The 10 Best Margo & Eliot Moments In The Magicians

The 10 Best Margo & Eliot Moments In The Magicians

Syfy’s The Magicians is a groundbreaking show in many ways, and the refreshingly unique approach it has taken to Margo and Eliot’s relationship is one of those ways. Throughout five seasons, these two characters have gone through a lot together and on their own, which has only made them that much stronger and more compelling to watch. Margo Hanson, the charismatic woman who isn’t afraid to speak her mind, and Eliot Waugh, the quiet-until-one-gets-to-know-him type, are an unlikely pair — strictly speaking, not even a pair — but they have captured the viewers’ hearts with their first scene and have never let go of them.

Margo and Eliot’s relationship is truly indescribable since they seem to be something more than close friends, and yet they are not exactly in a romantic relationship either. They are platonic (for the most part) soul mates who are a total delight together, and they make The Magicians one of the best TV shows from Syfy. Two great TV characters, Margo and Eliot are two opposites that just work well with one another, and they have proven that time and time again during their numerous crises.

10 When Eliot Calls Margo “Bambi”

The 10 Best Margo & Eliot Moments In The Magicians

“Bambi” is a special nickname that Eliot has for Margo, and he is the only one who is allowed to call her that. Eliot and Margo’s bond is special, so this way of expressing that affection signifies what they mean to each other. There are so many instances throughout the series where Eliot endearingly refers to Margo as “Bambi,” and every time the viewers’ hearts melt with adoration for these two. The fact that the Bambi nickname originated behind the scenes of The Magicians thanks to Summer Bishil, who played Margo, and slipped into the show is a bonus.

9 When Margo Gives Eliot Some Perspective

Eliot in The Magicians Season 2 Finale

Margo and Eliot are both rulers of Fillory, however, that doesn’t mean they are in equal positions. The Magicians season 3, episode 7, “Poached Eggs” makes it abundantly clear when Eliot suggests giving up the Kingdom to the Fairy Queen, and Margo, in turn, reminds him that the power to rule hasn’t come as easy to her as it has to him, which is why he can’t understand what she has been through. This scene is not the most heartfelt talk between Eliot and Margo, but it showcases how important it is for Margo to be her own person, even if it means speaking hard truths.

8 When Eliot And Margo Are In A Time Loop

Eliot and Margo in a Time Loop in The Magicians

The Magicians season 5 does not feel the same without Quentin, who gets killed off in season 4, but Eliot and Margo save the day — the Groundhog Day it is. Season 5, episode 6, “Oops!…I Did It Again,” which is also the name of a song by Britney Spears, allows for a strong-as-ever collaboration between everyone’s favorite partners in crime, Eliot and Margo. Another apocalypse is nigh, but the magicians find a way to stop it. Unfortunately, they get stuck in a time loop, and Eliot and Margo are the only ones who realize what circumstances they have gotten themselves into, and they do so brilliantly and hilariously as always.

7 When Eliot And Margo Speak In Pop Culture References

Margo Looking Shocked in The Magicians

This scene from The Magicians season 3, episode 1, “The Tales of the Seven Keys” is simply “peak” Eliot and Margo. Their relationship has always been on the next level, but this moment just proves that they don’t need words to understand each other — or at least words commonly used in that context. Eliot and Margo’s conversation carried out entirely in pop culture references perfectly sums up their deep connection that goes beyond that of “normal” friends. Not only does it solve the actual problem of not getting overheard by the fairy queen, but it is also incredibly funny in the best fashion of The Magicians.

6 When Eliot Sees The Good In A Bad Situation

Hale Appleman as Eliot in The Magicians

Eliot can sometimes be a bit clueless about the world around him, but Margo still loves him. In The Magicians season 1, episode 10, “Homecoming,” Margo discovers that her ex-boyfriend Lasaro has made a living copy of her in the form of a golem after she has broken his heart. Naturally, she is furious, since this is not only an invasion of privacy and potential sexual assault, but also a way to put her life in harm’s way. Eliot doesn’t seem to understand the gravity of the situation at first, instead choosing to focus on the fact that there’s a golem of Margo that he can endearingly call Margolem.

