Teen Titans: 10 Best Robin Quotes

Teen Titans: 10 Best Robin Quotes

Although Teen Titans may have ended all the way back in 2006, its wit, humor, and stylistic animation still stand to this day. HBO Max has given the series a new form of accessibility, and fans have been afforded the chance to fall in love with the show all over again. New and returning viewers alike can enjoy the dynamic action scenes and exaggerated “chibi” elements, all of which are heavily influenced by the anime genre.

Then there are the characters themselves. As the dark, moody leader of the group, Robin remains one of the most intriguing members of the Titans, and his serious demeanor often clashes with the more humorous aspects of the series. This contrast produced many great lines of dialogue, and a particular few continue to outshine the rest.

Sounds Like A Weird Documentary

“Can’t be any creepier than the documentary on hot dogs Starfire made us watch.”

Teen Titans: 10 Best Robin Quotes

Robin says this to the team in the episode “Fear Itself,” as the five prepare to watch the movie Wicked Scary. Poignant and humorous, the quote pokes fun at the meat industry while also alluding to Starfire’s obsession with gross Earth things that she deems, as she does in the episode, “Fascinating!”

It’s also a fun way to illuminate what exactly the team does in their spare time, as the majority of the series only covers the fighting and drama of the superhero life. Who knew the Titans were off watching hot dog videos on their day off?

Robin & Starfire’s Relationship

“She’s not my girlfriend!”

Robin and Starfire look at each other in Teen Titans

In “Stranded,” Robin shouts this at Cyborg after the mecha-man calls him out on some serious flirtation with Starfire. It’s one of the only instances the series directly implies their relationship, and Starfire becomes uncharacteristically frosty with Robin as the episode unwinds.

Given the ambiguity afforded to this relationship beforehand, there was something fulfilling about Robin finally acknowledging their romantic tension, and it was nice to watch him lose his stoic composure. He was able to just be a teenager for once, desperately trying and failing to deal with young love.

Robin’s Joking Side

“I should have let that slug eat me when I had the chance.”

Robin looking nervous while Starfire stands behind him in Teen Titans

As the episode “Stranded” unfolds, he and Starfire find themselves marooned together, and he says this after Starfire demands an explanation of his remark “She’s not my girlfriend!” It’s a funny way to express his distress and obvious ignorance on how to navigate these situations.

Since Robin is also the most stereotypically “heroic” member of Team Titans, it’s always a plus to see him out of his comfort zone, as it gives his character dimension and a softer side.

Addressing The Various Robins

“You know, Robins, the mask makes me feel cool, too.”

Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Starfire dressed as Robin in Teen Titans

The episode “The Quest” was strange in all sorts of ways, particularly with the B story of all the Titans dressing in Robin’s costume. He catches them all when he returns and after grabbing a slice of pizza and says this line, which is so, so funny.

As the understated “cool guy,” Robin just emanates it, and he never has to say or do anything to prove his cool. He just is. This moment is one of the only times that he sheds a little of this persona to open up, to admit something that everyone has wondered about for years. Why does Robin wear the mask? Well, to be cool.

A Moment Of Honesty

“I’m a hero, Starfire, and if you don’t like that…”

Robin looking up in the Teen Titans show.

This quote hails from the Teen Titans feature movie, Trouble In Tokyo, and it stands as one of the prime interactions between Robin and Starfire. The movie greatly accelerates their relationship beyond what was ever explored in the television series, and this quote illustrates the more romantic, cliché direction the movie takes.

With the disappointing end of Teen Titans season 5, the fandom yearned for something more concrete between the star-crossed lovers, and the movie certainly delivers. With this quote, Robin finally acknowledged what could be, and it was a great moment of honesty for the hard-headed character.

Asking The Important Questions

“Who is Slade?”

Slade standing in the shadows in Teen Titans

Robin’s confused face repeats this quote upon Slade’s multiple monitors in “Final Exam,” foreshadowing everything to come in the Slade villain arc of the first four seasons. It’s a great indicator of the antagonism the two will come to have, and Robin’s obsessions that spiral many times throughout the series.

With every foiled attempt to catch Slade once and for all, he faces a constant worry about his possible similarities to the villain. These worries generate a lot of the emotion and turmoil that keep the silliness of Teen Titans grounded, and it all stems from this one simple question.

A Call To Arms

“Calling all Titans!”

All the Teen Titans together

The entire season 5 of Teen Titans is a slew of “honorary” Teen Titan episodes, comprised of new characters who the core Titans would ultimately offer a T-Communicator by the close of each storyline. At the end of the season, Robin finally calls everyone with this epic line, and it’s a fulfilling end to hours of random fights and new heroes.

It’s a great way to affirm Robin’s role as the leader of the expanded Teen Titans, as well as showcase the intensity of his leadership skills even within this much larger group dynamic.

Doesn’t Sound Like A Team Member

“Just moved here and from now on, I work alone!”

Teen Titan (2003) show poster

In the fan-favorite episode “Go,” a very short Teen Titan origin story unfolds, and a burglar asks Robin, “Hey, this isn’t your town…Aren’t you supposed to be with–.” Robin quickly cuts him off with this quote, and it’s a great one-liner to quickly illustrate his break from Batman.

Nothing more is said, and it’s one of only two times that the dark hero is referenced within the series. But even with the brevity of the quote, it’s still fulfilling to see Robin talk about whatever happened between the two, and it ends up being one of his coolest lines of the whole show.

A Batman Reference

“I already have a father.”

Robin confronts Slade in Teen Titans

It elicits goosebumps every time. In “Apprentice Part 2,” Slade tells Robin, “I might even become a father to you.” Robin responds with this line, and a group of bats then fly out of the skylight. It’s another clear reference to his partnership with Batman, and it’s the only other time he acknowledges their deep and emotional bond.

The weight of the line also rests entirely on the audience’s knowledge of outside information, but it’s an understandable innuendo nonetheless. Anything more would cut at the mastery of this subtle reference.

Another Call To Action

“Titans, go!”

Robin getting ready to battle in Teen Titans

There it is. His most iconic line in all its glory. Robin says “Titans, go!” in nearly every episode, and it’s truly the team’s battle cry. It indicates whenever the superheroes are about to whoop some bad guys, and the quote even inspired the title of the spin-off Teen Titans Go! 

It’s a great line that also helps establish Robin as the leader of the Titans, as well as showcase his strong leadership and consistent ability to rally the other heroes. And for just two words, it certainly packs a punch.