Superman ’78 Just Introduced a Jaw-Dropping First to Christopher Reeve Canon

Superman ’78 Just Introduced a Jaw-Dropping First to Christopher Reeve Canon

Warning: Spoilers for Superman ’78: The Metal Curtain #2!The comic book continuation of Christopher Reeve’s Superman movies has introduced a surprising first for the franchise. The core of the first two Superman movies was the romance between Lois Lane and Clark Kent, as played at the time by Margot Kidder and Christopher Reeve. As the comics continue to follow that same continuity, their romance continues to evolve.

Lois and Clark take the next step of their relationship in Superman ’78: The Metal Curtain #2 by Robert Venditti, Gavin Guidry, and Jordie Bellaire. Cover art from Guidry and Bellaire, along with a preview for the panels to arrive in the issue, can be found below. Superman ’78: The Metal Curtain #2 will be hitting stores on December 5.

In a first for the franchise that never happened in any of its sequels, Superman introduces Lois to his biological parents, Jor-El and Lara. This meeting would likely not have been possible if not for the comic book continuation feasibly reintroducing those characters.

Superman ’78 Just Introduced a Jaw-Dropping First to Christopher Reeve Canon


SUPERMAN ‘78: THE METAL CURTAIN #1 Is a Fun & Classic Superhero Tale (Review)

Superman ‘78: The Metal Curtain brings Robert Venditti and Gavin Guidry together for a tale that captures the spirit of the original films’ canon.

Superman Introduces Lois to His Parents

Superman 78 The Metal Curtain Metallo Cover

The original Superman ’78 comic series follows the canon of the late 1970s Superman movies starring Christopher Reeve, specifically the first two directed by Richard Donner as the series directly follows up on Superman II. Superman ’78 sees the title character take on Brainiac, a cyborg who preserves the remnants of extinct planets in bottles. He preserves what’s left of Krypton in the shrunken, miniature bottle city of Kandor. Within the bottle are the last Kryptonians, including Superman’s birth parents. After he defeats Brainiac, he brings the city of Kandor to the Fortress of Solitude.

Fast-forward to the sequel series, Superman ’78: The Metal Curtain. In the second issue, Superman surprises Lois by flying her to the Fortress of Solitude for what she believes is the first time. Knowing this takes place after Superman II, this is actually the second time that Superman has taken Lois to the Fortress of Solitude, but the first time since he wiped her memory at the end of that same movie with a kiss (which believe it or not is comics accurate). The big difference here is that Superman’s parents are at the Fortress waiting for him and Lois to arrive.

The Superman ’78 Comics Continuation Provides A Great Perk for Fans


This moment highlights one of the biggest benefits of revisiting the Christopher Reeve Superman movie franchise for the comic book realm. It allows fans of the franchise to get some closure revolving around Lois and Clark’s relationship. As vital as that romance is to the first two movies, that relationship effectively becomes stunted for the last two sequels following Superman’s memory wipe of Lois. This moment rebuilds that relationship for the comic realm in a way that never would have been possible in the final two Superman sequels.