The 10 Best Science Fiction/Fantasy Couples In Movies

The 10 Best Science Fiction/Fantasy Couples In Movies

Whether the focal point or a side story, romance has made its way into major film franchises and stand-alone films across the globe. Major properties like Marvel, even in the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder, have made a regular habit of including romance in their storylines.

When done properly a romance can further a story, and develop a character. The best couples in film, particularly within the science fiction and fantasy genre have done this, but in a way that also makes the audience understand their romance and wants it to continue.

David Norris & Elise Sellas – The Adjustment Bureau

The 10 Best Science Fiction/Fantasy Couples In Movies

When speaking of a couple that for all intents and purposes should not exist, it’s David and Elise from The Adjustment Bureau. Most, if not all, of the movie is about a group of people keeping this ballerina and politician apart.

David and Elise possess a certain magnetism that other couples don’t have in film. Their chemistry is palpable. It’s felt by the audience when the pair meet and as they fall in love.  When they are separated by the inclinations of the bureau, it’s their determination to stay together that truly makes them a tour de force. They refuse to be without one another, and the audience refuses that possibility too.

Theodore & Samantha – Her

Theodore looks at a bright computer monitor in the dark in Her

This couple is an example of one of the most unexpected romances in history to date.  During Her, the audience follows the story of Theodore, falling in love with his operating system, Samantha. Theodore is an individual struggling post-divorce and Samantha becomes not only his work partner but confidant.

The film builds a strong, and somewhat unexpected, understanding for the audience, which is this: a partner possessing a physical body isn’t necessary.  This is all due to Samantha and Theodore having constructed a solid foundation. They learn so much about who they are through their integral conversations. Because of this, the audience genuinely wants to see them interact and succeed.

Officer K & Joi – Blade Runner 2049

K and giant hologram in Blade Runner 2049.

Blade Runner 2049 produced another example of a couple in which only one party member was a real physical human being.  Joi should be just a hologram, a program for Officer K to go home to at the end of the day, but she far surpasses that.

The pair are two of the best characters from Blade Runner.  For their short amount of screen time, Joi and Officer K’s relationship has a lot of substance. It’s true that the pair can’t touch. She’s not a tangible human being, but it doesn’t undermine how connected the pair are to each other. Their relationship is deeply personal and emotional, a foundation other science fiction and fantasy couples don’t possess.

Tristan Thorne & Yvaine – Stardust

Claire Danes and Charlie Cox in Stardust

Author Neil Gaiman brought audiences a romp through a fun, funny, and interesting fantasy world when he created Stardust. He also brought a sweet and somewhat initially antagonist couple in Tristan Throne and Yvaine.

When first introduced to the couple, the two could not have been farther apart in desire or mission.  Tristan is simply trying to impress another woman by bringing her a star and Yvaine is just trying to return to the sky. It’s their journey to obtain these goals that show how great of a couple they are together. Tristan grows as a person while traveling with Yvaine, and she learns about the wonders of physical, tangible life. Their romance begins with bickering, transition to understanding, and then becomes real true love.

Arwen & Aragorn – Lord of the Rings

Arwen and Aragorn kiss in The Lord Of The Rings

The Lord of the Rings is a fantasy saga unlike any other.  It has a myriad of qualities that make it a longstanding beloved and famous property. It has extreme detail in its world-building, a band of complex and unique characters, and one of the best fantasy couples to date.

Arwen and Aragorn don’t receive a large amount of screen time together, but they also don’t need it. The film does an excellent job of providing the importance of their emotional understanding and support of one another. As Aragorn is one of the long-lived Dunedin and Arwen an immortal elf, the two are better off separating than staying together. Still, through Aragorn’s journey to become King, fans can feel the connection the two share.

Han & Leia – Star Wars

Han and Leia arguing on the Hoth base in Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back

As far as famous science fiction couples are concerned, Han and Leia have great moments and are never going to be overlooked.  Their romance was ingrained with fans the moment Leia confessed her love before Han was frozen in carbonite.

The two have always a certain amount of friction on screen. Leia, a sassy and bossy princess, matched with Han, an overly confident smuggler was sure to have a difference of opinion. Even so, their passion for each other is undeniable. They constantly seek to rile each other and give an audience an entertaining on-screen couple they love to watch.

Leeloo Dallas Multipass & Corben Dallas – The Fifth Element

Leeloo and Korben Dallas with the Fifth Element multipass.

The Fifth Element has become one of those cult science fiction films that no one can forget. Among the many reasons for its popularity is the relationship between Leeloo and Corben.

This couple has one of the roughest beginnings of any romance, with Leeloo crashing into the back of Corben’s cab. His physiological reaction to seeing her for the first time is telling. He’s instantly attracted and protective of her even though Leeloo doesn’t need that protection.  It’s this that makes them one of the best science fiction couples. They are two capable individuals in terms of skill. They don’t need each other but they want to be together, and at the end of the film, the audience wants that too.

Wade Watts & Samantha Cooke – Ready Player One

Wade Watts and Samantha Cook looking in the same direction in Ready Player One

In this book turned to film by Ernest Cline, Ready Player One introduces science fiction fans to Wade Watts and Samantha Cook. The pair team up on a mission to find complete the challenge set forth by James Halliday.

It’s clear from the first moment Wade meets Samantha he is instantaneously enamored with her. She is an impressive force with both her knowledge of James Halliday’s life and her determination to win the contest. Her passion for winning affects Wade in more ways than one.  Her desire to make the Oasis a safe place draws Wade out of his shell and into becoming a better protagonist, one who wants to do good. In return, Wade softens Samantha’s rough edges. He introduces her to the possibility of real partnership and romance. It’s truly an example of two people better together than apart.

Evie & Rick – The Mummy

Rick, Alex, and Evie looking at something in shock in The Mummy Returns

The Mummy has been a fan favorite film since its release in 1999.  It is undoubtedly one of Brendan Fraser’s best films and delivers a fantastic couple in Rick and Evie.

It’s safe to say, Evie and Rick do not come from the same walk of life. Evie is a proud librarian with no field experience while Rick has had nothing but field experience during his life as a soldier. When watching the two interact, the audience can see they have much interest in what the other has to say about their lives and experiences. What’s better though is how much they grow from these conversations.  Evie truly becomes a more physical force, and Rick a more emotional and thoughtful person.

Tony Stark & Pepper Potts – Iron Man

Tony and Pepper standing on a balcony at a fundraiser in Iron Man

Tony and Pepper’s love story grew from the first Iron Man to its devastating but fitting end in Avengers: Endgame. From their initial flirtations to their life as a full-fledged family, the audience has seen their entire journey.

What’s most interesting about Tony and Pepper is how much they shouldn’t work as a couple. Pepper is such an example of a pragmatic, and grounded human being.  Tony is the opposite, his emotions often lead him into reacting quickly without thinking. Yet from years of having worked together the two developed an understanding of who the other is on a core level. Their differences should tear them apart but instead, they complement each other and ultimately paint them as two halves of one whole.