The 10 Best Cliffhangers On Supergirl

The 10 Best Cliffhangers On Supergirl

With Supergirl’s sixth and final season, most things were wrapped up sufficiently for fans, but the show didn’t go out without a few more cliffhangers and the undying fan speculation that Kara and Lena were meant to be. Much like in other CW universes, these cliffhangers were a prime way for the characters to have shocking discoveries and even more challenging battles.

Supergirl brings in exciting new worlds and extraterrestrial characters so often that it can be hard to remember the many great cliffhangers that shaped the show. And of course, the show loved to keep fans guessing during long periods of time, like season hiatuses or entire summers.

Nyxly Is Still Alive 

The 10 Best Cliffhangers On Supergirl

Season 6’s midseason finale is the last hiatus of the show. The episode is based on fear, as it’s the weapon used in the Phantom Zone. As the heroes all express their fears and provide a character-driven episode, fans were left tearing up and of course, left with some typical midseason Supergirl cliffhangers.

The midseason finale throws its audience into the deep end, leaving fans fooled throughout the whole episode. Alex’s fear that she would mess everything up, especially with those she loves, rippled through everyone’s fears. It leaves viewers wondering if the Super Friends will recover from these mind tricks and if Kara will recover from being in the Phantom Zone. The hiatus was one of the longest, leaving more than three months from the spring hiatus to the next episode!

The ‘Crisis On Infinite Earth’ Set Up

Pariah in Arrowverse New Costumes

In season 5’s midseason finale, Supergirl is finally brought into ‘The Crisis On Infinite Earths’ fold. The first “Crisis” tease deals with the Monitor visiting Lena’s brother, Lex. He explains he brought Lex back because they would need someone with a mind like his. Lex of course ate this up but did leave the fans with one scary line: “But first, we have to discuss my sister.”

Viewers then see who’s presumably Pariah back in Central City on Earth-1 telling a mysterious being he has traveled many worlds and universes to kill him. However, the mysterious person saved his life and offered him untold knowledge, leaving the fans questioning not only why the person would save someone who’s been trying to kill them, but also what this knowledge could mean. This cliffhanger sets up what’s to come in the five-part Arrowverse ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ crossover event!

When Reign Loses All Humanity 

Reign standing against a cloudy backdrop and looking to the distance

The season 3 midseason finale had fans worried the bad guy might actually win this time. As Reign begins losing less and less of her humanity, Kara is tasked to fight the devil herself. The battle between the two was the most challenging one Kara had since fighting Superman in the last season.

This cliffhanger left fans not only wondering if Supergirl was the strongest supernatural in the city but also if Ruby was at risk of her own mother. Fans had to wait through the hiatus to see if Sam could overcome her own darkest parts in order to protect her daughter.

The One Where Kara And Lena Agree to Take Down Lex

Blended image of Kara and Lena in Supergirl

In the season 5 finale, ‘Immortal Combat,’ Brainy shrinks and bottles up the gods and eventually is betrayed. This episode allows for Kara and Lena to re-solidify their friendship, and partnership, to take down one last bad guy. Lena’s brother, Lex.

The final moments end on one of the biggest cliffhangers: what are Lex and his mom planning to do with those bottled-up gods, and is Brainy still alive? This was the longest hiatus, so this cliffhanger was even more effective.

Lex Luthor Is Back And Lena Knows Kara’s Secret  

Lex Luthor looking pleased with himself at the White House in Supergirl

The season 4 finale brings back Lex Luthor. He’s come determined to destroy Superman, which has truly been his goal all along. Lena extracts the Harun-El from her brother and point-blank shoots him in cold blood. Right before he dies, he reveals one of the most shocking and controversial truths to his sister: Kara is Supergirl! This is one of Kara’s biggest betrayals to her best friend and plays a huge role throughout the following seasons.

This wasn’t the only reveal, though. Fans were left again with a new character (Levithan) to dissect, along with the possibility of Lex being brought back to life. It was going to be a long summer for Supergirl fans.

When Superman Shows Up To Fight Supergirl

Superman and Supergirl fighting in Supergirl

This episode was one that left the fans questioning everything. Supergirl and her team are facing a sky full of Daxamite ships, Rhea announces she’s the cities new queen, and everyone begins going against Kara because they’re under Rhea’s control.

This cliffhanger was one of the most jaw-dropping and thrilling. Superman himself stands before Supergirl, shockingly on Rhea’s side. It’s truly one of the most underrated moments in Supergirl. It was one of the only times Superman fought for the bad guy, and it left Kara and fans wondering why

The Last Part Of The Arrowverse Crossover, ‘Elseworlds’

The logo for the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover

This Supergirl episode is a midseason finale and an Arrowverse cross-over all in one! It’s the final ‘Elseworlds’ battle and this time the ending isn’t fully concluded. Oliver and Monitor agree to a deal that will change everyone’s destiny. No one knows exactly what Oliver had agreed to.

This episode ends one crossover and invites in the next one. Some of the last words, from a masked man in an insane asylum, state “worlds will live, and worlds will die,” leaving fans expecting chaos in the next Arrowverse crossover. The screen cuts to black and says, “coming fall 2019: Crisis On Infinite Earths.”

When The New Kryptonian Pod Lands On Earth Once Again

The Kryptonian pod crashing in Supergirl

The Supergirl season 1 finale ended with a shocking twist that had fans anticipatedly waiting for the next season. Kara’s world seemed to be in a good place. She had saved National City from impending doom and solidified her relationship with James. She was eager for the future until an eerily similar Kryptonian space pod crash-landed near her home.

The finale, again, left fans with many unresolved story arcs, but the pod at the end is what really left fans with questions. No one saw who was in the pod, besides Kara, and she seemed completely shocked with her last words being, “oh my god.” This is the beginning of a whole new storyline for Kara and the Supergirl world.

The Introduction To Season 3’s Villain

The Children of Juru in Supergirl

The season 2 finale, ‘Nevertheless, She Persisted’ is arguably one of the best cliffhangers of Supergirl and ends with an epic fight scene with the season’s best character, the Daxamite Queen Rhea. With the fate of mankind at risk, Kara and Rhea would fight to the death for planet Earth. However, Rhea betrayed her word and Kara had to go to plan B, which threatened her future with Mon-El.

When Kara and Mon-El say their heartbreaking goodbyes, Mon-El takes off in his Kryptonian space pod but is knocked off course into another dimension. Where has Mon-El ended up? Next, the fans see a different baby, named Reign, being shipped off to Earth. Who is Reign and what is she capable of? This cliffhanger sets up the entire next season.

Fellow Superheroes Team Up In A Final Stand To Save The Planet

Oliver dies during Crisis on Infinite Earths

In this midseason finale, ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths: Hour One,’ not only is there an epic battle with all the beloved superheroes trying to save the universe, but also an unexpected, tragic death.

This ends the iconic battle with the superheroes and Green Arrow (Oliver) sacrificing himself to save as many people as possible before Earth-38 is destroyed. With Green Arrow gone, fans are forced to wait for the next cross-over to see what will happen after Pariah says everything there is, or ever was, is doomed.