Survival Horror Scorn Still On Track To Be Perfect Halloween Game

Survival Horror Scorn Still On Track To Be Perfect Halloween Game

Ebb Software has confirmed their atmospheric horror game, Scorn, is still on track to meet its October 2022 deadline. Despite some initial hurdles for Ebb Software, in the beginning, Scorn was successfully funded on Kickstarter in 2017. In 2020 the horror game was scheduled for a 2022 release with Xbox Series X console exclusivity.

Scorn is a first-person survival horror game set in a grotesque biomechanical hellscape based heavily on the art of HR Giger and Zdzislaw Beksinski. The game gives players little context as to who they are and how they ended up in this nightmare world. The only item the player has to navigate this horrific ordeal is a biomechanical tool that functions as both a firearm and key. As players explore more of the gruesome labyrinth, they will uncover upgrades that can be grafted onto the tool to modify its capability. For instance, players can find a shotgun or grenade gun upgrade to allow the use of those firearms and modifications that allow the tool to manipulate different mechanisms in the world.

In a monthly update via Steam, Ebb Software gave a more in-depth look at the living tool used in Scorn and used the time to inform players that they remain committed to their October release deadline. According to Ebb Software, they are still on track to have the base game finished in June with animation and visual effects currently the biggest priority.

Survival Horror Scorn Still On Track To Be Perfect Halloween Game

This news bodes well for Ebb Software, considering Scorn has had a few tribulations during its early development. After its first unsuccessful Kickstarter in 2014, Scorn’s future was in jeopardy until it had secured funding from a private investor. Ebb Software soldiered on and continued development and launched their successful Kickstarter in 2017. Initial concerns rose after Ebb Software confirmed they had to delay their original 2021 release date by a year and the lack of actual content shown from the game until a month didn’t help. But with the new gameplay trailer and this latest assurance from Ebb Software, things seem to be progressing smoothly. Ebb Software also managed to lighten its workload by keeping Scorn next-gen exclusive since the Xbox One can’t keep up with PC.

It’s going to be a horrifyingly surreal Halloween if Scorn meets expectations. The unsettling atmosphere of Ebb software’s alien realm and its macabre-laced domains will certainly make for a proper holiday experience should it make its October 2022 release date. With so many single-player experiences finding success lately, Scorn may, hopefully, add its twisted contribution very soon.

Sources: Steam