The Far Side

11 Far Side Comics That Prove Creator Gary Larson Was Obsessed With Snakes

11 Far Side Comics That Prove Creator Gary Larson Was Obsessed With Snakes

Gary Larson’s long-running syndicated comic strip, The Far Side, featured a number of recurring elements and themes over the years ...

11 Far Side Comics That Prove Creator Gary Larson Was Obsessed With Snakes

Far Side Creator Gary Larson Was Obsessed With Snakes (& These 11 Strips From 1986 ALONE Prove It)

Gary Larson’s long-running syndicated comic strip, The Far Side, featured a number of recurring elements and themes over the years ...

11 Far Side Comics That Prove Creator Gary Larson Was Obsessed With Snakes

10 Wildest Far Side Comics Set in Courtroom Scenes

Over its fifteen year run in syndication, Gary Larson’s The Far Side featured a number of recurring motifs and settings, ...

11 Far Side Comics That Prove Creator Gary Larson Was Obsessed With Snakes

The Zaniest Far Side Courtroom Scenes

Over its fifteen year run in syndication, Gary Larson’s The Far Side featured a number of recurring motifs and settings, ...

10 Best Far Side Comics That Make Jokes About Real World History

10 Best Far Side Comics That Make Jokes About Real World History

The Far Side, Gary Larson’s iconic syndicated comic, never used recurring characters, but it did frequently revisit the same subjects ...

10 Best Far Side Comics That Make Jokes About Real World History

These Far Side Strips Make a Farce of History

The Far Side, Gary Larson’s iconic syndicated comic, never used recurring characters, but it did frequently revisit the same subjects ...

The Far Side: 10 Incredible Strips Where Inanimate Objects Come to Life

The Far Side: 10 Incredible Strips Where Inanimate Objects Come to Life

The Far Side is well known for making the impossible possible in its own established universe. Animals acts like humans, ...

The Far Side: 10 of the Most Surreal Strips About Doctors

The Far Side: 10 of the Most Surreal Strips About Doctors

In The Far Side, the unexpected should be expected. Routine things like visits to the doctor get a Gary Larson ...

10 Funniest Far Side Comics That Reference Classic TV Shows

10 Funniest Far Side Comics That Reference Classic TV Shows

While Gary Larson’s The Far Side is famous for its timeless humor, there have always been some occasions where the ...

“This Is Something I Swore I Would Never Reveal”: Gary Larson Accidentally Included a Risqué Secret in 1 Far Side Comic (& Was Terrified It Would Be Discovered)

“This Is Something I Swore I Would Never Reveal”: Gary Larson Accidentally Included a Risqué Secret in 1 Far Side Comic (& Was Terrified It Would Be Discovered)

Despite its surreal sense of humor and morbid fascination with death, Gary Larson’s The Far Side is squarely acknowledged as ...

10 of the Far Side’s Most Ridiculous Puns (& Why They’re Actually Genius)

10 of the Far Side’s Most Ridiculous Puns (& Why They’re Actually Genius)

Gary Larson knows how to land a joke successfully, as he demonstrated many times over the years of The Far ...

10 Funniest Far Side Comics That Prove It’s Obsessed with Vikings

10 Funniest Far Side Comics That Prove It’s Obsessed with Vikings

The Far Side has many favorite subjects that Gary Larson loves to portray, Vikings included. In the past, ducks, aliens, ...

10 Outrageous Far Side Comics Featuring Anthropomorphized Animals

10 Outrageous Far Side Comics Featuring Anthropomorphized Animals

From bears to cows to insects, The Far Side frequently featured animals in situations that were wholly unexpected. Showing animals ...

Every Far Side Comic That Makes Fun of Superman (Ranked from Goofy to Hilarious)

Every Far Side Comic That Makes Fun of Superman (Ranked from Goofy to Hilarious)

Despite originating in 1979, Gary Larson’s The Far Side continues to appeal to fans around the world. Part of that ...

The Most Unsettling Far Side Comics Ever Are As Hilarious As They Are Disturbing

The Most Unsettling Far Side Comics Ever Are As Hilarious As They Are Disturbing

It is well established that The Far Side can have some unsettling comic strips. However, thanks to Gary Larson’s masterful ...

10 Far Side Comics That Make the End of the World Funny

10 Far Side Comics That Make the End of the World Funny

While The Far Side frequently embraces the silly things in life, most would probably not consider the apocalypse to fit ...

10 Funniest Far Side Comics Where Astronauts Make a Disturbing Discovery

10 Funniest Far Side Comics Where Astronauts Make a Disturbing Discovery

Gary Larson’s beloved comic The Far Side has a lot of recurring gags, from cavemen making unusual discoveries to unfortunate ...

10 Outrageous Far Side Comics Featuring Anthropomorphized Animals

10 Funniest Far Side Comics With Talking Animals

Talking animals are a sight too fun to pass up, as cartoonist Gary Larson proved plenty of times throughout the ...

10 Hilarious Far Side Comics That Make Fun of Artists

10 Hilarious Far Side Comics That Make Fun of Artists

The Far Side Summary: Written and drawn by Gary Larson, The Far Side is a comic strip series that ran ...

10 Hilarious Far Side Comics That Make Fun of Artists

10 Far Side Comics With Intentionally Corny Punchlines

The Far Side Summary: Written and drawn by Gary Larson, The Far Side is a comic strip series that ran ...