The Adventures of Tintin (2011)

The prospect of a sequel to one of Steven Spielberg’s best movies of the 21st century has me very excited, ...

With well over a decade gone since the first movie debuted to widespread acclaim and box office success, Andy Serkis ...

“The Ninth Art”: Why Comics Get So Much More Respect in France and Belgium

“The Ninth Art”: Why Comics Get So Much More Respect in France and Belgium

The comic medium is fairly well-regarded in countless countries as a different method of storytelling, but France and Belgium have ...

Punisher Creator Shares Hilarious Frank Castle/Tintin Mash-Up Fan Art

The Punisher’s creator Gerry Conway shares a hilarious fan art mash-up of Frank Castle and Tintin. This interaction happened when Conway ...

Peter Jackson Working on Secret Spielberg Project; Tintin 2 Still Planned

Peter Jackson Working on Secret Spielberg Project; Tintin 2 Still Planned

Following the theatrical release of writer/director Steven Spielberg’s cult-favorite feature length animated adaptation that is The Adventures of Tintin (based in ...

Peter Jackson Updates The Hobbit & Tintin

Peter Jackson Updates The Hobbit & Tintin

We recently learned that the script was done for at least the first part of Peter Jackson and Guillermo del ...

8 Things You Should Know About The Tintin Sequel

8 Things You Should Know About The Tintin Sequel

There would be no Jaws, Indiana Jones, or Jurassic Park franchises without Spielberg’s brand of escapist filmmaking. However, it’s been ...

‘Argo’, ‘Gangster Squad’, ‘Tintin’, & ‘War Horse’ Snag New Release Dates

Warner Bros. has finally settled on theatrical release dates for two anticipated titles that began filming just a few weeks ...

The 5 Best & 5 Worst Uses Of 3D After Avatar’s Release

The 5 Best & 5 Worst Uses Of 3D After Avatar’s Release

The use of 3-D in a film is always a bit of a dicey proposition. While it can boost a ...

Tintin: Peter Jackson’s Original Trilogy Plan (& Why It Hasn’t Happened)

Tintin: Peter Jackson’s Original Trilogy Plan (& Why It Hasn’t Happened)

What’s going on with the Tintin movies, and what was the original plan hatched by Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg? Debuting in ...