Supergirl & Superman Get a Dark New Bond as Krypton’s End is Revealed

Supergirl & Superman Get a Dark New Bond as Krypton’s End is Revealed

Warning! Spoilers ahead for World of Krypton #1!

A new DC Comics miniseries taking place before the destruction of Krypton makes the relationship between Superman and Supergirl even more tragic. Although the Bat-Family gets an abundant amount of coverage, the Kryptonian bloodline the House of El might very well be DC’s most significant family. Clark Kent kickstarted what people recognize as superhero media in Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster’s Action Comics #1. After a few decades, Kara Zor-El debuted as the Last Son of Krypton’s only blood relative in Robert Bernstein and Al Plastino’s Action Comics #252.

Superman and Supergirl’s relationship doesn’t get too much appreciation anymore. The super-cousins are somewhat distant today, especially now that Clark and Lois Lane have brought Jon Kent into their lives. Although Superman is the one who taught Kara about Earth’s culture, Kara’s backstory reveals that she’s, in fact, the older cousin. There’s definitely some turmoil within her. It should be Supergirl’s birthright to represent her generation of Kryptonians, especially since she actually has memories of life on her home planet. Although the cousins grew up with pure hearts, and there is still much love in their relationship, Kara and Kal-El’s Kryptonian history somewhat tarnishes their bond.

In Robert Venditti and Michael Avon Deming’s World of Krypton #1, Jor-El and Zor-El discuss their family during a ceremony to name baby Kara Zor-El. It’s a grim moment for readers since they know the destruction of Krypton is inevitable. The brothers talk about how Kara is the first of her generation. When Alura presents Kara’s name to Lara, Kal-El’s mother says: “Your aunt will always treasure being the first to know your name.” If Kara were ever to witness these events, since Supergirl is known to travel through time, there’s no doubt that it would only add to her grief. Even Jor and Zor’s cousin, Kru-El (who eventually becomes one of General Zod’s supporters), puts his differences with his cousins aside, stating that even he “wouldn’t think of missing the first naming ceremony of [the House of El’s] new generation.” These forgotten moments only put more pressure on Supergirl’s familial importance.

Supergirl & Superman Get a Dark New Bond as Krypton’s End is Revealed

The issue highlights how Supergirl was supposed to be the first and oldest of this new generation of the House of El. This makes it all the more tragic that circumstances would mean she would go on to be younger than her cousin and live in his shadow. And because of Krypton’s destruction, this new generation will only be comprised of two children: Kara and Kal. However, the future-set stories of House of El show that Supergirl does eventually embrace her destiny and step into a prominent leadership role within her family.

A critically acclaimed DC comic, Superman: Brainiac (by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank), sheds some light on Kara and Clark’s relationship. In a scene where the cousins discuss Brainiac’s campaign to collect artifacts and cities from different worlds, Kara shares her perspective. Unlike Superman, Supergirl actually remembers stories of Brainiac while growing up on Krypton. She tells her cousin, “Kandor vanished. I’m talking about the one, true Kandor. And it was like the heart of Krypton had been ripped right out! I had friends there. Thara Ak-Var. My best friend…” Superman offers his cousin a hug during this emotional moment, and readers can see that although Superman is known as “The Last Son of Krypton,” Kara is culturally the last of her people.

Even if DC Comics regularly highlights Superman‘s forefathers in old accounts of Krypton, it’s probably more interesting to look at the planet’s history from Kara’s perspective. After all, she still remembers it. It’s bittersweet knowing that Supergirl would be the face of her generation if Krypton had lived.