Count Dooku

Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Jango Fett #4 Star Wars is revealing a key moment that would define the ...

Count Dooku is known as the sinister leader of the Jedi’s opposition during the Clone Wars, but there is so ...

According to Tales of the Jedi, one of the main reasons Count Dooku fell to the dark side in Star ...

Christopher Lee Unwittingly Revealed Count Dooku’s Greatest Weakness 21 Years Ago

The late Christopher Lee unwittingly revealed Count Dooku‘s greatest weakness 21 years ago, in an interview conducted in 2003. The ...

Why Sith Lords Have Yellow Eyes – Except For Count Dooku

Why Sith Lords Have Yellow Eyes – Except For Count Dooku

Sith Lords often have yellow eyes in Star Wars, but what exactly causes them and why Count Dooku never had ...

Count Dooku’s 10 Worst War Crimes That Prove Just How Evil He Was As A Sith

Count Dooku’s 10 Worst War Crimes That Prove Just How Evil He Was As A Sith

These are 10 of Count Dooku’s worst war crimes in Star Wars, and each one shows how evil this Sith ...