Teen Titans: 10 Best Characters, According To Reddit

Teen Titans: 10 Best Characters, According To Reddit

Teen Titans is a show filled to the brim with amazing characters. As the series had so many comic book counterparts to choose from, the list of potential favorite characters is almost endless. It can therefore be hard to figure out a consensus on which characters are officially the best ones.

But the website Reddit gives fans the ability to share their opinions, from which a somewhat objective conclusion of which Teen Titans characters are the best can be discovered. These specific characters are interesting, funny, and epic, and it’s easy to see why they are considered the best.

Mumbo Jumbo

Teen Titans: 10 Best Characters, According To Reddit

This villain didn’t show up very often in the series, but he still made an impact. As stated by Reddit user Zombie_Scholar, “Mumbo is the best, his antics always have me chuckling. It’s just one great pun after another, and the way he distracts the Titans in his first episode and dumps Cyborg into the garbage without them knowing was very clever. I was waiting for Mumbo to come back when a newspaper clipping on Robin’s wall said he had escaped prison, and I was not at all disappointed when he sucked all the Titans into his hat. I loved that episode.”

Mumbo is definitely one of the more fun villains, giving some hilarious hijinks in order to balance out the show’s darker storylines.


Starfire fighting Blackfire in Teen Titans

Starfire is one of those characters that is instantly loveable. For one Reddit user, the reasons they like her are vast: “She’s a proud, fierce, passionate warrior, who despite her past, rose out stronger. When she does something she does it with all of her heart. She’s suffered numerous tragedies, but she always looks forward to the future. Starfire is a confident character, one that refuses to be judged solely on her appearance; even though she is aware that she is pretty, she refuses to let that be her defining trait.”

Starfire also has some of the best quotes in the show, which often highlight all of these positive characteristics of hers.

Control Freak

Control Freak smiling and waving in Teen Titans

One villain that Redditor Zombie_Scholar loves is the somewhat pathetic Control Freak: “I loved him already, but when he fights with Titan East I was cracking up at him taking offence at not being on the villain list. I remember hearing Puppet King and being like what? Control Freak has more episodes than him already! And then CF said exactly what I was thinking, even going so meta as to say he was a reoccurring character. Loved it.”

Control Freak’s episodes are always hilarious, and they poke fun at toxic nerd culture in a delightfully meta way, which ultimately makes this villain very memorable and iconic.

Red X

Red X battles the Titans in Teen Titans

Anti-heroes are often the best characters, and Red X is no different. He’s charming, fun, dangerous, and one of the most likable villains in Teen Titans. On top of that, he has managed to win the hearts of many Reddit users, including the likes of themusbeth.

They state, “I love Red X, he managed to steal something from Robin and just cares about himself and what interests him. He’s kinda mysterious in some way.” The lack of a concrete motive is what makes Red X so interesting, as he can switch moralities depending on the situation, which always adds some great tension to whatever episode he is in.


Robin and Cyborg in Teen Titans

Cyborg brings many qualities to the Teen Titans team, and according to one Redditor, “Cyborg is my favorite because there’s so many themes at play behind his character development. He’s inherently an outsider to mainstream society because he’s part robot, but he wants his actions and effort to define who he is instead.”

They continue: “Cyborg’s character strength is helped by a powerful character foil in Brother Blood. The man cuts out his own humanity and replaces it with retrofitted parts from Cyborg’s blueprints. He is more mechanically powerful than Cyborg, but he is defeated in the end by Cyborg’s spirit. That is his true secret weapon, the very thing that makes him human.”

Thunder And Lightning

Thunder and Lightning in Teen Titans

According to Reddit user GroovyCat18, minor villains were often the best characters for them. They argue that “Thunder and Lightning were both pretty cool! They appeared in two issues of the spin-off comic, but I wish they had been in more episodes.”

Thunder and Lightning, while only appearing in a few episodes, were interesting characters, as they had a great sibling dynamic. On top of that, they weren’t evil, they simply lacked responsibility, which ended up tying into Beast Boy’s arc of being more considerate to others. And when they became heroes and joined the battle against the Brotherhood of Evil, it was very satisfying to watch.


Raven in the episode The Prophecy from Teen Titans

Raven proves multiple times that she is the best Teen Titan, and Redditor ravenfreak is definitely a freak for Raven: “Raven hands down is my favorite character. I just love her backstory, and I think it’s really cool that she’s a half-demon. I love her powers, and I get a kick out of her personality in the animated series.”

They continue to say that “despite being born for one purpose only, Raven overcame the darkness in some sense and was on the good side of justice. Also I’ll probably get some backlash for this, but I’ve had a crush on Raven ever since I first saw her without her hood on when I was 13.”

Beast Boy

Beast Boy in Teen Titans

According to one Reddit user, “My fave character has to be Beast Boy for sure. I’ve always been a fan of morphing and shape-shifting so I was instantly a fan of Beast Boy. But also the season where we get a deeper look into his past definitely confirmed it for me. How he is always making jokes to hide the true pain he feels.”

Beast Boy is arguably the funniest member of the Teen Titans, but that sense of humor later revealed a more complex character, which made him very interesting to watch. Beast Boy also has some of Teen Titans‘ funniest quotes, so he was always entertaining.


Robin getting ready to battle in Teen Titans

Reddit user qwerto14 argues that “I really enjoy Robin as a character. His flaws are definitely the most outlined in the series, and I think it makes him an interesting guy. He would do anything for his teammates and friends, but he has a tendency to try to take on everything by himself. He left Batman but still respects him immensely and thinks of him as a father. He’s really bad at expressing his feelings. He’s just a really well-written character.”

Despite not having any powers, Robin is arguably one of the most intriguing and complex members of the Teen Titans. His episodes with Slade in particular show what a great and interesting character Robin can be.


Beast Boy and Terra Teen Titans

Reddit user gfc14 states that the character that intrigues them the most is Terra. “I can’t help but sympathize with her as she is the one in the series who suffers the most, what with Slade’s involvement and what I’d consider to be her self-inflicted isolation from the group. But out of that, she’s an underdog who grows as a hero, as well as the one who matures the most.”

Terra’s storyline is one of the darkest and most memorable parts of the Teen Titans series, and while Terra makes many mistakes, fans are able to see the true humanity that lies within her, which is what makes her such a great character.