The Joker

Wait… Did DC Just Accidentally Spoil a Huge Joker Mystery?

Wait… Did DC Just Accidentally Spoil a Huge Joker Mystery?

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Knight Terrors: The Joker #2 The Joker is currently wrapped in a major mystery in the ...

Joker Officially Fears 1 Justice League Hero More Than Batman

Joker Officially Fears 1 Justice League Hero More Than Batman

The Joker is often cited as one of the most dangerous and terrifying comic book villains, and his battles with ...

Joker’s Official Timeline Finally Makes Sense in DC Lore

Joker’s Official Timeline Finally Makes Sense in DC Lore

Spoiler ahead for Batman #128!Having made his comic book debut in 1940, The Joker is one of the most enduring ...

Red Hood Is Getting One Real Chance to Kill Joker Forever in DC Canon

Red Hood Is Getting One Real Chance to Kill Joker Forever in DC Canon

It appears as though DC is preparing to give the Red Hood the closure from The Joker that the character’s ...

Joker’s Best Sidekick is The One Every Comic Book Fan Has Forgotten

Joker’s Best Sidekick is The One Every Comic Book Fan Has Forgotten

The Joker has had a long criminal career, terrorizing Gotham in DC Comics, and throughout the years he’s never had ...

DC Just Made Joker’s Most Famous Origin More Likely In The DCU

DC Just Made Joker’s Most Famous Origin More Likely In The DCU

A new reveal makes The Joker‘s most famous origin story much more likely for the new DC Universe. James Gunn ...

Joker’s Madness Was Just Permanently Redefined in DC Lore

Joker’s Madness Was Just Permanently Redefined in DC Lore

Warning! Contains spoilers for Batman #135!Part of what makes the Joker one of the most dangerous criminals in the DC ...

Joker + Deadpool Cosplay Creates a Surprisingly Scary New Fusion

A brilliant cosplay session fuses the Joker and Deadpool to create an absolutely terrifying amalgamation. See what happens when the ...