
Marvel’s Miracleman: The Silver Age trade is the perfect opportunity to get into what has been called “one of the ...

Miracleman vs Young Miracleman: Silver Age’s “Cataclysmic Showdown” Is Finally Here

Miracleman vs Young Miracleman: Silver Age’s “Cataclysmic Showdown” Is Finally Here

Warning: contains potential spoilers for Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age #7! The tensions brewing between Miracleman and ...

Marvel’s Top-Secret Project: Everything We Know (Is It Miracleman?)

Marvel Comics has been guarding a secretive project that many suspect could bring Miracleman back into the limelight. Although they’re playing the cards ...

NYCC: Marvel to Reprint Alan Moore & Neil Gaiman’s ‘Miracleman’; Gaiman to Finish Decades-Old Story

NYCC: Marvel to Reprint Alan Moore & Neil Gaiman’s ‘Miracleman’; Gaiman to Finish Decades-Old Story

Alan Moore’s infamous take on Marvelman (later dubbed Miracleman after Marvel objected) ran in the 1980s and is largely considered ...

Alan Moore’s Miracleman Puts a Dark Twist on Shazam’s Iconic Power

Alan Moore’s Miracleman Puts a Dark Twist on Shazam’s Iconic Power

The power imbued to the hero Shazam may seem like a dream come true for many, but Alan Moore’s reinvention ...

Miracleman First Look Finally Continues Marvel’s Most-Demanded Story

The long-awaited return of Miracleman moves into full swing as Marvel Comics has released the first preview art for Neil ...

Alan Moore’s Dark Shazam, Miracleman, Getting New Omnibus From Marvel

Alan Moore’s Dark Shazam, Miracleman, Getting New Omnibus From Marvel

In 1982, Alan Moore reinvented Miracleman, a British Shazam pastiche, turning him into a dark mirror of himself and now ...

Neil Gaiman’s Take on Marvel’s Dark Shazam Gets New Printing This Fall

Neil Gaiman’s Take on Marvel’s Dark Shazam Gets New Printing This Fall

In the mid-1980s, Neil Gaiman took over writing Marvel’s dark version of Shazam, Miracleman and now his run is being ...

Miracleman Officially Joins the Marvel Universe in Jaw-Dropping Cover Art

Miracleman Officially Joins the Marvel Universe in Jaw-Dropping Cover Art

After months of speculation, Marvel Comics has finally confirmed that the legendary yet long-dormant superhero Miracleman will return to the world of ...

Marvel’s Dark Shazam Already Has a Perfect Nemesis

Marvel’s Dark Shazam Already Has a Perfect Nemesis

At this point, it’s only a matter of time before the dark version of Shazam!, Miracleman makes his appearance in the Marvel ...

Marvel’s New Miracleman Completes Comics’ Great Unfinished Epic

Marvel’s New Miracleman Completes Comics’ Great Unfinished Epic

Despite being owned by Marvel, Miracleman has been slow in integrating into the publisher’s larger world. His lengthy history full of ownership disputes and ...