Supergirl: Melissa Benoist’s Cutest & Funniest Instagram Posts

Over the past couple of years, the CW has done a good job of bringing to life DC characters on the television screen. One of them being Supergirl. The famed comic book character is played by actress Melissa Benoist, Benoist is known for a variety of works like Glee and Whiplash.

The actress is adored by fans for her on-screen portrayal of the caped superhero. Just as she is great on-screen she is also great at posting comical and down-to-earth photos on her Instagram.  Some involve on-set shenanigans and some pertain to her wacky and fun life. Let’s take a look at her best posts that will surely make anyone smile.

Directing Where Needed

Melissa Benoist has been playing the role of Supergirl for five seasons and soon to be a sixth. It’s safe to say she has a detailed understanding of how the show runs. She was given the chance to direct her own episode, “Deus Lex Machina.”  She posted a photo that shows just how serious directing is.

When in a pinch or need to use all the spare time possible, it means directing the loo. Melissa seems to have been caught off guard but she takes things in stride. She even shows fans the most comfortable position to go over scenes and appropriate camera angles.

Squeezing In A Quick Nap

Staying long hours on set shooting and re-shooting may not leave much time for beauty sleep. Benoist has the perfect solution and takes a nap wherever possible. This even means taking a snooze on the actual set. With the bright lights, air conditioning, and the chatter, Benoist had to cover herself up.

She does caption that she promises she’s actually in the photo. Hard to tell under the layers of coats. But her red boots are a giveaway. Even Supergirl needs some rest in between saving lives and the world.

Like A Kid In A Candy Store

Benoist knows how to have a good time on set and take advantage of the displays that the crew has to come up with. The photos shared show Benoist riding a dinosaur and having the time of her life. In the last photo, she’s even happily clinging onto the leg of a giant T-Rex.

Benoist is still a kid at heart who geeks out over paleontology like Ross in Friends. The displays were from the National City Tar Pits Museum seen in season five with the character Rama Khan (Mitch Pileggi).

She Said Yes

Fans were in awe when Benoist and her co-star Christopher Wood started dating. They were a match made in heaven. Some would recall Wood from his The Vampire Diaries’ role as the evil villain Kai. In February of last year, Wood popped the big question.

Benoist posted a sweet photo of Wood kissing her cheek while she can’t stop smiling. Not to mention the gorgeous engagement ring on her finger. Benoist had the perfect caption for the photo to express her happiness, “yes yes yes it will always be yes.”

A Role Model For Young Girls

This Instagram post is from 2015 but it deserves praise for it not only being adorable but heartwarming. Benoist had just started her role as Supergirl on the CW. Her role was already a huge inspiration to young girls for being a strong female hero.

Benoist posted a photo of herself in costume alongside the Girl Scouts of Oklahoma. Just as super is Supergirl, so are these Girl Scouts. The girls were even given their own capes to wear and made to feel like their own heroes.

A Beautiful Wedding

Benoist had fans tearing at her Instagram post in 2019 when she married her fiancé Christopher Wood. The photo is simple and sweet but shows the couple’s love for each other. Wood and Benoist look at each other with a loving gaze. Benoist looks stunning in her flowing dress and Wood in a clean-cut suit.

It’s the caption that got to fans. Benoist caption talks about remembering the special day forever and making the joke on how it’s possible to get so lucky. She calls herself the luckiest girl in the world.

Benoist On Broadway

Besides on-screen roles, Benoist was also bitten by the theater bug. She has a lengthy list of accolades for roles on stage and in 2018, she was given the opportunity to be the lead role as Carole King in Beautiful: The Carole King Musical.

Benoist can multitask as she not only enthralled fans in the musical but contend to play Supergirl on-screen. She posted a sad but grateful photo of her last day on stage with Carole King. She played the role for an entire summer and explains that the photo sums her feelings of gratitude, happiness, and hard work.

Halloween Blues

Many would love to dress up as their favorite hero every day. But for Benoist, she explained in an Instagram post that having to wear a costume every day can make Halloween lose its luster. She also included a comical photo of her falling in front of the green-screen.

The screaming expression and messy hair make for a good laugh. Along with the photo, she also encouraged fans to fill their pillowcases with as much candy as possible. She also gave a fair warning to listen to a mom’s suggestion of wearing a coat over a costume.

She’s A Star Wars Fan

Being the lead in a superhero show and to portray the iconic Supergirl would be considered cool. According to Benoist, nothing was cooler than dressing up as Kenobi for Halloween. She shared an adorable throwback photo of when she was a kid in 1995.

Most kids would dress up as a princess, fairy, or as seen in this photo, a cute bunny. Benoist had a different idea and instead decided to mimic one of the legendary Jedi Masters in the Star Wars franchise. She totally wins some brownie points for being a fan at such a young age.

A Family Of Five

In March of 2020, Benoist and her husband share some exciting news on Instagram. They did so in the cutest and funniest way possible. They announced that they are expecting a new member of the family. This time it’s not a canine. The couple looked happy as Benoist held up a small blue sweater for their future child.

One may notice that there’s a lot of blue going on in the photo. What had people laughing was the second photo that instead had Wood adorning a pregnant belly. Benoist held him from behind with a smile. She even captioned that Wood has always been an old dad at heart and this time he will soon be a real dad.