Supernatural: The 10 Most Iconic Props on the Series

Supernatural: The 10 Most Iconic Props on the Series

Between battling demons, angels, the Devil, and God, the Winchesters have always relied on special tools and weapons to help them get the job done. And as a result, Supernatural is rife with iconic props used throughout its 15 seasons. Some of these objects are so unique and cool that they have even become merchandise that fans can purchase for themselves.

Whether a prop became essential to the story’s lore or simply deepened a character’s development, every object on the show made its mark on both the characters and the fans, and without these props, fans wouldn’t be able to cosplay their favorite hunters. Here are the 10 most iconic props on the series.

Dean’s Amulet

Supernatural: The 10 Most Iconic Props on the Series

Affectionately dubbed the Samulet by fans, the necklace Dean wears became a prominent symbol of the brothers’ relationship. Flashbacks showed that Sam bought it for their dad for Christmas, but when John failed to show again, he gave it to Dean instead.

Later Castiel revealed the amulet was a magical artifact that burned in the presence of God. When Dean and Sam had a falling out, he threw the amulet in the garbage. But a replica reappeared in the musical episode where one of the students gifted it do Dean.

The First Blade

The weapon Cain used to kill his brother Abel became known as The First Blade. Made from a donkey’s jaw bone, it had the power to kill demons, angels, reapers and, most importantly, Knights of Hell, those first-born demons hand-picked by Lucifer himself.

Dean learned of the First Blade when he inherited the Mark of Cain. After Crowley found it at the bottom of the ocean, where Cain got rid of it, Dean used it in a spectacular kill to take out Abaddon. But, wielding the First Blade with the Mark had its consequences.

The Colt

Dean shoots the Colt in Supernatural

The first magical weapon that appeared on Supernatural was a gun crafted by its namesake, Samuel Colt. Combined with special bullets, the Colt could kill almost every paranormal creature, except five. Lucifer was one of them. But Dean did use the Colt to rid his family of the demon Azazel, un-affectionately dubbed Yellow Eyes.

The Colt was also the key to the gates of Hell, which the Winchesters and company failed to prevent Jake from opening. It disappeared for a while, but made a reappearance when the British Men of Letters came into the picture.

The Impala and Its License Plate

Supernatural may be a show about saving people and hunting things, but it has its fair share of love stories, none more prominent than that between Dean and his beloved Baby, the 1967 Chevy Impala. The cloudy blue Kansas plate design that read KAZ2Y5 became a fan favorite piece of merchandise to commemorate the car’s importance to the show.

The Impala has been a character all on its own and a staple of the show. Fans can’t help but wonder what will become of it when the series ends.

Angel Blades

When angels became part of the show’s lore, a weapon also had to be introduced that could kill them. The first one was used by Uriel when he tried to kill Castiel for finding out his plans for starting the apocalypse with another faction of angels.

Castiel claimed all angel blades were touched by God, but it is uncertain if God created all angel blades. They are used to kill demons, angels, reapers, Hell hounds and Nephilim. Many characters tried to kill Lucifer with an angel blade, but it didn’t work.

Ruby’s Demon-Killing Knife

Early in the series, Sam and Dean relied on exorcising demons to get them out of humans and to save the people they possessed. As the battle against evil escalated, Ruby introduced the demon-killing knife. This made the job of getting rid of demons easier, but made it harder to save people.

But it doesn’t kill all demons, as higher-level monsters like Knights of Hell and Princes of Hell aren’t affected by the knife. The only history the show revealed about the knife is that it came from the Kurds.

John Winchester’s Journal

Dad’s journal acted as the Winchesters’ encyclopedia throughout the first few seasons of Supernatural. It worked as a handy tool to introduce the audience to the monster of the week. As the story grew more complicated and as the Winchesters proved their hunting prowess, they referred to it less and less.

But even in its latest seasons, the show still makes mention of it from time to time. The education John’s journal provides still matters to the boys as they continue the fight against evil.

Death’s Scythe

This weapon first appeared as a sickle when Alastair claimed he borrowed it from Death to perform the ritual of killing reapers to break a seal. But the full-size scythe appeared in season 10 when Dean is possessed by the Mark of Cain.

Dean was supposed to use the scythe to kill Sam in order to satisfy a deal that would prevent the Mark from killing anyone else. But Dean would rather kill Death himself than kill Sammy, so he did. Billie inherited the scythe when Death was killed and she, a reaper, died right after.

Bobby’s Flask

It’s no secret that the Winchester family is made up of functioning alcoholics. When Bobby dies, Dean keeps the old man’s flask as a memento of their surrogate father. He continues the tradition of relying on liquor to make it through the day.

But when Bobby’s ghost continues to haunt them and starts turning into a poltergeist, they realize that his spirit is attached to the flask. In a ghostly rage, Bobby pickpockets Dean and puts the flask in Charlie’s purse to follow her to SucroCorp to exact his revenge on Dick Roman.

Castiel’s Trenchcoat

This angel’s entrance onto the show brought with it his signature look, the beige trenchcoat. Creator Eric Kripke intended to pay homage to DC Comics’ John Constantine when he insisted that Castiel’s character always wear the coat.

It’s such an iconic fashion for him that even other characters on the show recognize him by it, like when the angel Balthazar referred to Castiel as, “The one in the dirty trenchcoat.” The oversized jacket gave Castiel a certain amount of mystique that made him look like a hard-boiled detective straight out of a noir film.