Superman Could Help More People by Making a Tiny Change to his Costume

Superman Could Help More People by Making a Tiny Change to his Costume

Warning! Spoilers for Superman: Red & Blue #3 

Few heroes in the DC Universe have done as much for humanity as Superman, arguably Earth’s greatest defender. However, a new story reveals that a small change to Superman’s costume in DC Comics could enable him to help a lot more people, but the Man of Steel won’t do it.

Superman: Red & Blue is an ongoing anthology series from DC that examines Superman through a variety of different lenses. Each issue contains several, self-contained stories about the Man of Steel, shedding light on different aspects of his character. However, the second entry in issue #3 raises an interesting point about how Superman could be doing more to help people. Written by Michel Fiffe, the story, titled “Kilg%re City,” has Superman team up with Cyborg, Hawkgirl, and Booster Gold to take on the evil artificial intelligence known as Kilg%re. As they fight through their robotic opponents, Superman makes sure to check in with each of his teammates along the way, and Booster Gold has an interesting suggestion for the Man of Steel.

While flying side by side, Booster asks Superman if he’s had a chance to think about their previous conversation. While their talk was not shown on the page, the subject can be inferred easily enough from Superman’s reply. “No, I won’t wear endorsements on my uniform,” he says, much to Booster’s disappointment. “It doesn’t have to be tacky,” Booster argues. “Money can go to charity, even.” The two get attacked by Kilg%re before Supes can respond, but considering how adamant he seemed, it’s unlikely he was about to change his mind. However, Booster’s point about giving the endorsement money to charity is actually a fair argument. After all, that money would surely help a lot of people, so why is Superman so opposed to it?

Superman Could Help More People by Making a Tiny Change to his Costume

Superman jumps at the chance to help people, but it has to be on his terms. With his incredible power, he simply can’t allow someone else to control how he uses it. By agreeing to wear endorsements on his uniform, Superman would no longer be solely in charge of his image, and considering how many people look up to him, that’s a big risk. Not only that, but commercialization in general is a slippery slope for superheroes. For example, in the world of The Boys, the supes in The Seven are treated like celebrities, with franchises, endorsements, and entire PR teams, but as a result, they lack real heroic attributes. So while the money from advertising on his suit could go towards a good cause, there are a lot of potential drawbacks that Booster Gold hasn’t considered.

Within the DC Universe, Superman is more than a hero – he’s a symbol. Signing a contract with some agency to wear logos on his uniform like a race-car would not only degrade the meaning of the symbol, it would also behold him to the industry’s standards and stipulations, and that’s a risk he’s understandably unwilling to take.