The 10 Best Running Gags In That ’70s Show That Need To Be In That ’90s Show

The 10 Best Running Gags In That ’70s Show That Need To Be In That ’90s Show

That ’70s Show, the sitcom that introduced viewers to a lovable group of teenagers, is officially getting a reboot called That ’90s Show, to be released later in 2022. The original show was so successful and full of great laughs and heartfelt moments that fans just couldn’t get enough.

The hilarious sitcom was known for delivering some of the funniest running gags. Some of those jokes became so big that they worked themselves into larger societal use and pop culture. And with many of the show’s original cast returning for the reboot, there are several jokes fans hope to return with them.

The Circle

The 10 Best Running Gags In That ’70s Show That Need To Be In That ’90s Show

The circle is possibly the longest and most iconic running gag throughout the show. The teens all gather around close to partake in some extracurricular activities that may or may not be legal, depending on one’s state..

The ’70s was a decade that was still very much the pinnacle of the hippie archetype and the show did not shy away from it. With the new show taking place in the ‘90s, there isn’t too much that would have changed in the years between in regard to the gang’s favorite pastime, and is something many think That ’90s Show must include.

“Foot In Your A**”

Red Forman looking confused in That '70s Show.

While most people consider Red Forman to be a good dad, he certainly has a way with words and a way with people. Many a time on the original show, whenever he was angry or frustrated, Red’s go-to threat was to put his foot in someone’s a**. And he often delivered this thread in a colorful and unique way.

If there’s one thing that fans can count on, it’s Red Forman being tough as nails. There’s a chance that the subsequent years after That ’70s Show may have softened him a bit, but certainly not to the point of giving up threatening foolishness with a swift kick in the rear.

“I Said Good Day!”

Fez says I said good day in That '70s Show.

Fez, the foreign exchange student with more than a few unique mannerisms, certainly left a lasting impression with this one. Whenever Fez stormed out of a conversation, a normal goodbye just wouldn’t suffice.

The vocal equivalent of slamming a door on the way out, Fez’s “I said good day” is one of the greatest ways to leave any exasperating conversation with a huff. It’s something so iconic to the character that it’s very likely to still be a part of his vernacular in the ‘90s and probably will be for the rest of Fez’s life.

Jackie & Kelso: On-Again-Off-Again

Jackie & Kelso on the sofa in That 70s Show.

Jackie and Kelso epitomized the on-again-off-again relationship. Through petty squabbles, incompetent bickering, and hilarious one-upmanship, it’s the toxic relationship that fans just can’t get enough of.

While Jackie and Kelso didn’t end up together in the finale of That ’70s Show, there is potential for them to pass the torch to a new young couple struggling to make degrading each other into a working relationship.

Where Is Fez From?

Wilmer Valderrama as Fez in That 70s Show

Fez likes to wear his emotions on his sleeve but somehow manages to be extremely secretive about his origins, a joke that maybe would not fly today. The foreign exchange student has been asked about what country he is from on several occasions but always seems to dodge the question.

With Wilmer Valderrama set to reprise his role as Fez in the upcoming reboot/revival, Fez likely still hasn’t given up the information he has kept secret since fans last saw him. His friends and the fans may never find out exactly where Fez is from, and maybe it’s better that way and doesn’t actually matter.

Falling Off The Water Tower

Everyone on the water tower in That 70s Show

What do unsupervised and bored teens stuck in the middle of nowhere Wisconsin do? Climb the water tower, of course. And it almost always goes poorly.

Throughout the show, nearly all the members of the friend group have fallen from the water tower at some point, so much so that it became a funny joke that no one had ever gotten seriously hurt from the dangerous fall. Until poor Charlie. It’s a safe bet that someone will be continuing the tradition of taking a tumble off the rickety overlook at the “Charlie Richardson Memorial Water Tower.”

Star Wars! Star Wars! Star Wars!

That 70s Show characters as Star Wars characters

Anyone who knows Eric Forman knows he is a Star Wars superfan. Falling in love with the movie immediately when seeing it in the theater with his friends, Eric was one of the very first die-hards of the galaxy far far away.

Eric’s love of the sci-fi phenomenon has worked itself into several jokes over the course of the show and is a large part of the character’s identity. While the Star Wars saga was on a long break in the ‘90s, the reboot could still show Eric’s persevering love of the franchise during its hiatus or even reinvent the obsession with a new IP. Star Trek perhaps?


Kelso Says Burn on That 70s Show

One thing the show popularized was the use of “burns” in everyday friendly arguments and pranks. The term is used to emphasize just how badly someone got “got” by one of their friends often hilarious hijinks.

Even though the gang will be older when they return, they may not have matured much and the classic “burns” they dole out are sure to have stuck with them. Whether it’s peanut butter on the headset, supergluing a radio nob, or just a witty and hurtful comeback, “burns” are sure to be heavily featured in the upcoming show.

Kitty’s Love Of Cocktails

Kitty Forman pouring drink on That 70s Show

Kitty is an icon and there is several things about her that make her stand out as the ultimate mom. One of those attributes happens to be a running gag that she tends to enjoy the occasional cocktail or two.

While on the show, Kitty can be seen on numerous occasions with a drink in her hand and a tipsy disposition that leads to some of her funniest moments. Like a lot of people, Kitty’s social filter tends to come off with a few drinks and her full honesty comes out.

Fez & Kelso’s Bromance

Kelso and Fez about to kiss in That '70s Show

During their time on That ’70s Show, Fez and Kelso developed quite a unique and passionate friendship that is one of the best in the series. Fez tends to look up to Kelso in a special kind of way and the two love to goof around with each other.

But their friendship tends to have something more than the others in the group. Their closeness often led them to take jokes further than the other friends are comfortable with and, at one point, Fez even has a spicy dream about his friend. It’s definitely a friendship that can stand the test of time and one that fans want to see more of.