Superman Knows One Justice Leaguer is Too Angry To Be a Great Hero

Superman Knows One Justice Leaguer is Too Angry To Be a Great Hero

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Superman: Red and Blue #3!

Hawkgirl has proven to be one of the angriest Justice League members, and Superman is concerned about it. In Superman: Red and Blue #3, Hawkgirl brings up that she can be “livid enough” for both her and Superman, as they take on their newest enemy. This sparks off a mini conversation about controlling Hawkgirl’s anger, which Superman is clearly very passionate about. He wants the best for everyone, especially his Justice League teammates.

Hawkgirl, just like her fellow Justice League members, has a long history in DC Comics. Hawkgirl was born in Ancient Egypt under the name of Chay-Ara, she lives on as she is bound to live in an endless cycle of reincarnation. She is known to be rather reckless, brash, and anger-fuelled in her decisions as a hero as she hates conforming to rules. In this issue, Hawkgirl states that she doesn’t want to lose her “killer instinct.” This startles Superman, as it’s not something that a superhero would normally say.

In Superman: Red and Blue #3 by Jesse J. Holland, Laura Braga, Hi-Fi, and Dave Sharpe, Superman asks Hawkgirl if she’s looked into anger management lessons. It must be stated that Superman’s not asking in a confrontation manner, but a caring one. They aren’t able to have a proper talk, due to being in the middle of a battle, but Hawkgirl appreciates that Superman followed up on her. As stated, she considered his advice but decided to not pursue any lessons due to wanting to keep her killer instinct.

Superman Knows One Justice Leaguer is Too Angry To Be a Great Hero

Though being a hero and having a killer instinct don’t normally mix, Hawkgirl clearly has found a way to make it work. Just because anger isn’t what fuels Superman, doesn’t mean that it can’t work for other heroes like Hawkgirl. Instead of being a critique, Superman’s question is more about him checking on her mental health and making certain that she isn’t carrying her battle rage into her personal life. The fact that Hawkgirl responds so calmly to Superman proves that this isn’t the case.

Ultimately, Hawkgirl is happy with her more relentless side but still appreciates Superman asking about her mental health. Hawkgirl’s killer instinct is a great tool as she is a true warrior in battle, defeating almost anything that comes in her path. Hawkgirl’s interactions with Superman show that two Justice League heroes can have very different approaches while still respecting each other and caring for one another