Supergirl’s Most Powerful Form Makes Her a Literal Horror Monster

Supergirl’s Most Powerful Form Makes Her a Literal Horror Monster

The Kryptonian hero Supergirl may be powerful on her own, but one frightening form gives her a serious power boost. By adopting the guise of one of her most well-known adversaries, Kara Zor-El realizes her potential in the most terrifying way.

Superman is without a doubt one of the most popular heroes in the DC Universe, but he’s far from the only person blessed with Kryptonian physiology. Clark Kent’s cousin Kara Zor-El has the same set of powers that Earth’s yellow sun gives the Man of Steel. From heat vision to overwhelming strength, anything that Superman can do, Supergirl is just as capable. She may not have the fortune of a lifetime learning how to hone the array of powers she was blessed with, but Kara’s a quick learner and mastered her abilities quickly. She may not always get the spotlight, but Supergirl is an extremely powerful hero.

But as mighty as she is, one particularly nightmarish form could have made her the deadliest being in the entire DCU. In Supergirl #49 by Sterling Gates and Matt Camp, Kara is fighting one of her oldest enemies, the Silver Banshee. A friend of Kara’s, Inspector Henderson, has been investigating a strange case involving the Supergirl villain and a collection of artifacts Banshee has been after. Henderson is bound to one such artifact and Silver Banshee arrives to reclaim her heirlooms. As she prepares to kill Henderson and take the item, Supergirl grabs hold of the Silver Banshee’s other artifacts. Kara is possessed by the Banshee spirits and becomes a Banshee herself, complete with a modified costume. The spirits use Kara’s body to seek revenge on Silver Banshee. They even mention how much more useful Supergirl’s body is at utilizing the Banshee’s true powers.

Supergirl’s Most Powerful Form Makes Her a Literal Horror Monster

The spirits that seize control of Kara aren’t wrong. Like her cousin Superman, Supergirl is extremely durable and capable of withstanding powerful pressures, a good benefit when possessing a sonic scream like Silver Banshee. Not to mention the vocal cords of a Kryptonian are much more powerful than an average human. So whatever deadly wail Banshee could emit, the eerie version of Supergirl could cry one much louder and more devastating. Supernatural monsters taking over Kryptonians is bad news, and Banshee spirits may be the worst of all.

Various universes have seen members of the Super Family turned into vampires, zombies or other sorts of monstrous threats. And while those are scary, this Supergirl villain is just as terrifying. Silver Banshee can kill with a simple utterance of one’s true name, not to mention the deafening voice she uses as her primary weapon. Supergirl becoming a Banshee herself would be a serious threat to the entire DCU. The natural abilities of a Kryptonian, multiplied by the destructive power of a Banshee, all under the control of malignant forces while Kara is forced to go along for the ride? Supergirl’s Silver Banshee form might be powerful, but it’s also one of the most unsettling things to happen to her.