Supernatural: 5 Reasons Destiel Should Be Canon (& 5 Reasons We Don’t Want It)

Supernatural: 5 Reasons Destiel Should Be Canon (& 5 Reasons We Don’t Want It)

From the moment Castiel gripped Dean tight and raised him from perdition, the angel made his mark on both the older Winchester and Supernatural fans. Throughout 15 seasons the bond between Dean and Cass has grown, shattered, and been reborn again. Many want Destiel to be the endgame for the show.

But not all fans are behind the coupling of the hunter and the angel. Some believe the Destiel romance part of the fan base has created and argued for detracts from the show as a whole. Here are five reasons Destiel should be canon and five why it shouldn’t.

CANON: They Make a Hilarious Duo

Supernatural: 5 Reasons Destiel Should Be Canon (& 5 Reasons We Don’t Want It)

Especially early on, the mix of Dean’s cheeky humor with Castiel’s clueless deadpan made the perfect comedic combination. Dean’s exasperation every time Cass didn’t understand a reference started as an annoyance but soon turned to fondness.

As Castiel gained a greater sense of humanity, he developed his own sense of humor that complimented Dean’s, offering his own brand of sarcasm. This funny dynamic between the two characters made them the perfect pair. The inside jokes they shared from their shenanigans is what relationships are made of.

DON’T WANT: Divisive Force in Fandom

Anyone deep in the Reddit threads and Tumblr tags know that Destiel is not accepted across the board. Several fans oppose the pairing as a romantic one. Some claim that both Castiel’s and Dean’s past relationships on-screen don’t warrant the storyline.

Furthermore, with the way the show has progressed through its final season thus far, it doesn’t feel like Destiel can happen anymore. To make the pair go from friends to romantic partners now would feel forced. Many fans who wanted Destiel canon before don’t want it anymore.

CANON: Give Them a Happy Ending

After everything the Winchesters and their friends have been through, many fans want to see them get a happy ending. What’s a better happily ever after than the hero getting the guy? Castiel and Dean have made their fair of mistakes, but through it all, they always manage to find their way back to one another.

They’ve battled monsters, angels, and God Himself together. These two warriors deserve the chance to settle down and make a new life for themselves on Earth. Then again, maybe Heaven wouldn’t be so bad for them together.

DON’T WANT: Too Many Betrayals

While Cass and Dean always forgive one another for their mistakes, after so many years of battling evil, including each other at times, there have been too many betrayals. From keeping Sam’s return from the pit secret to working with Crowley to open the gates of Purgatory to collect souls, Castiel’s decisions have made Dean wary of his intentions.

Not all the betrayals between the two are Castiel or Dean’s fault, like when Naomi brainwashed the rebellious angel, but that doesn’t mean the traitorous acts don’t hurt their relationship.

CANON: They’ve Literally Been Through Hell and Back Together

Castiel talking to Dean in Purgatory Supernatural

Castiel and Dean first went through Hell when the angel rescued the hunter from his fate of an afterlife of being tortured and turning to torture. Together, they traversed Heaven as they battled Castiel’s brothers and sisters in the fight against the apocalypse. They even survived the brutality of Purgatory together.

There isn’t a battlefield Cass and Dean haven’t conquered side by side. A bond like that, forged in the fires of war, can’t be ignored. If Dean and Cass fight for free will and love of family, that includes them.

DON’T WANT: Toxic Relationship

Blended image of Dean and Castiel looking angry in Supernatural

While some argue that their constant return to each other indicates a romantic relationship, there are those who argue it isn’t a healthy one. With all the lies that have accumulated through the years and the betrayals, Destiel is a poignant example of a toxic relationship.

There are times their partnership has been mentally and emotionally abusive. Even physical abuse occurs when the hunter and angel go head to head to fight for what they believe in. The continuous return to a bad relationship out of a sense of familiarity is unhealthy.

CANON: They Have a Profound Bond

There’s a moment in season six when Sam asks Castiel why he doesn’t answer when he calls but always comes running when Dean calls. The angel admits he has a more profound bond with Dean, something that no one in the Supernatural universe has missed.

Cass and Dean have stood side by side in battle, but more than that, they have bonded over their similar family problems. Dean is the reason Cass rebelled against Heaven, and Cass fulfilled Dean’s desire for a best friend in a way that Sam couldn’t.

DON’T WANT: Gone Through the Ringer Too Many Times

Castiel, Sam, and Dean are shocked on a hunt in Supernatural season 14

In a sense, it’s commendable that Dean and Cass have stuck it out through the bad times and the worse. But there comes a point where a couple has to question if the good and better times are worth going through hell.

With the number of bruises and cuts they’ve dealt one another or sustained together, seeing Destiel come to fruition would feel tired. It makes the fans wonder if their relationship has become more a habit than a friendship. If that’s the case, then Destiel shouldn’t happen.

CANON: Need LGBTQ+ Representation On TV

Supernatural hasn’t had the greatest reputation with LGBTQ+ characters and media needs more representation in that aspect. Many fans have accused the show’s writers of queerbaiting, in which they write the characters in a way that insinuates they are a romantic pair, but never explicitly stating or showing it.

Throughout the series, lines like, “The one in the filthy trenchcoat who’s in love with you,” tease the Destiel relationship, treating it like it’s a joke. Fans, especially those from queer communities, deserve better than that.

DON’T WANT: It Can’t End Well

The series has a poor record of keeping romantic partners in the picture. Lisa’s memory was wiped. Sam left Amelia. Dean’s paramour Cassie from season one was never heard from again. The worst of all, Jessica was killed to spur Sam’s story and return him to the hunting life.

If Cass and Dean finally ended up together, the story would probably find a way to kill off one or both of them. Considering the backlash that happened with Charlie’s death, Supernatural should stay away from the “bury your gays” trope.