Supergirl: Every Main Character’s First & Last Line

Supergirl: Every Main Character’s First & Last Line

Supergirl began as a coming-of-age hero story where a Kryptonian has to find their place in the world, both as a human and as a superhero. But as the show went on, the ensemble characters took on lives of their own and became fan favorites.

By the end of the show, nearly every character had changed into a better, stronger version of themselves. They pushed through adversity and grew out of their more immature traits. Looking at the characters’ first and last lines can show just how much each character grew over the show’s six seasons.


First: Any Response?

Last: Your Speech The Other Day… I Don’t Know If You Realize Right Now, But It Changed The Course Of Our Future. Empowering Everyone To Be A Hero Of Their Own Life. You Inspire Us. Always.

Supergirl: Every Main Character’s First & Last Line

Mon-El was one Supergirl character that had grown the most (even if most of that growth happened off-screen). When he was first introduced, his only goal was getting back to his own planet and people. He wasn’t exactly a villain, but he certainly wasn’t a hero.

After his trip to the future, however, Mon-El became a much more honorable character. Inspired by Supergirl’s legacy and his role in the Legion of Superheroes, he became a hero in his own right and was best when he was supporting Kara, telling her how much her courageous decisions made a difference in the future.

Kelly Olsen

First: I’m Next Of Kin.

Last: Bye, Esme. Be Good!

Kelly Olsen looking at her tablet in an office.

Kelly was always defined by her family in Supergirl, but it went from a half-hearted introduction involving her blood relative to an association with her chosen family. She was first introduced as James’s sister, and she had large shoes to fill. It took a while for audiences to be open to seeing her as a fresh character in her own right.

As the show went on, though, she began to prove her worth as a psychologist and as a hero. She found love with Alex, and in her attempts to help alien children, found her adoptive daughter. Her final line being about this chosen family was a fitting way to end her arc of claiming her own destiny.

Nia Nal

First: Excuse Me, Sorry, Sorry. Hold The Elevator!

Last: In Kara’s Defense, That Was Bad.

Nia Nal in full Dreamer costume

Nia entered the show as an outsider, trying to find her place in the already-established Super Friends. Nia was also a very scattered character when she began her tenure on the show. Her first line reflects that, with her running late to work and desperate for someone to hold the elevator.

However, it didn’t take long for Nia to integrate into the Super Friends because of her close relationship with Kara. Her final line reflects that, with her fitting seamlessly into game night. She is not insecure in jokingly criticizing J’onn on his charades attempt, and is comfortable with her dynamic with the rest of the team.


First: It’s You.

Last: Oh, Yes. By My Calculations, There’s A 100% Chance Nia And I Will Be Getting Married.

Brainy sitting in a chair with his hands together in Supergirl

Despite being the smartest character on Supergirl, Brainy’s first line shows off his more emotional side. He is introduced as a bit of a Superfan, excited to meet Kara after she had been made comatose by Reign. His excitement to meet her momentarily overshadows his cold, logical side, but he is still there to perform a necessary task.

Brainy went through a lot of growth to put his attachment to others before logic, and his final line reflects that he is now focused on a committed, loving relationship, rather than calculated idolization. The line directs his intellect and calculations toward the thing he wants most: a marriage with Nia.

Winn Schott Jr.

First: Did You See This? There Was An Armored Car Robbery Last Night.

Last: Looks Like You’re Next, Brainy.

Jeremy Jordan as Winn Schott in Supergirl

Winn starts the show as a conspiracy theorist with a fascination with aliens. His first line reflects his interest in this, as he is digging up potential sources of alien interaction.

His final line shows just how far he has come, as he has a casual conversation with an alien from the future. It’s nice to see his interests be fully realized before he heads back to the future himself to be with his alien wife and child.

James Olsen

First: I’ll Just Be A Minute.

Last: I Figured Out What I Really Wanted In Life.

James Olsen in a suit speaking to Lena Luthor

When James was first introduced, he was part of the reporting world Kara was trying to find a place in, and he was a connection with the established Superman canon. Because of that,  it was important that his entrance to the show be a big moment, thus the delay in his entrance.

As the show went on, he became a more grounded, developed character. Fans had high hopes for James Olsen’s Guardian and what he could do after he left National City, and he fulfilled them with his renewed interest in the free press. His end on the show was buying the Calvintown Gazette and fighting for justice on a local scale. His final line shows his contentment with that decision.

Lena Luthor

First: There’s A Perfectly Reasonable Explanation For Why I Wasn’t Aboard The Venture Yesterday.

Last: You’ve Made Me A Better Person. Thank You.

Lena Luthor sitting at her desk.

Lena Luthor started the show as a suspect, as was to be expected for a character with the last name Luthor. She had to justify her absence on the Venture and continued to have to defend herself for the rest of the season.

Because that was where the character started, it would only make sense for her to become trusted by the end of the show. And her last line certainly reflects that. She is a member of the Super Friends, but more specifically, she is Kara’s best and most trusted friend.

J’onn J’onzz

First: Made Of Low-Grade Kryptonite. Radioactive Material From Your Home Planet.

Last: No. It’s The Adventures Of Tintin.

Martian Manhunter J'onn J'onzz meets the Monitor in Supergirl

When J’onn began his tenure on Supergirl, he was in hiding as Hank Henshaw. He entered the show as an antagonist to Kara, using Kryptonite against her to keep control and play his role. Thankfully, he was soon able to be honest about who he was and what his real feelings were, giving him more of a paternal role to Alex and Kara.

This changed relationship is reflected in his final line, as he is trying to get the girls to understand his meaning in a game of charades. He is no longer a threat to Supergirl, unless losing charades counts as a battle lost.

Alex Danvers

First: I Have A Conference In Geneva And I Need To Be On A Plane In 2 Hours.

Last: Well, If You Think Getting Sappy On Us Is Going To Let Us Go Any Easier On You, Then You’ve Got Another Thing Coming, So.

Supergirl Season 2 Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers

Alex had some of the best story arcs on Supergirl, including several that improved her bonds with Kara and the rest of the Superfamily. When she began on the show, it was clear she loved Kara, but she often put her professional life first. Outside of Kara, her life was her work at the DEO.

Alex reoriented her priorities over the course of Supergirl to focus on expanding her family and embracing the things she wanted most out of life. By the end, she has a wonderful wife and daughter, and though she remains competitive and focused on her work, those things are always in service to her family.

Kara Zor-El

First: My Name Is Kara Zor-El.

Last: She’s Ruthless And Drunk.

Kara Gets Ready To Change in Supergirl

Supergirl is a show which heavily revolves around identity, and that is best seen through Kara’s first line, in which she identifies herself by her Kryptonian name. Despite having lived on Earth for several years and making a life for herself, Kara struggled to balance Kara Danvers with Supergirl.

The finale shows the final evolution of this struggle, with Kara deciding to reveal her true identity to the world, embracing every side of herself openly. This change can be seen in her last line, where she is able to be carefree and open with all the people she loves.