Teen Titans: DC Explores Nightwing and Starfire’s Breakup in New Comic

Teen Titans: DC Explores Nightwing and Starfire’s Breakup in New Comic

Warning: contains mild spoilers for DC: Love is a Battlefield #1!

Fans were devastated to see Teen Titan members Nightwing and Starfire break up, having watched the fan-favorite relationship grow since the New Teen Titans. The Tamaranian princess and Batman’s former sidekick saw their relationship go through a lot of extremes, but any chance of happiness together was never truly on the cards, as their personal lives saw them grow apart and eventually end up as only friends. Although both heroes have made their feelings for each other known throughout the years, DC’s upcoming Love is a Battlefield #1 will pair the former Titans together again to fight an alien invasion while also exploring their breakup, their feelings, and a hinted renewal of affections in upcoming comics.

When Princess Koriand’r of Tamaran originally appeared on Earth, she interrupted the first battle of the newly formed Teen Titans. When the Titans approached her, the young princess kissed Robin, both because Tamaraneans absorb language through physical contact and because she thought he was handsome. As members of the Teen Titans, Dick Grayson and Kori’s mutual attraction grew despite many obstacles, both as superheroes and due to Kori’s royal status. When Kori was forced to marry for political reasons, it appeared that their relationship was over, but fate and circumstance saw them return to each other’s arms. But after their own marriage ceremony failed, Kori took some time off Earth, sadly returning only once Dick was dating someone else. Both heroes attempted to just be friends and when it wasn’t possible, Starfire left the Titans.

The upcoming DC: Love is a Battlefield #1 is an anthology of short stories focused on DC couples, and will feature Starfire and Nightwing paired up during an alien attack. In the story by Sina Grace with art by Karl Mostert, the two heroes meet to deal with an invasion that has the Justice League spread thin, encountering each other at a beachfront property infested with plant-like creatures. As they fight side by side, Nightwing and Starfire’s small talk gets awkward real quick. Whether it was Grayson asking if Kori asked to be assigned to him or her admittance that the beach is the former spot of a previous romantic liaison with a previous partner, their conversation seems to only open old wounds and prove that their previous break-up still has some emotional fallout to be addressed. Check out the preview pages below:

Teen Titans: DC Explores Nightwing and Starfire’s Breakup in New Comic

Nightwing and Starfire became a popular comics couple over the years and fans have been vocal in their support and desire to see them get back together. In other realities such as that of Kingdom Come, fans have seen examples of the heroes getting married and having children who’d grow up to follow in their heroic footsteps. Ever since the New 52, both characters have seen their feelings to each other hinted at and teased by various creators but this conversation, despite being during a global threat, offers an opportunity to get things off their chest and talk about what happened. Although this honesty could be an effect of the creatures that are seen emitting green fumes everywhere, this is a chance for both heroes to truly gain the emotional closure they never got in the past.

Although they clearly have a lot to talk about, the outcome could lead to a rekindling of the romance and dating that fans have seen hinted at by the events of Future State: Teen Titans. Nightwing and Starfire didn’t have the best role models regarding love, but they owe it to themselves to gain closure so they can move on with their own lives regardless of whether they’re a couple or not.