The 10 Best Sci-Fi Storylines Of The Decade, Ranked

The 10 Best Sci-Fi Storylines Of The Decade, Ranked

The last decade has produced some of the best (and worst) science fiction movies and TV shows that we’ve ever seen. It’s difficult to say which are the best because there’s been so many over this period of time. Some of the stories that have been told have been amazing.

While there are some major omissions because not everything could be fit in, there are 10 huge science fiction stories on this list that have defined the 2010s and will continue to influence both cinema and television into the far future.


The 10 Best Sci-Fi Storylines Of The Decade, Ranked

There have been many powerful and moving films about robots over the years but none has explored the complexities of the subject quite like Ex Machina. The fantastic cast helped to tell this very intricate story about a man and a machine.

The human element of this film almost became obsessed and fell in love with the robot. However, like so many other versions of this tale, the robot eventually breaks out, with the AI becoming far too intelligent to ever be held back by a normal life.


Looper is one of the most original tales on this list. Without source material or anything else to base this on, Rian Johnson created an intriguing world that allowed for a rich story to unfold across time.

The idea that murders are so outlawed that people must send their victims back in time to become trained hitmen is really interesting. The added layer that eventually each of these killers must murder themselves makes this far more interesting to follow.


Arrival was another really unique tale for this genre. Normally when an alien race invades, they usually bring with them destruction and murder. However, this film tried to tell a very different story, one that was helped by the performance of Amy Adams.

While the timeline element of the film was slightly confusing, the concept of communication between the two species was something we hadn’t seen before. Add to it this completely alien language that actually works and we’re fascinated by this story.


Ryan Gosling and Ana de Armas in Blade Runner 2049

Blade Runner 2049 was the perfect follow up to the original classic. It managed to carry on asking the significant questions that we all needed the answers to, as well as continue to define the cinematography of the genre and the special effects.

The story itself though was a unique one. Tasked with essentially protecting a unique child and investigating the differences between this world of replicants and humans, we’re taken on an interesting journey with a massive twist that defines the whole film.


Rick and Morty have redefined animation on Adult Swim and added a lot of new layers to the science fiction genre. The writing of Dan Harmon has meant a lot of philosophical thinking and genuine science fiction themes have been added to the show.

The stories are compelling and the overall narrative of a grandson and granddad who don’t quite see eye to eye is especially interesting. Throw in dimension hopping with a portal gun and space travel that opens up a universe of exploration and we have endless adventures to enjoy.


Edge of Tomorrow

Tom Cruise is already coming up with sequel ideas for this novel concept and we can’t wait to see what story he comes up with next. This film takes the repeating time idea we’ve seen in the past but drags it out further than we’ve ever seen.

The day repeats itself until the battle is won. However, every sacrifice could be very real if suddenly time goes back to normal and the cycle no longer continues. This is a high stakes story and one that was a sleeper for quite a while until people came to appreciate it.


Another story about robots rising up and this one is far more complex now. The ongoing tale of the theme park world of amusements and delights takes a dark turn very quickly, where it’s revealed just how badly the guests abuse the robots.

What makes matters worse is that the robotic hosts appear to be gaining some sort of sentient life, all because of their creator. This is one of the most compelling and gripping TV shows currently available and continues to elevate the science fiction genre.


Christopher Nolan has contributed two masterpieces to the decade and we will discuss each individually. The first explores the concept of dreams and how they can be controlled. The initial description of this film is captivating.

However, the actual story that is told is simple enough, essentially being broken down into a family that is trying to repair itself. Once we add back all of these other blockbuster elements, it feels far more complex and sophisticated.


The same can be said for this other sci-fi blockbuster. Much like Nolan’s other attempt at the genre, this is essentially a film about family once more. But as the crew travels through space, the themes and ideas get more complex throughout.

An ancient species and difficult concepts about time are all added to the plot which makes this even more interesting to follow. It’s the kind of story that has to be viewed a couple of different times to truly understand what it’s saying.


Guardians of the galaxy

The final film on this list is one of the major Marvel movies to dip into the science fiction genre. While the film takes place in deep space, with a talking tree and a raccoon that shoots guns, it’s also a film about a disjointed family finding one another.

The story of this film is perhaps rivaled by the sequel that actually looks at the relationship between a father and son. Both of these films also have the ongoing romance between Gamora and Peter which eventually becomes something truly special… until it’s ripped away.