Superman’s Most Annoying Enemy Exists in Marvel’s Universe, Too

Superman’s Most Annoying Enemy Exists in Marvel’s Universe, Too

He may be known for pestering Superman, but the fifth dimensional imp Mr. Mxyzptlk is a pretty popular guy – even in other companies’ comic books! While the trickster usually keeps a pretty low profile while gallivanting through foreign dimensions, one of his trademark moves was once used by Nightcrawler, a member of the X-Men, during a particularly desperate point in his life.

This happened in the original Nightcrawler comic book miniseries from the 1980s by Dave Cockrum. The story had Kurt Wagner get sucked into a “Well of Time” that kept throwing him into various alternate dimensions, each one more bizarre than the last – which led the hapless Nightcrawler to try out a particularly bizarre move…

Related: X-Men Nightcrawler Created His Own Team, And It Was A Disaster

At first, Nightcrawler adjusted to his dimensional journey fairly well. He spent a week in one dimension as part of an air pirates’ crew and found it the perfect way to play out his old fantasies of being part of “Captain Blood’s” pirate ship. Unfortunately, when the ship began firing on innocents, the heroic X-Men quickly turned traitor and defended the other ship, eventually earning the affections of a very beautiful alien princess.

Just as Nightcrawler appeared to be accepted as an honored citizen in the new dimension, he was swept away again – this time into a dimension resembling a fairy tale told by Kitty Pryde where the X-Men had been recast as princes, princesses, wizards, and magical creatures. Nightcrawler himself came face-to-face with his doppelganger – a pint-sized blue imp “Bamf” who called him “Daddy!” Kurt teamed up with the Bamfs and the X-Men of this universe, saving the day once more – before he was tossed into yet another dimension.

Superman’s Most Annoying Enemy Exists in Marvel’s Universe, Too

At this point, Kurt’s trip just became flat-out weird as he encountered a cowboy dinosaur and later ended up in a world that looked like a living cartoon. Desperate to return to his home dimension, Kurt seized on a radical idea – he just shouted, “Kltpzyxm!”

Say what now? As any Superman fan knows, “Kltpzyxm” is “Mxyzptlk” spelled backwards – and the word the mischief-making imp must shout to return to the 5th Dimension. Interestingly, this actually applies to all residents of the 5th Dimension who can go home by saying their names backwards (in one interesting adventure, Superman gets sent to the 5th Dimension and is able to return to Earth by saying “Le Lak” (his Kryptonian name “Kal El” backwards).

Nightcrawler actually picks up on this and admits he should have shouted, “Relwacthgin!” (“Nightcrawler” backwards). While this reveals Kurt has the uncanny ability to pronounce difficult names backwards and forwards, a moment later the problem proves moot when some old friends help give Nightcrawler the information he needs to teleport back home on his own power.

The very fact that Nightcrawler knew about the “Kltpzyxm!” trick, however, indicates that Mxyzptlk exists in the Marvel Universe (at least in the comic books). Curiously, some Superman comic books have hinted that Mxyzptlk regularly travels to the Marvel Universe – under the guise of Marvel’s own trickster figure the Impossible Man. Perhaps 5th Dimension magic does work in the Marvel multiverse, and all Kurt Wagner had to do was shout, “Truk Rengaw”?