Take A Zoom Call Right From Your Tesla

Take A Zoom Call Right From Your Tesla

Tesla cars will soon allow people to join Zoom calls and meetings inside the vehicle itself. With more people getting new Teslas and using that big screen for all its features and video capabilities, having access to Zoom for meetings while in the car will be greatly appreciated by many people in meetings constantly.

Tesla has always pushed the boundaries of car technology from self-driving features, a smart summon feature, and attempting a more minimalist approach to car design overall, with most car controls being integrated into the large screen in the front of the Tesla. With such a big screen in the Tesla, various valuable apps and games have been made available and added over the years for Tesla customers to get the most out of the tech inside their car, and with the addition of Zoom, this could be a game-changer.

In a recent demo from Zoom’s product manager, Nitasha Walia, the Zoom app was used in a Tesla Model Y and showed that Zoom meetings could be accessed from the car’s calendar when synced to the Tesla. Of course, many people probably have done a Zoom meeting before while in their car with a phone, but accessing Zoom directly from the vehicle makes usage much easier, and a bigger screen can also help people in a video meeting with many other participants. The demo did not show the Tesla moving while making the Zoom call, so this feature may only be usable while the car is stationary and parked, which may be for safety reasons, but of course, it could be annoying for people who wanted to use this feature while driving to or from work.

When Is The Release Date?

Take A Zoom Call Right From Your Tesla

Unfortunately for Tesla car owners, there is no official release date for the new Zoom feature coming to Tesla cars. This feature is extremely new, and as with many new software developments, it’s essential to be sure everything works as intended rather than pushing out an unfinished product, causing more of a headache. Additionally, it’s unknown if the feature will work with only Wi-Fi or if Tesla owners will have to pay for the premium connectivity for around $9.99 a month.

With Zoom having become one of the most used video-conferencing apps and many people commuting to work in a Tesla, this feature hopefully will be rolling out sooner than later, and even if it can only be used while parked, it will still be a great feature to have instead of needing to use a small phone to Zoom with people. Of course, only time will tell if this new Zoom add-on will be as used as other features in the Tesla, but with Zoom being such a valuable and widely used tool, this feature will almost certainly be fantastic for any Tesla owner.