midnight run

2 Classic Movies Inspired A Star Trek: DS9 Episode (But You Wouldn’t Know It)

2 Classic Movies Inspired A Star Trek: DS9 Episode (But You Wouldn’t Know It)

Two classic Hollywood movies inspired Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 2, episode 13, “Armageddon Game”, but few of those ...

5 Robert De Niro Movies That Are Underrated (& 5 That Are Overrated)

5 Robert De Niro Movies That Are Underrated (& 5 That Are Overrated)

Few actors have reached the level of respect and acclaim in the film business as Robert De Niro. For the ...

5 Crime Movies From The 1980s That Are Underrated (& 5 That Are Overrated)

5 Crime Movies From The 1980s That Are Underrated (& 5 That Are Overrated)

The crime genre had delivered some iconic movies in the 1970s, but it was ready for a change in the 1980s. ...

10 Forgotten Robert De Niro Performances You Need To Go Back & Watch

10 Forgotten Robert De Niro Performances You Need To Go Back & Watch

Robert De Niro is one of the finest actors of all time. He has been in some of the greatest ...

Midnight Run & 9 Other Buddy Cop Movies That Aren’t About Cops

Midnight Run & 9 Other Buddy Cop Movies That Aren’t About Cops

From Lethal Weapon to Hot Fuzz, everyone loves a good “buddy cop” movie. It offers ample opportunities for action and ...