Survivor’s 8 Most Dramatic Weight Loss And Health Scares (It’s A Dangerous Game)

Survivor’s 8 Most Dramatic Weight Loss And Health Scares (It’s A Dangerous Game)

Survivor 46 premiered recently, and 18 contestants were dropped off on a deserted island only to struggle with the effects of starvation, stress, and the elements on the human body. This season, the game returns to its permanent location on the Mamanuca Islands in Fiji. As with every past season, the players will compete in a series of challenges and try to outwit, outplay, and outlast one another in a game for a million dollars and the title of sole survivor.

Players undergo medical examinations before playing Survivor to ensure they are in the best possible health. Playing Survivor is not for the faint of heart, as it’s extremely physically and psychologically taxing. The players who arrive on day one bear little resemblance to the skeletal figures they become during the game. In addition to the lack of food, the players don’t get enough sleep and have to endure the elements. With Survivor season 46 now airing, let’s look back on players who experienced extreme weight loss and health scares on the show.

Survivor’s 8 Most Dramatic Weight Loss And Health Scares (It’s A Dangerous Game)


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Kellyn Bechtold

Survivor 36: Ghost Island (35 Days)

Survivor 36: ghost island kellyn bechtold by a fire, wearing a buff around her neck

Still image from Survivor 36: Ghost Island

Kellyn Bechtold came in seventh place during Survivor 36: Ghost Island, one of the 10 most recent Survivor seasons, spending 35 days playing the game. She told Men’s Health she had put on about ten pounds going into the game. Not only did Kellyn lose all the weight she had put on, she lost even more weight, losing a total of 12% of her body weight during Survivor.

”The extra toll the Survivor experience took on my body was getting multiple parasites, hookworms, and tapeworms,” she said. “I have been off the island for 19 months, and I am just now getting off all of the medications to repair my gastrointestinal tract,” Kellyn added. Not only did Kellyn lose around 20 pounds, but she also had several bug bites along with tangled hair that had sticks stuck in it.

Hannah Shapiro

Survivor 33: Millennials vs GenX (39 Days)

Survivor 33: millennials vs genx hannah shapiro eating sugar cane

Still image of Hannah Shapiro on Survivor 33: Millennials vs GenX 

Hannah Shapiro, the runner-up of Survivor 33: Millennials vs. GenX, spent 39 days on the Mananuca Islands in Fiji filming for Survivor. On her first night on the beach, a cyclone destroyed their camp, and it didn’t get easier from there. She told Men’s Health, “I lost over 20 pounds, my legs were covered in bites, and my hair was tangled up into a lovely nest of curls and sticks.” She went on to add, “And the toll it had on my mind? Well, that’s a tale for a different time.”

“My foot had turned into an elephant’s foot, and was swollen for weeks even post game.”

Jay Starrett

Survivor 33: Millennials vs GenX (36 Days)

Survivor 33: millennials vs genx jay starrett wearing a green buff on his head

Still image of Jay Starrett on Survivor 33: Millennials vs GenX

Jay Starrett sprained his ankle midway through Survivor 33: Millennials vs GenX, but he wrapped his ankle with a sock and kept playing. It wasn’t until after he was done playing 36 days of the game that his ankle swelled up from an infection. He told Men’s Health, “My foot had turned into an elephant’s foot, and was swollen for weeks even post game.”

Andrea Boehlke

Survivor 22: Redemption Island (37 Days), Survivor 26: Caramoan (33 Days), Survivor 34: Game Changers (33 Days)

Andrea Boehlke must be a glutton for punishment because she played 37 days of Survivor 22: Redemption Island, 33 days of Survivor Caramoan, and another 33 days of Survivor 34: Game Changers. She lost 11 pounds during Survivor 34: Game Changers, telling Men’s Health,I spent an entire week in the hospital with a very severe kidney infection.” Thankfully, her kidneys are doing just fine now, and she still managed to look great during tribal council.

Wendell Holland

Survivor 36: Ghost Island (39 Days)

After spending 39 days playing the game, Wendell Holland won Survivor 36: Ghost Island. Being the winner doesn’t mean he didn’t struggle physically on the island, losing 26 pounds playing the Survivor game. “What was even worse was my mindset,” Wendell told Men’s Health, adding, “Survivor really does a number on your mental state.”

Survivor put this middle-aged man through the ringer, but it sure was worth it.”

Mike Holloway

Survivor 30: Worlds Apart (39 Days)

Survivor 30: Worlds Apart Mike Holloway in a blue shirt, ocean in the background

Mike Holloway on Survivor 30: Worlds Apart 

While playing Survivor 30: Worlds Apart for 39 Days, Mike Holloway lost 35 pounds and 20% of his muscle mass. Mike still managed to win the game, but he struggled to eat, even after he got home. “Survivor put this middle-aged man through the ringer,” Mike told Men’s Health, adding, “but it sure was worth it.”

Neal Gottlieb

Survivor 32: Kaoh Rong (19 Days)

Neal Gottlieb in the jungle in Survivor.

Neal Gottlieb/Survivor 32: Kaoh Rong

Things got so bad for Neal Gottlieb that he was evacuated by production on day 19 of Survivor 32: Kaoh Rong. This season was filmed in Cambodia with hot, humid days and cold, rainy nights. On day 15, Neal developed a pimple on his knee that turned into a serious infection that led to him being medically evacuated.

Sunday Burquest

Survivor 33: Millennials vs GenX (35 Days)

Sunday Burquest on the island of Survivor, wearing a striped tank top

Sunday Burquest/Survivor 33: Millennials vs GenX

Sunday Burquest played 35 days of Survivor 33: Millennials vs GenX, during which she lost 25 pounds. However, her real troubles began the day after the game, when she got a bug bite near her elbow as she was packing to head back to the United States.

Sunday ended up in the emergency room, and after two surgeries, she was finally able to recover from her time playing Survivor. Sadly, Sunday passed away from cancer in 2021.

Kellyn Bechtold

Survivor 36:Ghost Island

35 Days

“…multiple parasites, hookworms and tapeworms.”

Hannah Shapiro

Survivor 33: Millennials Vs GenX

39 Days

I lost over 20 pounds, my legs were covered in bites…”

Jay Starrett

Survivor 33: Millennials vs GenX

36 Days

“My foot had turned into an elephant’s foot...”

Andrea Boehlke

Survivor 22: Redemption Island Survivor 26: Caramoan Survivor 34: Game Changers

37 Days 33 Days 33 Days

I spent an entire week in the hospital...”

Wendell Holland

Survivor 36: Ghost Island

39 Days

Survivor really does a number on your mental state.”

Mike Holloway

Survivor 30: Worlds Apart

39 Days

Survivor put this middle-aged man through the ringer.”

Neal Gottlieb

Survivor 32: Kaoh Rong

19 Days

Serious infection, had to be medically evacuated

Sunday Burquest

Survivor 33: Millennials vs GenX

35 Days

Emergency room visit, 2 surgeries




In this long-running reality competition show, sixteen people are split into two tribes and must survive off the land in various rural locales. Each week, they compete in challenges for resources, luxuries, or immunity — and each week, one person is voted out by their teammates, losing their chance at being the sole Survivor.


Jeff Probst



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