Supergirl: What Your Favorite Character Says About You

Supergirl: What Your Favorite Character Says About You

After ten months away, Supergirl is returning to the CW for its sixth and final season. After the successful launch of her cousin’s spin-off series Superman & Lois, critically and commercially, it will be good for fans to reconnect with Kara Danvers and remember why the show has a passionate fanbase who will be sad to see it go.

A large part of the reason that Supergirl is so enjoyable to watch is its large cast of supporting characters, ranging from original names like Kara’s sister Alex to iconic DC heroes such as Martian Manhunter. Every fan has their own favorite Supergirl character, in fact, and who you chose probably says a lot about your personality.

Lex Luthor

Supergirl: What Your Favorite Character Says About You

If a fan’s favorite character is Superman and Supergirl’s arch-nemesis Lex Luthor then it is pretty obvious that you don’t condone his evil plans. Rather, it might be because you are able to relate to his ambitious nature.

While Lex often prefers to do things independently, he has occasionally shown to care about his family too. It is also likely that, as a Lex fan, you might find value in intelligence and not care about what other people think of you.

Cat Grant

Cat Grant with a smile on her face at her office in CatCo

While it’s been a long time since she’s been in Supergirl, Cat Grant left an indelible mark on the show and it’s never been the same since she left. Nevertheless, Cat has a lot of fans because she’s such a powerful character. If you’re among them, you like being forthright and honest.

You admire strong individuals who are good at being in command and are willing to help people realize their full potential. You may not show it, but you have shown to care deeply for your friends and family. Above all else, you’ll stick to your principles and do the right thing, even if it means making a few enemies along the way.

James Olsen

James Olsen in a suit speaking to Lena Luthor

A fan of James Olsen is a fan of change. James has gone through an extraordinary amount of changes, both before and during Supergirl. After moving to National City, James became a designer, reporter, and had a love story with Kara that was swiftly dropped.

He then took over the newspaper from Cat Grant, become the superhero Guardian, and eventually moved back home to run a small-town newspaper. If you related to James’ arc, it is likely that you are always looking for your next challenge and don’t mind making friends with some powerful people along the way. You are also probably extremely loyal to your friends and will do whatever it takes to protect them.

Lena Luthor

Lena Luthor in the Luthor family home

If there’s a theme in Supergirl, it’s one about people desperately trying to escape the shadow of their more famous or infamous relatives. Lena Luthor is the sister of Superman’s greatest enemy, Lex Luthor, and has had to deal with her family’s disapproval all her life. However, fans have come to admire Lena for trying to change how the world interprets her family and their name.

If you’re a fan of Lena Luthor, you may be someone who always looks to find the good in people and strives to overcome everything life throws at you. You also value honesty above all else and feel that trust helps to keep a healthy relationship.

Querl Dox/Brainiac 5

Brainy in his human disguise working at the DEO

Brainiac 5 (a.k.a. Brainy) is a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes, who has traveled from the far future. He sometimes feels out of place socially but never fails to use his skills to help out his friends, even if it means going up against foes that would give Superman pause, such as the Amazo android in the “Elseworlds” crossover story.

If Querl Dox is your favorite character then you are happy to face unfamiliar situations if means doing the right thing. You’re smart, quirky, and are always happiest when using your knowledge or abilities to lend a hand. You also know the most interesting people are usually the ones who often get overlooked and will do your best to make them feel included too.

J’onn J’onzz/Hank Henshaw/Martian Manhunter

Martian Manhunter disguised as Hank Henshaw with red eyes

The Martian Manhunter J’onn J’onzz is a person of two worlds, who came to Earth as a refugee from Mars. As he can shape-change, he assumed the form of the deceased DEO head Hank Henshaw and lived as him for years, until Alex and Kara discovered the truth. He fights for freedom and against intolerance wherever he finds it, and will always be nearby to lend a hand in superheroic matters or otherwise.

As a fan of J’onn, it is likely that you embrace change and are constantly looking for new things to try. You value respect, forthrightness, and loyalty. You like to be different and will always stand up for those who can’t help themselves.

Nia Nal/Dreamer

Nia Nal in full Dreamer costume

As one of the few LGBTQ+ characters in the series, Nia has proven to be a strong and empowering role model for fans. Nia has proven time and time again that she is a friend that can be relied on, often showing great support and compassion to those who may have faced prejudice or discrimination.

Nia has also enjoyed looking for the truth in things and showed a desire to help people in whatever she can. While Nia occasionally appears to lack confidence, a lot of her fans have admired her determination to improve this. If Nia is your favorite character, it is likely that you are just as kind, selfless, and very altruistic too.

Winn Schott

Winn Schott looking concerned at the DEO's original season one headquarters

Winn is a great example of Supergirl‘s theme of escaping family legacies, as his father is the major Superman villain Toyman. Winn was terrified he was going to turn into his father, but instead, he overcame his fear and embraced his legacy for the better.

If Winn is your favorite character, it is likely that you are funny, quirky, and probably have a lot of toys cluttering up your desk or room that nevertheless bring you a lot of joy. You’re a person people trust and your true friends love to be around you.

Alex Danvers

Alex Danvers from Supergirl

While the characters on the show may just see her as the completely-human step-sister of Supergirl, she has come to mean so much more to the viewers. Like Nia, not only is Alex one of the most inspiring LGBTQ+ characters in the show, but she has also won the admiration of fans for her bravery and hard work. Despite making a few mistakes in the past, Alex has shown a willingness to take responsibility and make amends with the people she has hurt most.

If Alex is your favorite then it is likely that you value loyalty, compassion, and your family the most. You have no qualms standing up or rooting for the underdogs, doing whatever it takes to see them succeed. While you may be seen as responsible, it is also likely that you aren’t afraid to relax every now and then too.

Kara Danvers/Kara Zor-El/Supergirl

An image of Kara in her Supergirl costume


Whether as Kara or Supergirl, the lead of the show has had a rough life. Nevertheless, she doesn’t let adversity get her down, and if you like Kara, this may be something you can relate to. Like Kara, you can be seen to have a curious and quirky nature that people can’t help but gravitate towards.

Because of your lovable personality, you can make friends easily and are shown to value them more than anything else in the world. You always want to do the right thing and help out in any situation. You’ll always bounce back and be there to help out. You also don’t care if you’re unlucky in love, because you always have friends, family, and ice cream to make you feel better.