5 When Eliot Crowns Margo As His High Queen

Eliot and Margo as High King and Queen of Fillory in The Magicians

Eliot and Margo have plenty of heartwarming moments in The Magicians. Yet one scene from season 2, episode 1, “Knight of Crowns” takes the crown, namely the one where Eliot names his friend High Queen Margo the Destroyer, followed by his affectionate words for her, “I have known what you truly are since the day we met. Long may you reign,” and an even more tear-jerking kiss on the forehead. The two seem to be proud of how far they have come together, and this scene is a classic Eliot and Margo moment that serves as a reminder of why this duo is indestructible and fiercely loved by audiences.

4 When Eliot and Margo Acknowledge the Problem

Eliot and Margo Looking Perplexed in The Magicians

Eliot and Margo may come off as superficial and shallow to those who do not know them very well, and they are well aware of that. In The Magicians season 2, episode 5, “Cheat Day,” Eliot and Margo deliver a hilarious dialogue after Tick, the royal advisor, outdoes the pair in snobbiness. Margo hilariously acknowledges the problem, saying, “When we’re the least snobby people in a room, there’s something wrong with the room.” This is an iconic line that can and should be used as a cautionary tale by those who need such a thing to keep themselves restrained.

3 When Eliot Is Margo’s Biggest Supporter

Eliot Holds Margo's Face in The Magicians

Eliot and Margo always have each other’s backs, be it verbal support or by taking action. The Magicians season 2, episode 6, “The Cock Barrens” is a perfect example of their undying bond. In the episode, Prince Ess of the Kingdom of Loria tries to interfere with Fillory’s affairs, but Margo is not having it. When she is telling off the prince for messing with her Kingdom, Eliot is adorably agreeing with her every word, like the proper cheerleader that he is. Plus, this is the same scene where Margo gives this gem of a one-liner: “And now we’re gonna put our Jimmy Choos so far up your a**, you’re gonna taste next season.”

2 When Margo Saves Eliot’s “Actual Life”

Eliot Stands in the Throne Room Dressed as a Royal

Margo and Eliot have saved each other and their friends quite a few times, but the scene when Margo shoots the hunter who is about to attack Elliot is on another level. The latter’s peculiar yet logical explanation as to why he didn’t move in time and his follow-up line, “Margo, you saved my actual life”, make for a bittersweet moment. Margo’s initial shock at the heartbreaking decision she has had to make transforms straight into dark humor mixed with a dash of sadness, and that’s what her and Eliot’s relationship is all about most of the time. Still, she has saved his “actual life.”

1 When Margo Gives Up Her Eye for Eliot

High King Margo Stands in the Throne Room in Fillory Wearing Her Eye Patch and Crown in The Magicians

Margo hasn’t always made the best decisions, and one of those not-so-good ones is giving away Eliot and Fen’s child. In an attempt to right her wrong and mend her friendship with Eliot, Margo goes to the fairy realm and ends up losing one of her eyes as a price of going back to her world. That does not make up for the terrible mistake she has made, but it is a start — and a good one at that, not just saying sorry and moving on with her life. The Magicians has always known to hit its viewers where it hurts, especially when it comes to Margo and Eliot, and that moment is truly heartbreaking.

Margo and Eliot have had their ups and downs, but they have always pulled through for each other. Their relationship has stood the test of time, and it remains one of the best-written storylines both on The Magicians and on television. Not only have these two shown the audience what it means to be a devoted friend and partner, but they have also represented a unique kind of connection between two people that does not require labels — only understanding, compassion, and a lot of love for one another. The Magicians started as a fantasy series that strived to become teen Harry Potter, but it ended up being so much more.