Superman’s Family Gets Major DC Change With New Children

Superman’s Family Gets Major DC Change With New Children

Spoilers for Action Comics #1051 by DC Comics

The Superman Family is getting a major change to the status quo, as Kal-El and Lois Lane officially adopt two children. In Action Comics #1051 by DC Comics, Superman and Lois announce they’re adopting Otho-Ra and Osul-Ra, who the Man of Steel saved on Warworld and brought back to Earth for a better life. The revelation is met with widespread approval from those closest to Superman.

In Action Comics #1051 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Rafa Sandoval, Matt Herms, and Dave Sharpe from DC Comics, Superman’s return to Earth after freeing the enslaved people of Warworld leads to the Superman-Family reuniting in Metropolis. With Jon Kent, Connor Kent, Kong Kenan, Kara Danvers, and John Henry Irons among those celebrating his return, Superman and Lois Lane make an announcement, revealing they are adopting Osul-Ra and Otho-Ra, two young children that Kal-El saved on Warworld who lost their parents during Mongul’s rule. The news represents a major change to Superman’s family as his life shifts again in the hero’s new era.

Superman’s New Children Are Welcomed To The Family With Open Arms

Superman’s Family Gets Major DC Change With New Children

The Superman-Family reacts positively to Otho-Ra and Osul-Ra being adopted by Kal-El and Lois Lane, as Supergirl welcomes the young children to the House of El with their own costumes. Meanwhile, Jon Kent, whose own childhood alongside his parents was taken away from him, isn’t upset about his parents adding to their family, as he tells Natasha Irons that he’s happy for the two youngsters, as they “just got the best parents in the whole world.”

Otho-Ra and Osul-Ra joining the Superman-Family represents one of the many changes to the new status quo of the Man of Steel’s latest era. Besides Kal-El and Lois Lane adopting the two children, DC Comics is putting a much bigger emphasis on its Superman-Family heroes, as Action Comics will focus on more than just Superman, giving room for stories featuring other heroes, including the Irons family, Power Girl, and Conner Kent. After Superman spent so much time on Warworld, it’s incredibly fun to see his family back together in such a big way.

Ultimately, the major change to the Superman-Family is a welcome one, as adopting the two children from Warworld shows the kindness of Superman and Lois Lane, as they include the two young heroes with open arms. Superman’s new children will seemingly be major characters in future issues of Action Comics, as we can’t wait to see what roles they take alongside the Man of Steel and his extended family in the DC Universe. Superman and Lois Lane make their new children’s adoption official in Action Comics #1051 by DC Comics, which is in comic book stores now.