Tangled: 10 Questions Reddit Fans Still Have About The Disney Movie

Tangled: 10 Questions Reddit Fans Still Have About The Disney Movie

Actress Mandy Moore recently gave an interview with People about her time voicing the character Rapunzel in Disney’s Tangled. Now that Moore is a mother, her dream is to introduce Disney movies to her son, including her own film. Tangled went on to inspire a Disney series called Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure, gaining even more fans for the franchise.

Unlike other Disney movies, Tangled does not have a sequel in the works but a live-action version has been in talks for quite some time. There’s no word yet on the casting for the potential live-action film, which has resulted in fans rewatching the movie on Disney+. Although Tangled had a clear storyline and dreamy soundtrack, fans took to Reddit to share some questions they still have about the beloved Disney motion picture.

Why Did Rapunzel’s Hair Not Grow Back?

Tangled: 10 Questions Reddit Fans Still Have About The Disney Movie

At the end of Tangled, Mother Gothel stabbed Rapunzel’s love interest, Flynn Rider. Due to her hair’s magical ability to heal people, Gothel agreed to let Rapunzel heal him as long as she left with Gothel and never went back. When Rapunzel bent over to help Flynn, he cut her hair knowing that her powers would fade and she would no longer be helpful to Gothel.

Later in the movie and in the short film Tangled Ever After, Rapunzel’s hair never grew. Reddit user Impressive-Low5380 asked, “Why didn’t Rapunzel’s hair continue to grow at a normal rate after it was cut and lost its power?” According to the comments, the theory is that magic was what made it grow, but it’s never clearly explained. It’s one of those things that doesn’t make sense about Tangled. 

Where Did The Tower Come From?

Rapunzel's tower in Tangled

Tangled is one of those Disney movies that needs a prequel because fans would love to know more about Rapunzel’s tower. ThisGuyLikesMovies asked Reddit, “Honestly the more pertinent question is where did she find the tower? Was it just there? Who builds a tower in this waterfall cave place?”

In the depths of a forest by a few waterfalls, Gothel and Rapunzel lived in a tower that wasn’t acknowledged by anyone other than the two women. Gothel got to the top of the tower by climbing up Rapunzel’s hair, but there’s also a hidden staircase. The question of how Gothel found this tower is on every fan’s mind.

Why Did Rapunzel’s Hair Change Length Before It Was Chopped?

Flynn holding Rapunzel's hair in Tangled

Rapunzel’s hair is so lengthy that some fans theorize it’s 70 feet long! It constantly dragged behind her as she went on an adventure with Flynn. Likewise, when Rapunzel was in her tower, her hair was used as a rope for Mother Gothel to get inside. Rapunzel’s strands are the definition of hair goals and make the perfect Disney meme that has Tangled fans cry-laughing.

As long as Rapunzel’s hair is, there’s a moment in the movie that had Impressive-Low5380 confused. They asked, “Why does Rapunzel’s hair change its length every two minutes?” The Redditor is talking about a scene where Rapunzel made a thick braid in her hair. But with 70 feet of locks, it doesn’t make sense that it would fit into a braid that didn’t go past her ankles.

Who Was The Ringleader Of “The Job”?

The Stabbington Brothers looking upward on Tangled

The Stabington brothers aren’t the most powerful Disney villains but they were antagonists who only looked out for themselves. Throughout Tangled, the brothers were on a mission to steal the crown that Rapunzel wore as a child. They eventually succeeded until Flynn duped them and kept the crown for himself.

Redditor ssyl6119 mentioned that one of the brothers said, “We do this job, you can buy your own castle.” However, they asked a valid question “Who was the job for?” How did the brothers know about the lone crown, its value, or where to find it? They didn’t seem like the brightest antagonists so it made fans wonder who the ringleader of their “job” was.

Is Mother Gothel Really That Evil?

Mother Gothel becomes old in Tangled

Gothel is Tangled’s main antagonist because she kidnapped Rapunzel from her parents as a baby and kept her hostage without telling her the truth about her identity. The only reason why Gothel kidnapped Rapunzel was because of her magical hair, which made Gothel eternally youthful. When the queen was sick while pregnant with Rapunzel, the kingdom’s guards found Gothel’s magical flower and fed it to the queen, healing her and giving her unborn baby magical powers. With Rapunzel around, Gothel would never die.

