Ultimate X-Men

X-Men Ruined Colossus by Making One Change to His Powers

X-Men Ruined Colossus by Making One Change to His Powers

The Ultimate line of Marvel Comics reimagined more than a few fan-favorite characters, but when it comes to the X-Men’s Colossus, ...

Wolverine is Literally Marvel’s Most Dangerous Drug in the Ultimate Universe

Wolverine is Literally Marvel’s Most Dangerous Drug in the Ultimate Universe

It’s no surprise that Wolverine’s extensive genetic experimentation and the staggering possibilities of weaponizing his mutant powers made Logan the perfect assassin. ...

Marvel Most Ridiculous Explanation for Mutants Used the Ghostbusters

Marvel Most Ridiculous Explanation for Mutants Used the Ghostbusters

Although it’s been considered simple evolution, Marvel has had many different explanations for mutants, the weirdest of which involved the popular movie Ghostbusters. In ...

Arnold Schwarzenegger Is a Secret Supervillain, According to Marvel

Arnold Schwarzenegger Is a Secret Supervillain, According to Marvel

As alternate versions of their main 616 universe counterparts, Marvel Comics’ Ultimate X-Men have come into direct conflict with several ...

Nick Fury’s Debt to Wolverine Saved the X-Men in Their Darkest Hour

Nick Fury’s Debt to Wolverine Saved the X-Men in Their Darkest Hour

Nick Fury’s debt to Wolverine ended up saving the Ultimate X-Men in one of their darkest hours. Although the timeline and ...

Colossus vs the Avengers Redefined His Mutant Power Level

Colossus vs the Avengers Redefined His Mutant Power Level

Colossus has always been one of the strongest X-Men, but his Ultimate Marvel form showed just how powerful he could ...

Professor X’s Son Almost Ended Marvel’s Ultimate Universe Forever

Professor X’s Son Almost Ended Marvel’s Ultimate Universe Forever

The Ultimate Universe gave new life to a wide breadth of Marvel Comics characters, but one battle between the X-Men ...

Magneto’s Cruelest Mutant Kill Finally Made His Bigotry Undeniable

Magneto’s Cruelest Mutant Kill Finally Made His Bigotry Undeniable

Despite the crimes against humanity Magneto has committed throughout his villainous Marvel Comics career, the argument could always be made ...

Black Widow Poisoned Spider-Man And Owes Him Eighty Bucks

Black Widow Poisoned Spider-Man And Owes Him Eighty Bucks

While Black Widow and Spider-Man have often times fought side-by-side, that friendly working relationship isn’t present in every Marvel universe. In the ...

Hawkeye Caused Magneto to Start Marvel’s Worst Event

Hawkeye Caused Magneto to Start Marvel’s Worst Event

In Marvel’s Ultimate Universe, Hawkeye’s attempt to kill Magneto resulted in the infamous Ultimatum, one of Marvel’s most poorly received events. Far from just failing to ...

Wolverine Was Sent To Kill A Kid In The X-Men’s Darkest Story Ever

Wolverine Was Sent To Kill A Kid In The X-Men’s Darkest Story Ever

In the single darkest story in X-Men history, Wolverine is ordered to assassinate a child – whose power makes him one of the most ...