Supernatural: 5 Horror Movie Monsters Sam & Dean Could Beat (& 5 They Definitely Could Not)

Supernatural: 5 Horror Movie Monsters Sam & Dean Could Beat (& 5 They Definitely Could Not)

Sam and Dean are halfway through their final season of Supernatural, and over the years, it sometimes seems that they have come up against every possible monster out there. They’ve taken on everything from common and garden ghosts and vampires to Eve, Hellhounds, and even God and the Devil. They’ve gone to Hell and back, and now they are in one final fight with the Almighty… and fans are sure it’s a fight they’ll manage to win.

While we wait to see exactly how that turns out, though, it’s time to take a look at what other monsters the Winchesters could (and couldn’t) beat if they decided to wander into our favorite horror movie universes. Some might seem obvious – and some are the same kind of monsters they actually have come up against before, but others might be too much, even for these world-saving hunters.

Could Beat: Pennywise

Supernatural: 5 Horror Movie Monsters Sam & Dean Could Beat (& 5 They Definitely Could Not)

Pennywise (aka the scary clown from IT) would seem like a tough one for any hunter to take out, but let’s face it, these are the Winchesters we are talking about here. If a bunch of kids with a slingshot could manage to take Pennywise down in the original IT, we’re sure that Sam and Dean wouldn’t have that much trouble. Plus, they’ve already successfully taken on demonic clowns, fear sickness, shapeshifters, and demons. At what point could Pennywise throw something at them they haven’t already handled? (Admittedly, Sam would hate it, though.)

Could Not: Predator

Sam and Dean might be good at taking on super-fast and scary monsters, and in many ways, the Wendigo has a lot in common with Predator (fast, suddenly striking and killing, terrifying as all get out), but they just wouldn’t quite be up to this one. Why? Because Predator isn’t just a monster, it’s a technologically advanced being, and Sam and Dean are generally good with the more straightforward ganking. Add in the speed and viciousness, and the Winchesters would be lost.

Could Beat: Annabelle

A possessed killer doll, you say? Sam and Dean would barely break a sweat over this one! Annabelle, Chucky, and the whole horror-sub-genre of killer dolls might be terrifying for us normal humans to deal with, but the Winchesters are more than capable of this. They’ve previously dealt with possessions, demons, cursed objects, and deadly little girl ghosts (even one who was connected to her old doll), and in various combinations. This Conjuring monster wouldn’t stand a chance.

Could Not: Quiet Place Monsters

The alien monster in A Quiet Place

The Winchesters might be great at taking out monsters, but they aren’t exactly that capable when it comes to being quiet. In fact, one of the things that they seem to love most is getting the smarter monsters monologing, or coming up with sarcastic quips to throw at them mid-fight. They love to sass their monsters before killing them, and that’s just not going to work with these beasts.

Maybe the Bunker would be monster-proof enough to give them time to figure out how to take them out, and then they could intentionally rouse them with noise, but if they actually had to be silent for long, our bet isn’t on the boys. (That said, an entirely silent episode, a la Buffy’s ‘Hush’, would be an epic thing to see!)

Could Beat: Zombies

Croatoan, Supernatural

This almost feels like a given, because the Winchesters have essentially already gone up against zombies and won – more than once! They dealt with the Croatoan Virus, and the zombie-creatures that were the result of it, and made it out alive. They coped with a town where the dead came back to life (and seemed ok at first, before turning on people). They’ve even battled the risen dead in a graveyard in the season premiere. And, of course, they’ve got the bunker – the perfect place to hunker down during an apocalypse. They’d be just fine if zombies attacked.

Could Not: Freddy Krueger

Freddy Krueger Nightmare on Elm Street

This one is a maybe, because, like Pennywise, if a bunch of kids were able to take this monster down, we can assume that Sam and Dean could figure it out. However, this is a monster that doesn’t come from specific lore, stories, or god/demon battles.

This is one they couldn’t hide from in the Bunker while they figure stuff out. They have managed to get into (and out of) various dreams and dream-states in the past, but Krueger might be just a little beyond their ken.

Could Beat: Cenobites

Pinhead and the Cenobites from Hellraiser may look terrifying, but let’s face it, these are not really any different to the various demons that Sam and Dean have dealt with a thousand times, except that they have a few more piercings. In fact, Dean has been a literal torturer in Hell himself – not only could he take on the Cenobites, he could probably sit them down for Advanced Torture classes and teach them a thing or two.

Could Not: Godzilla

Godzilla, Mothra, really any of the kaiju monsters would be too much of a challenge for the Winchesters, because while they are capable of taking on extremely powerful beings, they would fail when it comes to extremely huge beings. All of the Winchester monsters tend to be human-sized (and often human-shaped), but when Sam and Dean almost ran into a Godzilla-sized creature in another universe, they fled. They simply do not have the firepower to take on something this enormous.

Could Beat: The Thing

This horror classic is definitely a scary one… unless you are a Winchester. At this point, the boys have dealt with shapeshifters so many times that the entire concept is just a little bit boring, and the Thing is really just another shapeshifter. Different backstory, maybe, but it’s the same basic concept. Between shapeshifters and demon possessions, it wouldn’t even take both Winchesters to attack the Thing, just one could do it without breaking a sweat.

Could Not: Clover

Much like Godzilla, Clover (of Cloverfield fame) is just too physically large for the Winchesters to battle. Unless they have a fleet of helicopters mounted with machine guns hidden in the Bunker, there’s really not much they could do. Even calling together all their hunter friends would probably get them to a point where they could just about deal with the parasites, not the monster itself. Sorry boys, but this one best be left to someone else!