Switching From iPhone To Android Might Get Easier With New Google iOS App

Switching From iPhone To Android Might Get Easier With New Google iOS App

Switching from an iPhone to Android isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but thanks to a new app from Google, that should be changing very soon. When going from one operating system to another, the process is often a pain in the butt. There are new apps to download, files to transfer, and more. Whether someone’s going from iOS to Android, Windows to Mac, or anything else, making an OS switch is a chore.

When it comes to mobile phones, this is something Apple has strived to simplify. In 2015, Apple released its ‘Move to iOS’ app for Android devices on the Play Store. When downloaded, Android users are guided through moving their contacts, messages, photos, and more to their new iPhone. While not perfect, it’s helped considerably with folks that decide to go from Team Android to Team iOS. Google, by comparison, has never had its own version of this for people that want to go from an iPhone to an Android device.

Per a new report by XDA Developers, that’s finally changing. While digging through the latest version of Google’s ‘Data Restore Tool’ app (the one used for copying files from an old Android phone to a new one), XDA found code referencing a new ‘Switch to Android’ app. Data Restore Tool is currently limited for use between two Android phones, so seeing code with instructions like “Get the Switch to Android app from the App Store” and “Follow these steps on your iPhone” definitely suggest that something new is in the works.

How The Switch To Android App Might Work

Switching From iPhone To Android Might Get Easier With New Google iOS App

Looking through the recently discovered code, Switch to Android appears to work almost identically to Switch to iOS. After downloading the Switch to Android app on the iPhone, users are instructed to open the Settings app, go to the Wi-Fi settings, and connect to their new Android phone via a hotspot. Using this connection, the iPhone will be able to transfer its data to the Android device. In addition to things like contacts and SMS messages, it also appears that Google will allow people to be as granular as transferring their WhatsApp chats. There’s also code that references users being able to transfer applications.

Although this Switch to Android app isn’t breaking any new ground, it will be a nice way to lessen the burden of people looking to make the jump across platforms. There’s no ETA as to when the app will actually launch, but it’s safe to assume it’ll be available as part of either the Android 12 or Pixel 6 release later this fall.