The 10 Best Quotes In Claws

The 10 Best Quotes In Claws

After a lengthy hiatus, Claws is back for its final season, with most of the fan-favorite characters returning. While trying to keep the Nail Artisans salon afloat, Desna and her team of manicurists have found themselves partnering up with the wrong people and getting deeper into the world of organized crime. It only gets crazier from there in the candy-colored crime dramedy.

What mostly makes the show palatable is its colorful cinematography and incredible cliffhangers. Additionally, the characters are interesting enough to make viewers invested in them from boss Desna to the simplicity of Roller. The dialogue also tends to be golden, with everyone having a lot of snappy dialogue, banter, and ready one-liners that are effortlessly delivered.

When Desna Gives Ken A Dressing Down

“There’s Nothing In This World Quite As Useless As A Useless Man.” – Desna

The 10 Best Quotes In Claws

Ken panics when Russian gangsters show up at the nail salon and begin counting customers. He calls Desna, claiming he doesn’t know what to do and she isn’t impressed.

Actress Niecy Nash often brings out Desna’s frustrations brilliantly, something that qualifies her as one of the best black female leads in TV shows. Here, Desna is frustrated by Ken’s attitude. She has always been resourceful too and she likes being around people that share the same trait too. Since the salon is full of ladies, she isn’t too thrilled that the only man around would run to her for help. Left with no choice, Desna is forced to confront the gangsters by herself.

When Virginia Discusses How To Cover Up A Murder With Desna

“I Am Too Cute For Prison.” – Virginia

Virginia and Desna discuss how to get rid of a body in Claws

In one of the moments that reminds fans why Claws should be in the discussion for the best TV shows with badass female leads, Desna and Virginia casually discuss ways to cover up Roller’s ‘murder.’ Desna suggests they pin it on the Coombs but Virginia isn’t too sure she wants to participate.

Virginia is the perfect symbol of self-love. She adores herself. Even in a nail salon where most people look good, she strives to make herself look better than everyone else. And unlike her colleagues, she is also not so fond of doing the dirty work. Her preferences mostly lie in salon work, gossip, and dating.

When Polly Hears Ann Gossipping

“Well, Aren’t You The Chattanooga Chatterbox Today?” – Polly

Polly mocks Ann about her sudden talkative nature in Claws

Since she never says much, masseuse Annalisa Zayas has earned herself the nickname Quiet Ann. Polly is therefore surprised when she walks into the salon and finds her gossiping about one of her love interests.

Polly is ever upbeat and whenever she gets the opportunity to make fun of one of the ladies, she takes it. By referring to Ann as the Chattanooga Chatterbox, she is not only displaying amusement at the fact that she finally decided to talk but also revealing she just found out that Ann is from Chattanooga, Tennessee. Initially, Ann had kept this information a secret.

When Dean Lets Virginia Know He Interested In Her

“It Would Be Weird If You Were Searching For A Boyfriend When You Have Me.”

Dean stands in Claws.

Desna’s autistic brother Dean is ordinarily keener on garnering knowledge than dating but when he meets Virginia, all that changes. At first, he doesn’t tell her how much he likes her but when she realizes she is searching for a boyfriend, he makes it clear.

With the statement, Dean announces himself as a candidate for Virginia’s heart. It works because the two not only make love but end up getting engaged. Though it doesn’t last that long, their relationship can be considered one of the best in the series. Both care for each other so much that even after they part ways, they remain close friends.

When Jen Warns Desna About Partnering With Uncle Daddy

“Uncle Daddy Don’t Know S*** But How To Spend Money.” – Jen

Jen dissuades Desna from partnering with Uncle Daddy in Claws

Eager to grow her salon, Desna considers partnering up with the drug lord, Uncle Daddy. Jen thinks it’s a bad idea since Uncle Daddy is more hedonistic than business savvy.

Jen is right about Uncle Daddy since the character that has made Claws one of the best shows about the drug trade is mostly seen hanging out in nightclubs or taking drugs. Additionally, Uncle Daddy happens to be very aggressive and intimidating. Whoever partners with him often find themselves watching over their backs because the drug lord’s temper might cause him to snap at any given moment.

When Roller Explains Why He’d Never Quit Crime

“Monkeys Don’t Sling Bananas!”

Roller reappears after a long absence in Claws

After being presumed dead for a while, Roller reappears something that shocks everyone. His brother Bryce had specifically thought he had given up on being a criminal and relocated to another place but Roller assures him that that can never happen.

Roller’s quote is a slang twist on the phrase, “monkeys don’t sell bananas.” He is specifically making it clear that just as monkeys love bananas too much to ever part with them, he loves crime too much to ever willingly walk away from it. The only reason he had disappeared is that the ladies had conspired against him.

When Ken Treats Bryce

“I Swear To God, Rednecks Have 9 Lives.”

Dr. Ken treats Bryce in Claws

While treating Bryce for his injuries, Ken can’t help but wonder how he survived after getting shot, getting set on fire, and getting pushed into the ocean. He thus comes up with a rather hilarious conclusion.

The Suncoast Rejuvenation doctor is known to be as comical as he is unethical. Here, audiences can’t help but share in his amusement as he wonders whether Bryce is immortal. Just like his brother, he has found himself in multiple dangerous situations in the past but he miraculously came out of all of them alive.

When Uncle Daddy’s Business Begins To Crumble

“Now Look At Me. Might As Well Be A Fart In A Fan Factory.”

Uncle Daddy complains about his fall from Grace in Claws

When his drug business begins to fall apart, Uncle Daddy laments how he once had it all: power, money, a wife, and a boy toy. He then goes on to compare himself to a fart.

Understandably, Uncle Daddy feels this way since he is used to getting the fine things in life. He specifically doesn’t like the fact that people like Desna have now grown more powerful than him, making him unable to control them. Luckily for him, his fall from grace soon comes to a halt and his business picks up once again.

When Ann Demands That Desna Stops Shutting Her Out

“You Need Something Taken Care Of, You Come To Me. That’s What I’m Here For.”

Ann complains to Desna about a lack of opportunities in Claws

Ann isn’t happy when Desna starts leaving her out of some of her most important plans as she is dealing with the Russians. She, therefore, makes sure to lament.

Ann doesn’t speak much but she is always at her best while performing ‘enforcer’ tasks. She has proven to be good at fighting and intimidating people so far. A part of her always creates for action and when Desna begins sidelining her, she becomes concerned, thinking he might be planning to cut her off.

When Eve Flirts With Uncle Daddy

“Thank You. I Like Your Face Too.”

Eve flirts with Uncle Daddy in Claws

Uncle Daddy once flirts with Ann’s yoga instructor, Eve, and comes up with a rather amateur pickup line. He compliments her, telling her that he likes her face and to his surprise, she tells him that she likes his too,

The pickup line is so rare and basic that it immediately comes off as funny. What makes it even funnier is that Uncle Daddy isn’t exactly the most handsome male character on the show. There is little to admire about his face but in joyful flirting, anything goes. But since Eve is into yoga and knows what constitutes a great appearance, her words can pass as believable.