Taron Egerton Doesn’t Want New Kingsman Characters To Steal The Spotlight

Taron Egerton Doesn’t Want New Kingsman Characters To Steal The Spotlight

Kingsman: The Golden Circle is full of A-list stars, but its undisputed lead is Taron Egerton. The breakout of The Secret Service (his first feature film), Egerton is back as super spy Eggsy on a risque, violent, world-spanning mission. But he’s not just Galahad – the actor’s forging out a major career for himself, with a new Robin Hood franchise on the way and a biopic of Kingsman 2 co-star Elton John.

Screen Rant recently caught up with Egerton to discuss his rise to the top, Kingsman‘s propensity for controversy, where the franchise will go next and much, much more.

Obviously, this is a massive, massive movie. Did you have any inclination when you signed on for the first one it would become this massive franchise? This original franchise no less.

I think there was certainly something about it. I was familiar with Matthew’s work, and obviously it’s incredible. He’s a real artist of popcorn entertainment I think. Yeah, I sort of had an incling there was something a bit special about it, but to be honest, since it was only my first film I had nothing to compare it to so there was no certainty. I was only a year out of drama school, so I couldn’t claim an aficionado of script-reading and judging projects, I was just taking what I could get.

And do you see it going bigger? Because the ending of this one leaves it very clear that there’s room for a third one. Where would you like to see the franchise go, but also your character go, as it continues to grow?

I think I would like to see… I think we’ve got a lot of characters now and I love them all but I would be heartbroken if it wasn’t me saving the world in the third one. I think I’ve earned that. I think I’d like to see me save the day.

You don’t want it to be an ensemble?

I do. I think everyone should be included but I think it’s Eggsy’s… I’m being very narcissistic. I’m clearly very threatened by these A-listers. I’d like to be the guy who pushes the button when it most matters – or stop someone pushing the button as it were. And also I guess I’d like to see him put in a really difficult situation in the third one – really alienated.

More difficult than Glastonbury?

Oh God, yeah. For actor and character.

Related: Kingsman 2’s Controversial Sex Scene

I wanted your thoughts on that scene because that scene, I imagine, is going to be the one that causes the most…

Ruffles feathers.

Yes, exactly. What are your thoughts on that?

It was a day that I was anxious about. The shot in the first film I was so anxious before we did it and Matthew didn’t tell me that I wouldn’t actually be in the shot. The way it was described in the script it was like ‘I’m going to do what?’ But it wasn’t me, it was a POV. In this one, I’m in the shot and I said to Matthew ‘I’m not comfortable doing this’. So it’s not my hand – it’s Poppy [Delevingne]’s husband’s hand.

He saved the day.

He saved the day. He saved the world. It’s what Matthew does, it’s his signature thing. He likes to do something that shocks. In Kick-Ass it was Chloe Grace Moretz saying the C-word, in Kingsman 1 it was the bum shot of the Swedish princess, and in this one it’s the thing. And, you know, it’s not to everyone’s tastes, but it certainly gets people talking.

I personally find it almost a send-up of Bond and the idea of, why would Bond always end up in that situation, especially during the Craig stuff?

All it is is explicitly showing what Bond alludes to and says in a double entendre kind of way.

Taron Egerton Doesn’t Want New Kingsman Characters To Steal The Spotlight

Speaking of Bond and spies and stuff, you were in Archer, kind of…

Yes. It’s not actually my voice.

It’s not your voice?

It so sounds like me. I was quite upset.

Yeah, why didn’t they ask you?

I don’t know. I don’t know. I mean I sort of thought “Who on earth have you found that sounds that much like me?”

This is running theme of you almost missing, because obviously you did Eddie the Eagle and you didn’t get to ski in this one? And you’re carrying skis and I was like “oh, there’s going to be a ski sequence”.

I did a little bit. I didn’t do any of the jumping.

Yeah, but you put the boots on.

That’s it yeah. Missed out on the fun stuff.

Read More: Colin Firth and Jeff Bridges Don’t Think CGI De-Aging Works

Taron Egerton and Robin Hood

One final question. You’ve got Robin Hood: Origins, coming up. Obviously, Robin Hood has been done a lot…

I think they’re cutting the Origins out of it, I’m so relieved to say.

That is very good to hear. OK, you’re doing Robin Hood. What are you going to do differently to all the many versions of Robin Hood before?

I think it will be less self-reverential than the Robin Hoods that have come before. I think the problem with Robin Hood sometimes is that… I love the Kevin Costner one and I think there were some great moments in the Russell Crowe one as well, but they’re very, very, very ‘Robin Hood-y’.


Ours is less Robin Hood-y. It’s grittier, it’s darker, it’s a Robin Hood for the 21st Century.

Game of Thrones Robin Hood?

Kind of. I think if you’ve seen Peaky Blinders, you’ll know something of the tone of it because it’s the same director.

Next: Kingsman 3 Exclusive: What The Director and Cast Want in the Sequel

Key Release Dates

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    Kingsman: The Golden Circle
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