Teen Wolf: 5 Times Stiles Acts Like A Typical Teenager (& 5 Times He Was Wise Beyond His Years)

Teen Wolf: 5 Times Stiles Acts Like A Typical Teenager (& 5 Times He Was Wise Beyond His Years)

Stiles Stilinski became the most popular character in Teen Wolf due to his sarcasm, sense of humor, and heart of gold. While originally created to be the protagonist’s witty sidekick, Stiles had so much characterization that he and Scott ended up sharing the spotlight.

As stated in the show, Stiles is the one who always puts together the pieces and figures out a solution. His intelligence level is far higher than most kids his age and he was forced to grow up quickly due to circumstances outside of his control. There have been several instances in which Stiles has proven his maturity, as well as times he fit the role of a typical teenager.

Typical Teenager: His School-Boy Crush On Lydia

Teen Wolf: 5 Times Stiles Acts Like A Typical Teenager (& 5 Times He Was Wise Beyond His Years)

While they fell in love as they bordered on adulthood, Stiles and Lydia had a very different relationship in their early days of high school. The best Stiles and Lydia quotes in Teen Wolf don’t include any lines from the first season due to how superficial their dynamic was at first.

Stiles was portrayed as the stereotypical dork who had a long-time crush on the school’s popular girl. He did prove that he had genuine reasons for liking Lydia, but Stiles’ childish obsession resembled a typical teenager who would do anything to impress their crush.

Wise Beyond His Years: Making The Divine Move

Stiles looking serious in Teen Wolf Series Finale

Hearts were heavy after Allison was killed by an oni in the third season. It was one of many times Teen Wolf broke everyone’s hearts, but Allison’s friends still had to defeat the nogistune before they could properly mourn her.

With grief weighing him down and his body on the brink of death, Stiles was about to keep a level head when it mattered most. The nogistune claimed that the McCall Pack had no moves left, but Stiles realized he had a divine move. He saw through the illusion they were currently trapped in and helped Scott break it.

Typical Teenager: Pulling The Fire Alarm At School

Stiles in the guidance counesllor's office in Teen Wolf

To be fair, Stiles did have a valid reason for pulling the fire alarm. There might not have been an actual fire, but the latest supernatural catastrophe put everyone in danger and it was the only way to evacuate the student body.

Pulling the fire alarm without giving the school a valid reason still falls under things that teenagers do as a way to create chaos and entertain themselves. From the look on Stiles’s face, he enjoyed the act of rebellion, even if it did result in a full week of detention.

Wise Beyond His Years: Stepping Into The Gasoline With Scott

Stiles Stilinski stepping into gasoline with Scott McCall on Teen Wolf

There was only one person who could break the hold that Glen Capri had over Scott. Appealing to his emotions in order to make the real Scott resurface was a responsibility that fell on Stiles’ shoulders. Their bond is the heart and soul of Teen Wolf, and there’s nothing that wouldn’t do for one another.

It could be seen as reckless by some, but it was a necessary risk. Stiles knew that putting himself in danger was the only way to stop Scott from hurting himself. When he stepped in the gasoline alongside his best friend, he offered up his life to him. It was a sacrifice that most adults wouldn’t even make.

Typical Teenager: Hooking Up With Malia In Eichen

Stiles and Malia kiss in Teen Wolf.

Stiles and Malia are one of many teen drama relationships that haven’t aged well. A large part of this is attributed to how their romance first started. Stiles was a virgin up until this point, and Malia had just shifted into a human after being stuck as a coyote since childhood.

Not only were they both staying in a psychiatric hospital, but they were on a strict time limit with Stiles’s life hanging in the balance. However, they ignored the clock and decided to hook up in the basement of Eichen House. Stiles and Malia let their hormones overshadow the seriousness of the situation.

Wise Beyond His Years: Sacrificing Himself In The Druid Ritual

Allison, Stiles, and Scott sacrifice themselves in Teen Wolf.

It falls on parents to protect their children from harm, rather than the other way around. But Stiles saw the toll his mother’s death took on the sheriff, and he made sure to look out for him. Stiles makes it clear to Sheriff Stilinski that their relationship goes both ways.

They take care of each other no matter what, and Stiles has always upheld this promise. Stiles sacrificed himself during a druid ritual, knowing he might stay dead, in order to save his father’s life. Teenagers depend on their parents to keep them safe, but Stiles prioritizes Sheriff Stilinski’s safety over his own.

Typical Teenager: Attacking Scott At The Hospital

Scott and Stiles in a tense encounter in Teen Wolf.

Violence is never the answer, but it’s not uncommon for teenagers to get so heated that a physical fight breaks out. This has never been a problem with Stiles and Scott because they always settle their disagreements in a mature and healthy way.

Therefore, Stiles attacking his best friend in the middle of the hospital came as a shock. With his dad on the brink of death, Stiles was driven purely by anger and a need to place blame. While harmful, this reaction isn’t abnormal for someone of Stiles’s age, as he was a scared teenager who lashed out instead of processing his emotions.

Wise Beyond His Years: Acknowledging That He’s Only Human

Dylan O'Brien as Stiles Stilinski in Teen Wolf.

A teenager’s most common crime is thinking they’re invincible. Kids are especially stubborn and self-righteous and have a tendency to believe they know everything. Due to his experience with loss and the constant threats he faced on a daily basis, Stiles learned from a young age that life is precious.

His argument with Scott in Teen Wolf Season 5 was intense, but it helped him accept that he was only human and he was bound to make mistakes. No matter the circumstance, it’s a mature take for a teenager to have.

Typical Teenager: Searching For A Body In The Woods With Scott

Scott and Stiles in the woods in Teen Wolf.

It’s easy to forget that Teen Wolf started with two teenagers wanting to play detective by finding half of a dead body in the woods. Stiles was excited by the prospect after hearing the call over his father’s police scanner because he was too young to let the gravity of the situation sink in.

As Stiles and Scott soon realize, a dead body is nothing to rejoice about, and their adventure results in Scott being bit and turned into a werewolf. Everything about their behavior was reckless and immature, but if they hadn’t been so naive, the show wouldn’t exist, in the first place.

Wise Beyond His Years: Telling Lydia She Doesn’t Have To Say It Back

Stiles and Lydia kiss in Teen Wolf.

Their long-awaited reunion is among the best Stiles and Lydia moments of all time in Teen Wolf. After confessing his love to Lydia, Stiles was taken by the ghost riders and erased from existence. Given the intense crush he had on her during the early seasons of the show, it was safe to assume that Stiles needed to hear Lydia say those three words, eight letters back.

However, Stiles evolved as he grew into an adult and his love for Lydia evolved as well. While the younger version of Stiles would have pestered Lydia until she admitted her feelings, the adult Stiles had already realized that his friend returned his love. Actions speak louder than words, and even though she was prepared to, he didn’t need Lydia to tell him how she felt.