Roger Ebert

10 Overlooked Thriller Movies That Roger Ebert Loved

10 Overlooked Thriller Movies That Roger Ebert Loved

The late Roger Ebert is still hailed to this day as one of the greatest film critics ever, and his ...

10 Underrated Horror Movies That Roger Ebert Loved

10 Underrated Horror Movies That Roger Ebert Loved

Roger Ebert is one of the most credible and influential film critics ever, and he gave excellent scores to many ...

10 Comic Book Movies Rogert Ebert Loved

10 Comic Book Movies Rogert Ebert Loved

The late Roger Ebert remains one of the most noted film critics of a generation, and he held a certain ...

Move Over THE FAR SIDE – Roger Ebert’s Comics Rival Gary Larson’s Best

Move Over THE FAR SIDE – Roger Ebert’s Comics Rival Gary Larson’s Best

While fans the world over remember Roger Ebert for his uplifting writing about the art of film (including some beloved, ...

10 Movies Roger Ebert Didn’t Like That Actually Aged Really Well

10 Movies Roger Ebert Didn’t Like That Actually Aged Really Well

There are a number of movies that renowned film critic Roger Ebert panned when they were first released, but have ...

The Origins Of Siskel & Ebert’s “Two Thumbs Up” Rating System

The Origins Of Siskel & Ebert’s “Two Thumbs Up” Rating System

It became an iconic element of their show, so what are the origins of Siskel & Ebert’s famous “Two Thumbs ...

15 Terrible Movies That Roger Ebert Loved

15 Terrible Movies That Roger Ebert Loved

Roger Ebert is the most famous movie critic of all time. Back in the day, a movie would live or ...

Roger Ebert Passes Away at Age 70

Roger Ebert Passes Away at Age 70

That iconic and most famous of movie critic personalities, Roger Ebert, has passed away at the age of 70, following ...