfaced many decades later as the Winter Soldier, Steve became his sworn enemy, and HYDRA made it Bucky’s mission to destroy him. In Captain America: Civil War, Steve’s defiance of the Sokovia Accords and everything they stood for was done in the name of protecting Bucky from the rest of the Avengers and governments around the world.

When they said goodbye in Avengers: Endgame, Bucky and Steve found closure with one another. He knew what Steve planned to do when he traveled into the past and accepted it, along with accepting the decision to pass on the shield to Sam Wilson. It wasn’t just two longtime friends saying goodbye, but it also meant Bucky having to create a new identity for himself, one that isn’t reliant on Steve Rogers.

Taking On A New Role For Phase 4

falcon and the winter soldier

Bucky will play a key role in the Disney+ show The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, which will be one of the first stories in Phase 4 of the MCU. While the full extent of this role remains to be seen, it will involve Bucky working more closely with Sam Wilson than ever before.

In Avengers: Endgame, Steve passed on his iconic shield to Sam, making him the new Captain America. Bucky will help Sam navigate this new, weighty mantle as their relationship evolves and they take on a host of new challenges.