Supergirl Finally Conquered One of Superman’s Biggest Weaknesses

Supergirl Finally Conquered One of Superman’s Biggest Weaknesses

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Lazarus Planet: Alpha #1!It looks like Supergirl has been able to overcome one of Superman’s most iconic weaknesses just in the nick of time. Lazarus Planet: Alpha #1 reveals how Kara’s overcoming of a certain vulnerability might just help the DC Universe out of its latest calamity.

Despite the amazing abilities the rays of a yellow sun affords Kryptonian heroes like Superman and Supergirl, they aren’t exactly invulnerable. As they’ve found out through the years, there are plenty of things that can strip them of their power and leave them completely weak. Everyone knows that Clark Kent and his family are helpless to kryptonite and its many variants. But the heroes also have their strength diminished when hit with red solar radiation, leaving them as weak as average people. Not to mention that magic is something that can wreak havoc on the Super Family, leaving the powerful heroes utterly defenseless.

However, in the face of adversity, Supergirl has been able to overcome one of these weaknesses, giving her and her allies a fighting chance. In Lazarus Planet: Alpha #1 by Mark Waid and Riccardo Federici, a magical storm is battering the world as a result of King Fire Bull triggering a volcanic eruption on Lazarus Island. Damian Wayne assembles as many heroes as he can and hands out assignments and sends Supergirl, Blue Devil, Batman, and Talia al Ghul to track down King Fire Bull’s father, Nezha. The team heads for the Himalayas, but they are confronted by King Fire Bull’s underling, Golden Horn King. Channeling the power of fear, the demon makes the heroes cower and submit before him. Blue Devil calls out to Supergirl and urges her to overcome her fear, inspiring Kara to clap and take Golden Horn King out with a sonic boom.

Unlike Superman, Supergirl Can Overcome Magic

Supergirl Finally Conquered One of Superman’s Biggest Weaknesses

When the chips are down, heroes like Supergirl and Superman have always fought on in spite of the odds. When belted with kryptonite or red sun, the heroes continue to fight no matter the odds. But magic is something that’s truly difficult for Kryptonians to battle because it’s so wildly unpredictable. However, Kara’s sheer determination and will has allowed her to break through the magic of Golden Horn King. Not only is that a good personal development, it may help her at a crucial point in the DC Universe’s history.

Because of the storm caused by the volcanic eruption on Lazarus Island, the rules for DC’s magic and science have gone haywire. Kara’s already seen her powers actually reduced by the presence of sunlight instead of growing stronger. But by pushing through the pain and overcoming the weakness to magic, she has significantly improved her chances of making it out of this calamity. And it goes without saying, a Kryptonian overcoming a vulnerability to magic is something that gives her a leg up on her cousin. Fans curious to see what Supergirl beating a classic Superman weakness can read more in Lazarus Planet: Alpha #1, on sale now.