Superman Entrusts Only 1 Hero with Metropolis, Reshaping His Family’s Hierarchy

Superman Entrusts Only 1 Hero with Metropolis, Reshaping His Family’s Hierarchy

Warning: contains spoilers for Power Girl #8!

Superman is facing a threat unlike any other, forcing him to temporarily leave Metropolis, and he has upended the Super-Family hierarchy by entrusting care of the city to a surprising hero. In Power Girl #8, the Man of Steel, facing the threat of Brainiac and his legion of Czarnians, goes to Power Girl, asking her to watch over Metropolis while he handles the menace.

Power Girl #8 was written by Leah Williams and drawn by Eduardo Pansica. Brainiac has kidnapped various members of the Superman Family, including a handful of rehabilitated villains. Thanks to being from Earth-2, and hence with a different dimensional frequency, Power Girl was spared. She meets up with Superman, who brings her up to speed. Superman tells her he must go find them.

Superman Entrusts Only 1 Hero with Metropolis, Reshaping His Family’s Hierarchy

Power Girl understands, and tells Superman she will protect the city while he is gone.

Power Girl flies around Metropolis, checking on other members of the Superman Family.

Power Girl then uses her abilities to check on the remaining Super-Family members, as well as her own neighborhood.

The Super-Family’s Return is Long Overdue

And It Was Past Time for Power Girl to Join Them

The past year has seen the rebirth of the Super-Family. A hallmark of an earlier era in the Man of Steel’s history, the modern incarnation of the Super-Family has expanded. Not only does it include the usual suspects, such as Supergirl and Krypto, but it has grown to encompass ordinary people, such as Bibbo, as well as former villains, such as Silver Banshee. Power Girl, long considered a pariah among the Super-Family, has found herself welcomed in with open arms. The first year’s worth of Power Girl has been dedicated to giving the character her due and showing her worth.

Power Girl, for many years, was an outcast among Earth’s heroic community. Hailing from a now-dead version of Earth-2, Power Girl has gone through one identity crisis after another. This instability worked against Power Girl, as it led her to develop something of a chip on her shoulder. This kept her out of the Super-Family for many years. Yet, through change and growth on all sides, Power Girl has finally found her footing in the DC Universe. Along with this newfound confidence and sense of belonging, there has come a new friend: Lilith of the Titans.

Power Girl Has At Long Last Earned Superman’s Trust

Power Girl Will Not Disappoint Superman


Power Girl #2 Variant cover with Paige winking and flexing

Superman asking Power Girl to take care of Metropolis is a huge deal, as it seems to upend the Super-Family’s hierarchy. While Brainiac kidnapped some members, others were left behind. Among them were Steel, Natasha Irons and Hawkgirl, who fought alongside Superman in the Justice League. Superman could have gone to any of them, and perhaps in times past, he would have. Yet Power Girl has proven herself a worthy member of the Family. Going to Power Girl was not a last-ditch option for Superman, but instead a sign of trust.

Power Girl #8 is on sale now from DC Comics!

Power Girl #8 (2024)

Power Girl 8 Main Cover: Crush pushes Power Girl out of frame.

  • Writer: Leah Williams
  • Artist: Eduardo Pansica
  • Inker: Julio Ferreira
  • Letterer: Becca Carey
  • Cover Artist: Yanick Paquette & Arif Prianto