Survivor: Everything We Know About Season 41 (So Far)

Survivor: Everything We Know About Season 41 (So Far)

Season 40 of Survivor ended with a huge bang, and fans couldn’t get enough of watching their favorite winners come back to battle it out. Of course, with the coronavirus pandemic, the next season was pushed back. Thankfully – it’s finally in production. While fans anxiously await the 41st season, there are some things we already know.

From the release date to themes to players, it’s time to get even more excited and see what the producers have leaked so far about what fans can expect. With season 41 underway, here’s everything that we know so far.

Jeff Probst Is Back

Survivor: Everything We Know About Season 41 (So Far)

In case there was any doubt in anyone’s mind, they can finally relax. The lovable and iconic Jeff Probst will be returning to host season 41 of the show. He’s also confirmed for and has already started working on seasons 42 and 43.

Survivor probably wouldn’t be the same without this host, so fans can finally be at ease knowing that they at least get a few more seasons with him. They can hardly wait to hear him utter “the tribe has spoken” once again.

It Will Be In Fiji

The Mamanuca Islands in Fiji, where Survivor films

This one is also pretty obvious, since the location of every season, beginning at season 33, has been Fiji. Of course, fans can be sure that this is not changing. With a 14-day period of quarantine, production has finally begun.

Otherwise, filming and location will be the same as usual. With many changes coming this season, it taking place in Fiji will not be one of them. It’s also been confirmed that the next two seasons will also still be in Fiji.

Covid-19 Protocols Are In Place

Cast of season 40 standing in a line on the beach

This season will likely be different for a lot of reasons, and that especially rings true on the production side of things. With a mandatory 14-day quarantine for all cast and crew members, there will also be measures along the way.

There was a lot of hesitation with bringing a group of people from America to Fiji, so the producers and crew have certainly put in the time to ensure everyone (apart of the show and not) will be completely safe. That way, the show can go on.

There Will Not Be 39 Days

Jeff Probst snuffing a torch at tribal council

There’s a pretty substantial rumor that this season will not consist of 39 days on the island, but will rather have 26-29 days. Most likely, this is due to production delays and the mandatory 14-day quarantine before filming even began.

While the show follows a pretty typical 3-day cycle, there’s an assumption that it will be reduced to a 2-day cycle, and that likely includes some twists like double tribal councils and a lack of reward challenges. Of course, they’ll also likely make it all work.

There’s No More “Subtitles”

Jeff Probst standing in front of a rock that reads 'David vs Goliath' before a challenge

For a long time, this competition show has been labeling its seasons with themes, with every one being named accordingly. From ‘Survivor: Winners at War’ to ‘Survivor: David vs. Goliath’ to ‘Survivor: Blood vs. Water’.

However, going forwards, the show will no longer be using these subtitles. That means that the next season really is just ‘Survivor: Season 41’. It’s really not clear what this means for themes going forwards, but it won’t be part of the title regardless.

It’s A Brand New Cast

cast of season 36 posing on the beach

This hasn’t been totally confirmed, but there is lots of evidence to suggest that this season will not feature any returning players. With the past three seasons doing so (including a whole season for just winners), there was a push for this one to be full of fresh faces.

Fans can get excited that there will be new and intriguing players to get to know and become big fans of. That also means there will be a brand new Sole Survivor, and many new twists and alliances.

There Will Be More Diversity

The Goliath tribe smiling together on David vs Goliath

While the series has done better including more diversity over the years, CBS finally officially announced a ‘diversity pledge’, stating that all casts must contain 50% BIPOC. Starting with season 41, Survivor will follow this pledge.

This is a huge milestone going for inclusivity and diversity, and fans of the show can expect a lot more representation from here on out. Season 41 will be a great start for this new casting change.

It Will New Twists And “Danger”

Michele kissing the 50 50 coin at tribal council in Winners at War

Jeff Probst has actually been quoted saying that the new season will be “dangerous,” despite fans not really knowing what that means. Every season offers new themes and new twists, and this one is looking to be no different.

The host has promised to “reinvent” the show once again, and fans can expect a lot of curveballs and exciting new ideas, including challenges and twists. No one ever knows what to expect from this series.

It Will Premiere In September

Kaoh Rong premiere with a tribe paddling on their supply raft

While there is no actual set premiere date, Jeff Probst himself confirmed that the show will finally air in the fall. Traditionally, the series starts up in September, so most are expected that to be true in this case as well.

Production and filming didn’t start until around March, and the castaways also endured a mandatory quarantine period. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense that fans have to eagerly wait another few months before this season has an exciting premiere. However – they can be sure it’s coming.

It Will Have Its Usual Timeslot

Jeff raising his hand at a challenge to call 'survivors ready'

While production and the release have been pushed back, nothing else has really changed. Survivor will still air on Wednesday nights, 8pm ET, on CBS. The timeslot is something this show is definitely unwilling to change!

It will also be air before new CBS shows, including Tough as Nails (with Phil Keoghan from The Amazing Race) and the revival of CSI: Vegas. Whenever it does premiere, there will certainly be a great night of television happening.