Superman’s Super-Intelligence Is Finally Making Its Official Comeback

Superman’s Super-Intelligence Is Finally Making Its Official Comeback

Warning: contains spoilers for Superman: Son of Kal-El #11!

DC’s Superman is well-known for having multiple superpowers, but one of his most rarely-used abilities makes a significant comeback in his latest adventure, thanks to a speed-related secret that only the Flash knows. The Man of Steel mostly uses his super-strength and flying ability to solve problems and fight his many enemies, and occasionally uses his heat vision and other powers when the plot demands it. But Superman: Son of Kal-El #11 reveals Superman has never really abandoned his super-intelligence – and he uses it in the best possible way.

The Superman: Son of Kal-El series revolves around Clark Kent’s son, Jonathan Kent, who has inherited all the powers of his legendary father. With Clark off-world (as Superman is imprisoned by Mongul), Jonathan is Earth’s new Superman, and fights for “Truth, Justice and a Better World” (his new motto). His first arch-enemy is the evil President Bendix, the dictator of the island nation of Gamorra. Working with Lex Luthor, Bendix hatches a plan to use genetically-engineered superbeings to destroy Superman once and for all.

In Superman: Son of Kal-El #11, written by Tom Taylor with art by Cian Tormey, Jonathan realizes that a captured superbeing, controlled by Bendix, has a small explosive implanted in his head. He enlists the help of the shrinking hero Atom, but Bendix realizes the device is about to be removed as the Atom examines the bomb (from inside the metahuman’s head) and orders it to detonate. Superman is nervous, but Wally West gives hime some sage advice, from one speedster to another: “Jon, you and I have more time when we need it. Just breathe. Focus. Let it all stop. Think your way out.”

Superman’s Super-Intelligence Is Finally Making Its Official Comeback

Using the Flash’s advice, Superman is able to slow down time (at least from his perspective) and use his super-speed to fly the superhuman into the stratosphere and use a combination of x-ray vision and heat vision to accomplish micro-surgery while in the air. Bendix’s latest plan is thwarted thanks to Superman’s super-intelligence, a byproduct of his super-speed. This intelligence was demonstrated before in Superman: Son of Kal-El Annual #1 during a game of chess with Lex Luthor, but here, Jonathan Kent uses it to plan ahead and not succumb to nervous emotions.

The fact that Wally West of all people advocates for Jon to use his speed to think rather than act speaks volumes about both characters. Wally has changed from the standard “leap before looking” speedster mold, while Superman is willing to ask others for advice and heed their own intelligence brought on by years of experience – something that Superman lacks ever since he age was rapidly changed. In this regard, Superman’s super-intelligence can also be described as super-listening – not merely referring to his enhanced senses, but his capacity to take in the words of his allies and combine his intelligence with their own.