Supergirl Casts Merlin’s Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor

Supergirl Casts Merlin’s Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor

Supergirl Casts Merlin’s Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor

Supergirl may have been cast aside by CBS and relegated to its younger sibling The CW, but that does not mean the show’s production is slowing down at all. Despite a lower budget and moving filming from Los Angeles to Vancouver, the show has stayed in the public eye thanks to a series of casting announcements indicating that there will be a number of new characters for season 2, including DC’s biggest superhero of all time.

The move to The CW means that Supergirl will see plenty of crossovers with its new siblings ArrowThe Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow, potentially including John Barrowman as Malcolm Merlyn and Katie Cassidy as Black Canary and/or Black Siren. Some new actors will be joining the roster, too, including Floriana Lima as Maggie Sawyer, and of course, Tyler Hoechlin as Clark Kent/Superman. With the addition of Superman comes the possibility of bringing more of his nemeses along for the ride, and the siblings of those nemeses as well with Lex Luthor’s sister, Lena Luthor, being added to the lineup.

While it was previously unknown who would play Lena Luthor, TVLine now reports that it will be Merlin‘s Katie McGrath. McGrath played the villainous Morgana Pendragon in Merlin, but it is unclear if her role in Supergirl will be as hero, villain, or somewhere in between. According to TVLine, finding that out will be part of Supergirl’s mission in season 2:

“Beautiful, powerful, and enigmatic, Lena arrives in National City on the heels of brother Lex’s incarceration hoping for a fresh start. Lena has taken over as CEO of her family’s billion-dollar-tech company, Luthor Corp, which has been tarnished by Lex’s evil infamy. Her goal? To re-brand the empire as a force for good. Lena wants to be seen as her own person, separate from her brother. Kara is drawn into Lena’s sphere and must determine if she is friend or foe.”

Merlin - Lady Morgana - Katie McGrath

The mention of Lex Luthor’s incarceration means that he will likely not be appearing in the show himself, unless it is in some sort of Hannibal Lecter-esque cameo from within prison walls. With Superman in the mix now, however, a prison break for Lex would be quite the way to end the season, especially if it led to his involvement with the Legion of Doom being formed in the next season of Legends of Tomorrow.

Whether any of that will come to pass is pure speculation, as is whether Lena Luthor will turn out to be on her brother’s side or an ally to Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) as she takes on the numerous other threats awaiting her both on her home turf and in Metropolis. Viewers will have a chance to find out for themselves, though, when season 2 hits The CW this October.

Next: Supergirl Will Be Focus of Flash, Arrow, & Legends Crossover

The Flash season 3 will premiere Tuesday, October 4th at 8pm on The CW, Arrow season 5 will premiere in the same time slot on Wednesday, October 5th, Supergirl season 2 on Monday, October 10th, and Legends of Tomorrowseason 2 on Thursday, October 13th.