Supergirl Red Tornado Preview & New Promo Clip

Supergirl Red Tornado Preview & New Promo Clip

CBS’s Supergirl is now in full swing, with three pretty entertaining episodes under its belt. The action heated up in episode three, with a return appearance by Kara’s most famous cousin, and judging by a new clip and photos of upcoming episodes it does not look like the action will be slowing down any time soon.

Supergirl has carved itself its own unique niche of the DC television universe, presenting a hero that is less gritty and angst-ridden than some of her male counterparts like Arrow or Superman’s most recent big screen incarnation. Compared to her conflicted (and occasionally bearded) cousin, Supergirl is more the sort of superhero with whom a person could Netflix and chill, even if her exploits probably won’t be making it to Netflix anytime soon.

A new Supergirl promo released by via Variety asks the question, “How Does She Do It?” as Kara is left to babysit Cat Grant’s son Carter (Levi Miller), who just happens to be a big fan of Supergirl. Little does he know (thanks to the power of glasses and a ponytail) that he’s actually talking to Supergirl herself.

In addition to the clip from next week’s episode, CBS has released some photos from the November 30th episode of Supergirl, titled “Red Faced.” Upon seeing the photos, it’s pretty obvious why they chose that title. Check them out below.

Supergirl Red Tornado Preview & New Promo Clip

Supergirl - Red Faced

Supergirl - Red Faced

Supergirl - Kara in pink sweater

Supergirl - Red Faced

Supergirl - Red Faced

Supergirl - Red Faced

This episode will feature the debut of Iddo Goldberg as Red Tornado. Per the official synopsis:

“Red Faced” — Personal and professional stress get the better of Kara when she goes too far during a training exercise against Red Tornado, a military cyborg commissioned by Lucy Lane’s father, General Sam Lane. Also, Cat’s tough exterior is shaken by a visit from her judgmental mother, Katherine, and Alex enlists Winn to look into her father’s mysterious death.

In the short time she has been on TV, Supergirl has proven that she’s more than just Superman’s cousin. Creating female superheroes who are just gender-swapped versions of a more popular male counterpart is a long and dubious tradition among comic books and their TV and film adaptations (see: She-Hulk, Spider-Woman, Batgirl, etc.), but Supergirl has enough of a distinct personality to justify its existence, and enough action to satisfy fans of the superhero genre.

Supergirl returns Monday @8pm with “How Does She Do It?”.

Sources: and Variety