Supergirl: Peter Facinelli On How Maxwell Lord Differs From the Comics

Supergirl: Peter Facinelli On How Maxwell Lord Differs From the Comics

With the new season premieres of Gotham, The Flash and Arrow in the books, all eyes have turned to the next DC television property of the fall: Supergirl. The show has hit a few pitfalls on the road to launch, not the least of which was the pilot leaking back in May. Regardless, the show has since generated a lot of buzz, with early reviews of the pilot episode being largely positive.

The series will feature plenty of iconic villains from DC history, including the sometimes hero/sometimes villain Maxwell Lord (Peter Facinelli). The character has historically been a powerful businessman with ties to both the Justice League and the government organization Checkmate. The version of Lord in Supergirl will be a new take on the character, with closer ties to Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart) than the superhuman community.

While at New York Comic-Con 2015, Screen Rant spoke to Facinelli about his version of the character. Previously described as a “green tech billionaire,” the actor elaborated on Lord’s motivations in the series and whether or not he’s a force for good.

“He is all about saving the Earth. He thinks his way is the best way of doing it and he doesn’t really like that these superheroes are tearing things up on the planet. He believes in humanity and that humanity should save themselves. He’s kind of anti-superhero.”

Supergirl: Peter Facinelli On How Maxwell Lord Differs From the Comics

The description seems to put Maxwell Lord in line with the role Lex Luthor typically takes in a Superman series. It makes sense that the creators would want to fill that iconic role in Supergirl and Lord could make a great analogue. Facinelli went on to further discuss the deviations from the source material.

“I think in the comic books he’s more Trump-esque and in this show he’s more Elon Musk. So there’s different types of billionaires and I think his is more of a George Clooney on the cover of ‘GQ’ as opposed to Donald Trump on the cover of ‘Forbes’… I read a lot of stuff on Maxwell, but I think with this it’s a different version of him so I didn’t want to be too tied down to what the comics are.”

Despite these changes, Facinelli promised that the essence of Maxwell Lord will be present in his version of the character. He won’t be “driven by evil,” but rather “by what his version of good is.” All of this sounds in line with the source material, which has featured Lord going to incredible means to show the world what a threat superheroes really are. It’s not hard to imagine that at some point in the series, Lord will be leading a campaign against the Kryptonian savior of National City.

Maxwell Lord Brother Eye

Supergirl producer Ali Adler has indicated there are currently no plans for Supergirl to cross over with The Flash and Arrow, but Maxwell Lord could make for a great bridge between all of Greg Berlanti’s series. The character has previously been the head of government organization Checkmate, founded by none other than Amanda Waller. The character could even tie into the Booster Gold and Blue Beetle movie currently in the works, considering his involvement with both characters. Lord could easily take on a greater role in a connected DC TV universe, should the need arise.

NEXT: Supergirl To Follow Original Superman Films (Not Man of Steel)

Supergirl premieres on CBS at 8:30pm EST on October 26th, 2015. It will air at 8pm EST on Mondays thereafter.