Survival Horror Games That Do The Genre Best

Survival Horror Games That Do The Genre Best

Survival horror dates back to the 90s, when breakout games like Resident Evil took the world by storm, introducing a new genre to keep even the toughest gamers out there from getting a good night’s sleep. Survival horror video games feature low resources, mazes, puzzles, tough bosses, and vulnerable characters that keep players on their toes at all times. Use too much ammo or health before the right time, and it might just make the rest of that game that much harder.

For many gamers, survival horror is exhilarating because it can be such a challenge, which is why some games add extra hard modes for those wanting to test themselves mentally or emotionally even more. Because of the difficulty inherent in most survival horror games, beating most of these fright-fests is all the more rewarding in the end.

For newcomers and veterans of the genre alike, listed below are some of the best survival horror games to date. The rankings are based on critic ratings, influence on the industry, and gamer appreciation.

Classic Survival Horror – Resident Evil

Survival Horror Games That Do The Genre Best

What’s considered the original survival horror that started it all, Resident Evil hit shelves in 1996 with critical acclaim. It changed the horror genre in the video game industry forever with its static camera angles, creepy atmosphere, clever puzzles, and strict item management system. Taking place in the fictional Racoon City, a special unit of law enforcement known as S.T.A.R.S. sends a team out to investigate what happened to a few of their missing crew members in the forests outside of the city. Unfortunately, this leads them to the Spencer Mansion, a mysterious manor with endless horrors within.

Creepy Survival Horror – Silent Hill 2

Silent Hill 2

Back in the day, the Silent Hill franchise was on par with Resident Evil, but took the survival horror genre and made it their own. With similar gameplay, Silent Hill 2 threw players into a foggy and mysterious town crawling with grotesque creatures, including the infamous Pyramid Head. The game’s main character is James Sunderland, who travels to Silent Hill after receiving a letter from his deceased wife requesting that he come to visit her there. When he arrives, James soon finds that the town is one nightmare after another, leading to a fateful and dreary plot twist at the end.

Best Story In Survival Horror – The Last Of Us

Ellie attacks a man with a knife in The Last of Us

Although it’s not a typical survival horror entry, The Last of Us still contains some of the scariest moments in the genre’s history, but what sets this game apart from others is that it’s a very human story about loss. It asks players the question, “what are humans capable of if they have everything to lose?”

Starring dual main characters Joel and Ellie, it follows their journey from strangers to a father/daughter relationship. During their time together, they face off against both infected monsters and other humans just trying to survive. The real horror lies in what humans are capable of, not in the infected.

Tense Survival Horror – Condemned: Criminal Origins

Quality survival horror condemned

To say that Condemned: Criminal Origins is tense is an understatement. By building tension in the setup of the game, then throwing players into an unknown and derelict world, the horrors that await in the shadows make this title one that’s difficult to beat without keeping the lights on. Unpredictable jump scares, abandoned buildings, and a supernatural element all create the perfect storm. It also forces players to use melee combat quite often, so it puts them right up close and personal with evil.

The main character, Ethan Thomas, is a crime scene investigator with a knack for finding hidden clues, but at the start of Condemned: Criminal Origins‘ story, it’s apparent that this will be Ethan’s worst case yet. A brutal crime scene with clues that make no sense starts Ethan on the path toward true terror: the degrading city’s criminals and homeless population are possessed by some kind of evil energy, making them violent, malicious, and, most importantly, extremely dangerous.