However, Reddit user Meltybee asked an intriguing question about Gothel’s backstory and if she was truly as bad as everyone made her out to be. “Why is Mother Gothel considered ‘bad’ for hoarding the flower for hundreds of years and not using it to heal the sick, but then when the kingdom just uses the flower to cure their sick queen it’s not considered selfish or bad?” While the question is thought-provoking, most Redditors chimed in that Gothel kidnapping Rapunzel outweighed the queen’s single use of the flower.

And How Did Mother Gothel Die So Quickly?

Mother Gothel falling to her death in Tangled

Mother Gothel is an underrated villain in the Disney world. While outlaws like Scar (The Lion King) or the Evil Queen (Snow White) get the most hate, Gothel is diabolical and just as wicked.

Without the magic from Rapunzel’s hair, Gothel screamed in despair, aged rapidly, and fell to her death. However, one Redditor wanted to know why Gothel died so quickly after the magic died. “It’s shown that [Gothel] still ages with time after not using Rapunzel’s hair for a while. As well as if [sic] when her hair for cut off why did Gothel age rapidly but Rapunzel’s mother didn’t get sick again?” Without the magic, it’s odd that Gothel aged and died instantly but Rapunzel’s biological mother fall ill.

Did Mother Gothel Ever Love Rapunzel For Her And Now Her Hair?

Mother Gothel hugs Rapunzel's hair on Tangled

In a lot of ways, the magical flower that gave Rapunzel her gift is the iconic object Disney movie that represents her in Tangled. Gothel needed Rapunzel in order to live forever. Considering Gothel raised Rapunzel for close to 16 years, Dragong1991 wanted to know if Gothel ever truly loved Rapunzel.

They asked, “Did Mother Gothel ever love Rapunzel, I mean really love her? If not, would have it made sense that she did?” Gothel did keep Rapunzel safe and allowed her freedom inside the tower but when she escaped, Gothel only cared about her own youth.

How Would Rapunzel Die?

Rapunzel holding Flynn when he's injured on Tangled

Rapunzel and Flynn are often seen as an overlooked Disney couple because their romantic feelings for each other weren’t shown until the movie’s ending.

After Gothel stabbed Flynn, he told Rapunzel to leave him behind because if she helped him she’d die. Soccernana97 argued that Flynn’s statement didn’t make sense. They wrote, “How would Rapunzel die? Doesn’t Gothel need her alive? If anything she would just hold her hostage. Any ideas?” Soccernana97 made a good point because whether Rapunzel helped Flynn or not, she wouldn’t have died in doing so.

Was Rapunzel Upset Gothel Died?

Rapunzel holding Flynn when he's badly injured on Tangled

After Rapunzel’s hair was cut and the magic died, Gothel panicked. With her cape thrown over her face, Gothel tripped on Rapunzel’s hair and fell out the window to her death.

Reddit user Emcey had a good question about this scene. “What’s the reasoning behind Rapunzel screaming ‘no!’ after Pascal trips her mother on her hair?” At this point, Rapunzel knew that Gothel was using her. Was she upset by her fake mother’s death? This side of Rapunzel was never explained.

Why Didn’t Gothel Lie About Rapunzel’s Birthday?

Flynn cups Rapunzel's chin in his hand in Tangled

Rapunzel found it suspicious that the golden lanterns were released year after year on her birthday. She wanted to know more about the lanterns but Gothel refused to talk about the coincidence. As a viewer, Rapunzel’s desire to learn more about them was one of the saddest moments in Tangled. 

In truth, the golden lanterns were sent from the king and queen in remembrance of their daughter, Rapunzel. With that being the case, Bitstrip wanted to know why Gothel didn’t lie about her birthday to ignore the possibility of Rapunzel learning more about her identity. They said, “If she had just said her birthday was literally any other day she would have avoided any inquiries about the lanterns.”